How do I make videos in Ren'py move on to the next screen when the video ends?

Deleted member 1610159

Game Developer
Aug 26, 2019
If I understood your problem correctly, the answer is in the " ". The best option being to put window auto somewhere in your "start" label. The the dial box will be automatically shown when there's a dialog line, and automatically hidden when there's nothing.

Edit:Corrected the link.
Wow buddy. Thanks so much. it really helped me a lot. Thanks again.


Game Developer
Dec 30, 2020
Try this way:

label your_label:
     image movie = Movie(size=(1280, 720), xpos=0, ypos=0, xanchor=0, yanchor=0)   ### You need this line just 1 time in your code

     play movie "movies/your_movie_1.webm" loop   ## Define movie1 with loop
     show movie with fade  ## show movie1
     "..."   ## dialogue (movie is playing in the backgroud)
     pause  ## pause with no dialogue (movie is playing in the backgroud too)
     "..."   ## more dialogue (movie is playing in the backgroud)
     hide movie with dissolve  ## Hide movie1

     play movie "movies/your_movie_2.webm"   ## Define movie2 without loop
     show movie with fade  ## show movie2
     pause 5.0   ### pause to see the video (can be forced is you want)

     scene your_next scene   ## The image you want to display after movie2 stop
     stop movie  ### stop any video to be able to continue with images
     "..." ## dialogue
thank you very much your suggestion worked for me