VN - Ren'Py - How I Became a Hero [Ch.9] [Naughty tales studios]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Yet another game where you play as a young hairless beta male that's whisked away to another world of fantasy. Look, nothing here is very good. The writing is awkward and you can tell that the writer is not a native English speaker, the girls are nothing special and very bland and mediocre and there are no real choices to be had here. The only thing that could be considered refreshing, interesting, or new is that at first you play as a blind person, but he regains his vision as soon as you disappear into this fantasy land so that uniqueness is completely erased. Overall, this is just a bland and mediocre fantasy game with another hairless beta MC that's still in school.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    a great job!!
    I really love how he manages to connect the story well with the MC and despite all the problems he has to go through, he manages to find a place where he belongs.
    Plus the animations look very good.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Easy 5 stars on this one.

    This story has some fun worldbuilding, and the plot gains points for not being too predictable or jamming an H-scene into every interaction MC has with a woman. It feels like the dev has put considerable though into the story and that's been reflected in the released content to date.

    Characters get two thumbs up. There's some cartoonishly proportioned characters, which aren't my style, but there's also a few who are realistically proportioned. Erdie is one of the better-done examples of a plus-sized woman on here, for those who are into that. I appreciate devs who take the time to render plus sized characters in a way that's realistic.

    Fetishes are fun, I'm not a huge lactation fan but the cow/human worked for me. Some good urination content if that's your thing, hoping for more in the future.

    There's some clunky non-native English, but it seems like it ironed itself out after the first few chapters.

    Excited for future releases of this one to see where the plot goes!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Brilliant characters that feel unique.
    Engaging story that doesn't feel like a copy paste isekai.
    Renders are fantastic and great quality.
    Sister is SMOKIN hot lol.

    Dev, keep up the great work and I would highly recommend this game for really anyone. I've been playing AVN's for only about a year and a half now but I've blown through so many this year alone, being able to work from home, and I have to say this is easily in my top 3.
  5. 4.00 star(s)



    For starters i just wanna say i don't overrate stuff so i hope my review will be helpfull.

    I follow quite often this website and the first time i try this one (as i'm surprised to see this one so good). The models quite diverse made me try it btw and the theme sounded good.

    Story: Medfan quite standard and suddently a lot of surprises. Just the start, the premise is different. I won't oversale the product that's quite good but not great. The whole tone of the dialogues is appreciated . Btw this title made me think a lot of sorcerer and that's good story wise.

    Characters: All a little too slutty sometimes worst than that. But very diverse even if the graphical engine is outdated, the overall quality is good at good enough.

    Sounds: There is and that's already 1 star ^^ I hope, dream about dev learning that music is a must have in those titles. Good OST not great.

    Sex: There's a lot for everyone. Quite too fast for my taste (i'm of those corruption guy ^^ ) but good shit. Some characters are gorgeous.

    Overall: 4/5 because.... this is a pure VN, no choice... no game :( At least once i got feverish because i thought the author was changing the style of this game when asked some serious question but then overall you just read the game and that's all. If VN is good for you then may be add a 5th star, may be!!!

  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for How I Became a Hero [Ch.6]:

    Overall: 4/5 - I never even knew of this game before a couple days ago, but after playing Ch6, I'm impressed and will follow it through future updates.

    Story: 4/5 - The story is intriguing and entertaining. I can't deny it's good. There are some plot holes, though. The story talks about "worlds" as if the people are aware of other worlds, but it's not explained at all. I wouldn't call the story great, but it's an adult game and it kept my attention, and that's saying something.

    Writing: 3.5/5 - The English is better than average, but not great. There are a lot of awkward translations and a few that are really poor.

    Renders: 3.5/5 - The renders are really good, but some of the early content with the blind MC was pretty bad. Any player that's been around blind people a lot know that the canes blind people use don't look like that and blind people don't study like that (I am such a player).

    Animations: 4/5 - The animations are decent. Not perfect and not frequent enough, but _way_ better than average.

    Content: 4/5 - Both the quantity and quality of lewd content are about right. Definitely better than average, but not outstanding.

    Gameplay: 4.5/5 - The gameplay seems to center around choices that allow the player to choose which characters the MC should interact with in future lewd content. I consider that nearly ideal for an adult game. Strangely, the game really looks like it was designed to be a sandbox, but that idea was later dropped. I'm not really sure what to think about it.

    Bugs: 5/5 - I didn't encounter any bugs.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game so far!

    The story is really good, the characters a good, and it's quite hot too. I hope to see more in future updates.

    Especially that squirt and pee content, I hope it will be expanded.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    A tremendous game/vn so far (ch 6), I feel the character development has been at a sensible ratio to events, with an interesting main storyline development which is compelling to follow

    A storyline I look forward to seeing develop

    A passing criticism would be some of the female proportions sometimes appear inconsistent (particularly breasts and genitals), and the ears on elf characters also occaisionally interchange between pointy and regular, but thats not enough to detract from the overall rating
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the better games out there! It has a good mix of story and erotic content without being too verbose or the sex scenes being too rushed and not making sense. The story is engaging and appears to be well thought out. The sex scenes are hot, as are the women, and there are a variety of women in all shapes and sizes for potential lewd activities. I really hope we get into something with the freckled redhead cook!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    My favourite genre...a coming of age fantasy story. Even better, it's filled with loving, caring people. MC has lived a very sheltered life and is very naive, trusting, full of energy and with a love for life. People haven't been taking advantage of him so far, but it seems a matter of time before his bubble is burst, or at least he realizes that you can't trust everyone.

    Story is awesome (if a bit mundane so far but the title suggests it will build to hopefully epic proportions), graphics are amazing and characters are beautiful inside and out. This is my type of AVN for sure.

    Kuggazer, please don't pay too much attention to critics (and haters). They have no idea of how difficult and time consuming it is to make an AVN of this are doing an incredible job in my opinion. (y)(y)
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is really great so far. Not perfect, but really nice experience overall.

    First of all the game looks very nice in general. The renders are good quality. No weird expressions or terrible animation to detract from the visuals. The characters look good and there is actual variation in their looks which is nice, as opposed to just 28 instagram thots with different hairstyles walking around.

    The one major criticism I would have is the english translation is not great. There's a lot of weird syntax and bad grammar. You can still get a sense for the intended meaning underneath the bad english, but the dev should really think about getting someone to help edit the translation.

    Past that, the writing is pretty good. A lot of lighthearted adventures, and the characters feel very genuine. The sexual scenarios are interesting and don't feel like an afterthought (unlike a lot of these games). Its a nice experience that feels positive and interesting.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I haven't played a game like this in a long time. The visuals are great, as are the animations; the writing is good, although there are some spots that don't quite hit but not enough to take you out of the story; and the story itself seems to be an actual story, and you can see little plot points coming together, which is really nice to see.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for Ch.5

    I read before playing that this game started as a sandbox, but then later got converted into a more standard visual novel. Well, you can definitely tell. And that's not a good thing.

    The game feels like it doesn't know where it's going. It's very clear the dev had created a bunch of random events to put into a sandbox game, and since that got axed, is now just trying to sew them all together. It feels rather disjointed and random because of this.

    It doesn't help that the writing isn't that strong in the first place. Translation problems aside, the game just isn't interesting beyond the initial concept. Playing as a blind MC who suddenly gains vision sounded pretty unique for a AVN actually, but then the game does absolutely nothing with it. What happens when we suddenly gain vision for the first time in our life? "Wow the sky is blue and the grass is green!" That's it. That's all we get before the MC moves on to becoming the very bog standard nice guy who occasionally throws in a swear word.

    Characters failed to make an impression on me, the story quickly begins to go absolutely nowhere, and the overall writing just isn't that good. The renders look fine and its got some good character models, but that is not nearly enough for me. Probably not a game for me at the end of the day.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has potential, I think other reviewers have touched on both the positives and negatives but this game could be higher, removing the sandbox was a great idea, sandbox games require the sandbox element to be meaningful and even still I'm not a huge fan of the premise of said games, so the author made a good choice there.

    However, if you look at my previous review history, you know I am critical of the main character, and I can't believe people are still picking models like this for a human male 18-year-old boy. Don't get me wrong, some people look like that, but it is such a common theme in many games that it doesn't set them apart from the many other games in this category. I always dislike when the MC is either too small or jacked and shredded, I think making them just an average, good-looking dude is the way to go in terms of character design usually.

    I drop another star because the choices don't matter. At least not really, I feel like I get railroaded into having sex with people even if I don't necessarily want to. I get it, it's a porn game, but great porn games allow us to choose how it is played. You can act a little differently so that's great, but they still result in the same outcome so what's the point?

    It's hard to change the model of the MC so I probably won't play this game more. I find it hard to place myself in the MC's shoes as well, but I do think the writer/creator has a good setting and solid writing, but the lack of meaningful choices or an MC I can relate to drags it down, but I would love to play a different game from the author if is more up my alley, because they did a great job of the renders! This game is closer to a 4-star than a 2-star, probably a 3.5-star if I could do it just based on the quality of the characters.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Chapter 4:
    Renders and animations (the few that are in the game so far) are very good. Characters are very diverse, interesting and likeable. Story is so far doesn't blow you away but is interesting enough.
    There really are almost no choices, it's pretty much a kinetic novel.
    I would really like for the dev to add some text to the lewd scenes (dialogue, descriptions, thoughts), just anything to give them a little more spice.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm gonna be brutally honest here.

    The game is fairly pretty. The renders are nice and the character models are solid and have some variety. The animations are okay, fluid enough, but not posed exceptionally well or anything like that.

    The writing is pretty subpar. The dialogue is fine (kind of impressive actually since I think the Dev is Italian?), but the game feels simultaneously bloated with constant conversation and endless filler scenes, but also empty. Nothing happens. The main concept, falling into another world is great. The MC's angst about not getting to go home is great. But its waaaaaay underdeveloped.

    Is this story Peter Pan trying to escape Neverland or the Witcher trying to put his mark on a cold uncaring world? What is the point of the first chapter with the family if all those characters are just abandoned? IMO, This game needs a ground up rewrite.

    A. Change the main plot. You want incest? Fine, do incest. Have the MC at first gleeful about exploring a new world (this already sort of happens but make it last longer), only for him to grown despondent when the elves tell him he will probably never go home again. Chapter 1 therefor needs to be about 50% longer to end on this note.

    Then Chapter 2 is him adjusting to his new reality, months pass, he finds ways to fit in, learn about the world, try to make a place in it. Only for another twist at the end of Chapter 2 to be....HIS SISTER ends up there too and she is captured by the orcs, not the elves. Suddenly the 'gift' of him getting to travel to this new world feels more sinister, even frightening. Will his whole family be forcibly relocated here? And can he keep them safe if he doesn't know how they are being transported, when or even why?

    Chapter 3 he rescues the sis, develops some relationship, blah blah blah, the story basically writes itself.


    Cut out the entire first chapter. Instead our MC is found in his new world BY an old elf as a baby. He's possibly the last of his kind. Then continue with whatever story is currently in there.

    The problem is HIBAH currently wastes a TON of time and scenes on stuff that isn't even going to be in the game after one chapter. The dev needs to be economical with his stuff.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    I played the previous sandbox version and had an irresistible impression: what is it for.
    I see that author also and he removed this unnecessary element.

    The story itself is interesting in second world, it develops nicely... But I totally don't know what this long introduction was for in our world.
    I would understand the meaning of the two worlds if at beginning it was shown abandoning a child by someone traveling between worlds ... But it's totally unrelated, so why 2worlds?
    Ok, it would be nice if MC would come back from time to time to his world - a clash of a sighted person with a blind person, showing if time in his world passes 1:1 with the other, etc.
    ... but so far I don't know what the sense is in this two-worlds.

    But the game is nice for watch and reading and worth recommending - pure VN (no choices that affect the gameplay (except the giantess for now)...)
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The graphic quality and the script are very good. There is a lot of art in this novel. The characters are very diverse and although the environment in which the protagonist moves is very clean, both the mystery and some characters and the erotic moments make reading pleasant. get into the plot. I wish to read other chapter soon..
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is really nasty. If you into those kinds of kinks then its definitely for you.
    Renders are decent but they feel old, like where the heart is type old.

    Fortunately if you're into anything but vanilla sex then this is the game for you guys. If not stay away from it, the human world characters are just there you basically spend 90% of the game with the fantasy ones and you have no say in who you bed or meet.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    I like the graphics. The premise works and the story has room to grow.

    There are two big issues. The first is the lack of choices. You get none until chapter 4, and they are all related to pursuing characters, but in no way branch the plot.

    The second issue is the MC. I understand being a bit sheltered and inhibited from his disability, but he comes across as naïve, a bit dumb, and too quick to just say things without a filter that no person would ever actually say. Both before and after he shifts worlds.
    He feels like playing an overly nice 12 year old, without a filter, doing his best to act like an adult.

    I don't want to be harsh. There is real potential here. But it's like walking barefoot down a gorgeous country path, only to keep stubbing your toe on rocks you didn't see until you walked into them. The path would be nicer if someone got rid of the damn rocks. The game would be worth 5 stars if it gave you some meaningful choices and had an MC who acted more like an adult.