If I understood your problem correctly, the answer is in the "
You must be registered to see the links
". The best option being to put window auto somewhere in your "start" label. The the dial box will be automatically shown when there's a dialog line, and automatically hidden when there's nothing.
label your_label:
image movie = Movie(size=(1280, 720), xpos=0, ypos=0, xanchor=0, yanchor=0) ### You need this line just 1 time in your code
play movie "movies/your_movie_1.webm" loop ## Define movie1 with loop
show movie with fade ## show movie1
"..." ## dialogue (movie is playing in the backgroud)
pause ## pause with no dialogue (movie is playing in the backgroud too)
"..." ## more dialogue (movie is playing in the backgroud)
hide movie with dissolve ## Hide movie1
play movie "movies/your_movie_2.webm" ## Define movie2 without loop
show movie with fade ## show movie2
pause 5.0 ### pause to see the video (can be forced is you want)
scene your_next scene ## The image you want to display after movie2 stop
stop movie ### stop any video to be able to continue with images
"..." ## dialogue