How decisive is self-inserting for you? (Poll)

How decisive is self inserting for you?

  • 1: I won't play a game meant for self-inserting.

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • 2: I'd rather not self-insert.

    Votes: 17 20.7%
  • 3: I don't care.

    Votes: 30 36.6%
  • 4: I would rather self insert.

    Votes: 19 23.2%
  • 5: I only play games meant to self insert.

    Votes: 12 14.6%

  • Total voters


Oct 15, 2017
I'm fine with either, but if I'm playing a set character then make it an interesting one. At the same time if a game is set up for me to self insert then don't force my character to make stupid decisions without my input.


May 18, 2021
If a game is designed in such a way as to have the player take control of a main character, and experience the 'game world' through that character, where is the distinction between self-inserting and not self-inserting?
I think the difference is that a self-insert is literally meant to be you, and the latter is just your avatar.

In choice-heavy games like Fallout: New Vegas and Undertale, your first run or so might have you self insert as the protagonist, and choose as you would in that situation. However, your next runs become more and more about seeking each bit of content available. Maybe this run I'll see what the Legion is about, or maybe I'll spare all the monsters this time. The protagonist stops representing you and becomes more of an avatar for experiencing the game's content.

For 'self-insert' games (which I can only really find examples of here), the choices you can make are less radical. No matter the choices, the protagonist can still somewhat represent you. You usually can't go on mass-muder rampages or join terrorist organizations, because that's what an avatar seeking to experience everything would want to do, so the game doesn't let you.

Of course, I am a little biased about this so maybe I am wrong.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2018
I don't really self insert as much as I role play... but even then, I feel like many of the options I am presented with aren't really suitable for who I want the character to be. This would be way more accentuated if I was self-inserting because I don't think I've seen a game that has actions and options that I myself would take in that situation.