VN - Ren'Py - How to Lose One's Virginity [v0.93 Patreon] [GPoint]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    This one was almost painful to play. It starts off at like a 0 and you want to quit in the very first scene or two.

    The mc is extremely unlikeable, he's the kind of nerd that gets picked on, but he's not intelligent, or even street smart. He's the slow neandrathal type. It doesn't help that he also has a haircut kind of like Jeff Daniels in Dumb and Dumber. He also dresses like he's some rural bumpkin, which doesn't make much sense, given the setting and the fact that the people he lives with seem well off and they all dress well.

    The writing, the dialogue and all the character interactions remind me of that movie Showgirls, like an alien who was trying to understand human behavior wrote it. It's one of those games where people describe boobs as 'cool.' There isn't any clever writing, no build up, no setup and payoff, it all just clumsily happens. There was a tiny flicker of hope for a bit, after the bad start. It felt like the game had rounded a corner and was going to start to build momentum and it'd end up like one of those 90s ugly duckling movies, but that didn't happen. The very next scene and the mc is back in full clown makeup.

    Pros: female renders look good; animation is fairly smooth; game actually uses sound, which is always a nice bonus.

    Cons: the writing, every written word, sentence, the thinking behind it. If there was a do not cringe challenge, you couldn't win, it's nonstop! Being a kinetic novel it's compounded in that you are setting sail on a stupid vessel and this game will make you feel very dumb for playing it. I didn't even make it to the 'superman' part that other people were complaining about before I had to tap out.

    I wish I could say nicer things, but aside from the female models there isn't much here. It's a shallow take on a well trodden trope, devoid of charm, humor, or wit.

    tl;dr If you're curious, download for the gallery. If you play the game, try not to cringe.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    It has a nice Story , not to fancy but still very good . -
    Not the best grapic´s but still very cool game.
    No grinding but no much choiches for it too.
    Looks promising , even when i hope he fix the graphics.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Don’t be too hard on this kinetic novel at the beginning, it’s quite bad at the start, but give it a chance and let it flows because after a while you’ll see something changing and the whole story becoming a bit more interesting. You have to be into inc*st though, as this is the main focus of the story, you can’t avoid it, you’ll get to bang the 3 girls of the house eventually. The women are all rather cute, especially Annabel and Bella (not a fan of Chloe but that’s just me), and the sex scenes are animated and not bad at all so that’s a big plus.

    Don’t get me wrong, it’s still not a top-notch VN, the story is average and most the dialogues are not that interesting, but the twist from MC being a spineless loser to being a talented seducer is still worth it. So as I said, just give it a try till the end (release 0.9 as I write this) and form your own opinion, there are many many worse games here.

    Likes: Gojii
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    sk thunder

    It's a fap game which mostly focuses on renders and sex scenes. The plot is below average with conventional harem monotony and doesn't have anything new or interesting. I can see the dev doesn't want to prolong the game, so everything is pretty rushed and the conflict between characters are easily solved.

    I'm very much pro-harem but the story should be interesting. This game doesn't give me that even though visuals are excellent.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    This is very very meh. I couldn't decide between 2 and 3 star.

    The relationships setup at the start was well done as it didn't make any assumptions. The animations are well done. The renders are generally good.

    Unfortunately the writing still always assumes the blonde is your mother with the way she interacts, so the setting of relationships is wasted. There is quite a bit of bad English, with inept phrases like "on accident"

    The MC is fat with an insecure cartoon penis. He is supposed to be a loser but you couldn't tell because every women constantly throws themselves at him without reason.

    The models feel outdated and have very plastic skin and the same ugly vagina on each. The redhead seems to be slightly better than the others.

    The boobs are a mess. In most renders they seem pretty decent and realistic but in the actual sex scenes for no reason the boobs are suddenly way bigger.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    - Terrible story, illogical, strange behavior of characters.
    - There is no gameplay component, completely linear narrative, but very long dialogues
    - MC and main characters are veeeery stupid. Sex scenes are like watching the lives of the people with severe mental diseases - very unpleasant.
    + nice graphics and appearance of characters.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok, I'd like to write something insightful about this VN (more kinetic than VN), but what immediately leapt to mind was, "Damn, so hot!" See, not very insightful.

    All right, that's out of the way - now some salient comments. Does this VN have a great, in-depth story? No. Does it hit some of the usual tropes of the genre? Yep. Is the script sometimes - not badly - a bit off in terms of translation? Yes. Do I give a care after getting through the first hour? Nope.

    I do not expect high literature in, who are we fooling...VNs. I want a good set up, some tension, naughtiness, good renders and animations. Relevant sound is a bonus. This VN delivers. Depending on how you identify the three women living with you - you can make it an incest VN. Yes, I know - countless VNs like that, but I'm telling you the set up and premise on this one is different. No spoilers, but the scene with his "landlady" *wink* is epic. The animations and positions presented are top notch - easily some of the best animations on this site. Fluid and flowing. The facial expressions of the LIs are also something rarely seen. The detail is something else. Very few VNs have the variety of facial expressions - all relevant and all heighten the mood of the scenes. Variety of models all hot and not cookie cutter.

    If you can suspend belief - as you should for all these VNs - and not try to be a literary critic - this VN will definitely deliver the goods if simply looking for a nice moment of relaxation.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Certain aspects of the plot are ridiculous and things escalate a bit too quickly, but I like the concept, the character models are nice looking, the h-scenes are surprisingly well animated, and aside from some plot issues, I'm enjoying the writing. The house mates all have interesting relationship dynamics and nice banter with the MC. It's not a slow burn VN but at least it doesn't waste your time with unnecessary padding.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The premise is pretty stupid and it starts off generic. We've seen the loser MC with Sisters and Mother a million times.

    The initial scenes are fairly standard and follow porn logic. So far, so disappointing.

    BUT the writing gets better. The scenes and the women start to be more interesting in their motivations. The art, especially the expressions are excellent and make a huge difference.

    In the end, it's still a porn game, but I found Annabel's attitude towards sex interesting and I liked Kate's struggle with loneliness. I stopped skipping and began reading and I became invested. If you suspend your disbelief regarding the basic story, you'll find that the writing is engaging.

    So, great art, decent writing, stupid premise. All in all, worth checking out.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    The story is so bad and the plot is so cringe, it's so hard to play with this type of stuff going on.

    The MC has a microscopic brain or something proof is that he is on his last straw in his class and how do you even fall down from a building that obvious unless you have dementia.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    How to Lose One's Virginity [v0.8FE]

    • An excellent story emphasizing incest & poly amorous. Incest approach with mom was very unique and excellent. Mom’s reaction after knowing she enjoyed a most joyful sex with her own son is greatly expressed.
    • A uniqueness of story, more logical almost but for few (like the mom couldn’t identify her disguised son; Kind of accidental sex with elder sister, etc.,)
    • Excellent quality of image renders. Well portrayed the lewd facial emotions/expressions.
    • Good to have some lewd sound; but lot of improvement needed.
    • Excellent quality of animations.
    • Play ability, performance and grammar are all just OK no issue.

    • Spell errors
    • Mismatch of dialogues’
    • Other than the lewd expressions most of the normal facial expressions are terrible.
    • Lack of seductiveness in sexual approach
    • Few Errors:
    • Pseudonym; when the MC met Kate (the professor) no pseudonym but when come to his mom he is hidden with pseudonym; funny
    • One major error is that mom’s thoughts about the secret letter and thinking to visit to the club is not heard by son (which the specialty he had after the suicide attempt)
    For English knowledge the vocabulary is excellent
    Eagerly looking forward for next release
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Have to admit i did not manage to stick to it as long as i would have wanted, while graphics are fairly good the story and characters are just horrible.
    It's only use would be if it had an open gallery to watch the h-scenes and skip the story entirely.
    So in essence some modder might save what little there is to save with this, but as is i would avoid it like the plague.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Currently this is one of my favorit games on the site.
    Especially because of Bella and Annabel. The side LI-s (teacher and girl from the gym) also look nice and have interesting personalities. I hope the relationship with them will be developed further.
    Unfortunately Chloe, who is being set up as the main LI has the worst model from all LI-s and her personality is also annoying.

    The story is nothing great, MC starts off as a total, loser and an idiot but later he finds the strength to improve himself.
    After an accident he gains the ability to hear the thoughts of woman in some cases. This changes his luck with women, though he still acts like an idiot most of the time. At least he really puts in some effort to improve himself.

    The mindreading power could lead to some interesting story and situations but it doesn't play a role in most scenes and later on it becomes even more rare of an occurrence. Almost as if the dev wanted to phase it out completely. Clearly it doesn't play a big role in the story and only used as a convenient tool to provide the MC some extra confidence in some scenes.

    As such I think it would be better if it wasn't in the game at all.
    MC-s initial motivation to improve himself could simply come from his near death experience and some knowledge about how to treat some situation with girls could come from Bella as it even happens in some cases.

    The games is quite fast paced, I hope the ending won't be rushed and will be satisfactory for all LI-s, even for the side girls.

    Graphics and animations is 3-4/5 stars.
    Character models 4/5.
    Story 2,5/5.

    If not for Bella, Annabel and maybe the teacher this game would only be average at best. But because of them I give it 4 stars.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is very decent, with lively dialogues. The standard scenario is revealed by non-standard situations. This is very close to 5 stars. I hope the author will have enough strength to maintain the level.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Well after a very slow week on F95 I tried this again. I don't usually redo my reviews but once you get passed the opening the game isn't that bad. The MC changes quite a bit and the story is easier to put up with when he gets in shape etc.

    The story is still pretty silly at times though. His teacher and Mom not recognizing him at the club is really out there considering they had sex with him after talking with him for awhile at the club.. Sure he changed his hair and clothes but seriously....

    The rest of it is pretty standard harem stuff which so far works pretty good. I personally like the competition between the women. I hope it continues instead of following the usual lesbo harem. The three main women are all the usual types, sexually frustrated and lonely mom, the crazy sister and the bitchy sister. They do eventually develop more depth which again rescues the game from it's beginning.

    The base art assets are pretty decent. The sad thing is the expressions really take away from the characters. The expressions are pushed too far and distort the faces in weird ways. It's not a deal breaker but it doesn't do much for the game.

    Anyway, I redid my review from 1 star to 3. The game isn't that bad and comes close to being good at times. The first part is still pretty silly I think and gives a bad impression of the game which will get better later.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    This was one of those timeless examples of a good underlying effort game that ends up shooting itself in the foot without a fluent english proofreader. The review a couple posts down really nailed it while pointing out that the writing resides in this uncanny state where it really would be better off if it was worse. Which at least for me just made it more off putting then usual.

    On top of that the story itself was clearly in a massive rush to get to full sex scene payouts. If like me you prefer gradual buildup and/or a sense of accomplishment with your might want to skip this one by.

    Which is a shame too, since the girls and animated sex scenes themselves are pretty solid. Enough so that it would feel wrong to give this game less then an average rating. It's a decent "download for one fap and probably never care for playing again" pick on that night nothing else popping up on the update looks interesting.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game! The renders look good, the story is funny, the dev seems to care for the project and I really like that there are no choices all the time where one needs to be careful not to miss anything. I also like how this VN motivates readers to work on themselves like the MC does.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    I thought the game was really good!
    In my opinion, the graphics and animations are excellent too. The plot isn't bad either. I'm very curious to know how the game will end, especially with what was said by the developer.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Appealing so far. Great models, nice animations, promising things to come.

    I have to take two whole stars off because the English is not great. It's in that uncanny valley state where it might be better if it was worse, if that makes sense. It's just wrong enough to really bother you when you see it.

    If you're going to release a game in a language you do not speak fluently, have a proofreader who is fluent in that language.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the quality of the renders. Looking forward to further developments in the story. There is enough originality in the story line, that the little twists from other stories using similar tags, make it a legitimate stand alone game, that is worth the time to play through. I feel the attention to detail on this game is up there with the best of them