How to make hentai adult porn MMOs not gay

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Making it a Hazbin Hotel+Helluva Boss themed MMO is one step to what can attract the female audience since that fandom is nothing but chromosome pair XX,
Yeah, because everyone know that the Hazbin Hotel+Helluva Boss theme will make them forget that it's a MMO made by and for incels. They'll see Charlie Morningstar, Vaggie and the others, and totally not care to be surrounded by nicknames like Ilove8008135, xXx-suckMyDick-xXx and other makeMeASandwich95.

[...] as long as we don't allow the NPC to be gay or lesbian [...]
Wanting to ban everything that isn't straight, in a game that would have for theme two series created by a bisexual woman, with the clear intent to denounce the discrimination against the LGBT+ community...

God, nowadays trolls don't even try to looks legit :FacePalm:


Mar 11, 2024
Yeah, because everyone know that the Hazbin Hotel+Helluva Boss theme will make them forget that it's a MMO made by and for incels. They'll see Charlie Morningstar, Vaggie and the others, and totally not care to be surrounded by nicknames like Ilove8008135, xXx-suckMyDick-xXx and other makeMeASandwich95.

Wanting to ban everything that isn't straight, in a game that would have for theme two series created by a bisexual woman, with the clear intent to denounce the discrimination against the LGBT+ community...

God, nowadays trolls don't even try to looks legit :FacePalm:
Who said I was trolling? ;)

Don't forget all the pinkxlove, Nightwish, AmyRose336, Angel314qcute, Angel Morninstar999 usernames that MIGHT be girls or even girls pretending to be dudes which I'd fix easily.

"Wanting to ban everything that isn't straight, in a game that would have for theme two series created by a bisexual woman, with the clear intent to denounce the discrimination against the LGBT+ community..."
Please don't start me on that spanish richfaggotress. She's as naturally sexist and dumb as the creator of Steven Universe.
Not to mention just as ugly and unfeminine.

They both ironically made LGBTQ look like the joke it is and made straight couples look healthy and various truthful stereotypes about men & women be true in their show. Steven is finally a respectable human being when he gets buff. Steven & his dad turns bi women straight. Steven has to fix all the problems of these angsty screeching women, even the big butch masculine one has a fissy fit and goes back to her 2 smaller forms. Women are known for their beauty, but Sugar can't draw something aesthetic to save "her" life and looks like a jewish boy or a tranny of some sorts, she pretends Steven is ugly while everyone else is equally ugly and fat or big boned & big nosed.
HazbinHotel had the stupid moth girl named after genitals be an afterthought and it showed. Even in-show she had 0 chemistry with the main character and made Charlie have chemistry with everyone else but her, which in-show proved lesbians are dogshit at relationshits.
In Helluva Boss the only bi/gay couple ends up being a piece of shit relationshit where one uses the other for money and the third one acts like Paris Hilton at the age of 8. So again gays are a joke, stop going against biology.

It just isn't natural and it's contradicting for in a LGBT shit for there to exist a bride and a groom when that's the whole point of two masculine men to be in love and two feminine women to be in love. That is the whole point, but they don't cause they either had too much genitals in their life and got bored or they got raped by one in their childhood or had a very nasty experience with the opposite sex, so 99.99999999% (not even 99.88%) end up being simply confused retards who weren't even born that way, they were educated that way. It's beyond rare to be born a certain way with 0 environmental factors. I don't think even hermaphrodites have their brains screwed up, merely their genitals. The original trannies before they turned it into a stylistic war like botox duck lips on the level of african rights passage. Might as well become paraplegic cause it's the fad... this fad has been exaggerated a bit too much in the past 14 years. What economic crisis bring to the world and how the elites take advantage of it to control the masses and the dumbasses masses that fall for it(often the ones with money). Aahh another beautiful critique that grabs you by the balls and goes under your skin as opposed to an outsider's perspective or worse; a brainwashed insider's perspective.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Who said I was trolling? ;)
Well, either you're trolling, or you're locked in your parents basement after your father found you trying to rape your sister. With such level of incels vibrations, there's no in between possible.
  • Haha
Reactions: Rafster


Mar 11, 2024
Well, either you're trolling, or you're locked in your parents basement after your father found you trying to rape your sister. With such level of incels vibrations, there's no in between possible.
They're called beta, virgin, omega, etc. "vibrations" you gen-Z hippy.
Tsch your generation considers anything a virgin. "But I'm 41 you little shi- !!" and I'm almost 30!!! and unlike you 50-70 year old fags I never fell for taking the internet seriously meme, I never consider Tumblr normal, I never consider 4chan normal in the head, I never take /pol/ seriously beyond when they tell me water is wet and the sky is blue. I don't stick my eyes in a phone.

Unlike you old grandpas I never ever betrayed myself by ever sucking 2010s cock media and forgetting the 2000s. I never used disgusting 2010s idioms like "hater" instead of critic and ranter. The 2000s will forever be the best time, it's too bad they ended as early as 2005. I don't give a shit about the twin tours, I'm an Eurofag. I don't cry over gypsy-jews, gypsy-jews cry over me when I smirk at their parlor tricks.
Here's a meme for you; I consider myself the omega, I give no shits about appearances and do whatever I want and I say it like it is, unlike the alpha that leads and is obsessed with maintaining appearances and the majority vote, I the omega, simply go against the grain, I make no friends, I tell it like it is and you fucking know I'm right even when you keep begging for my sympathy, my love, my tears and for me chill out and be more like an Alpha. I will never chill. Find yourself an alpha like the sheep you are, this omega is a lone wolf. I don't orbit other people, I orbit myself. I don't smile at you happily like some school cheerleader trying to earn the respect of sheeple, I take it.


Mayor of Sutton
Game Developer
Oct 7, 2021
They're called beta, virgin, omega, etc. "vibrations" you gen-Z hippy.
Tsch your generation considers anything a virgin. "But I'm 41 you little shi- !!" and I'm almost 30!!! and unlike you 50-70 year old fags I never fell for taking the internet seriously meme, I never consider Tumblr normal, I never consider 4chan normal in the head, I never take /pol/ seriously beyond when they tell me water is wet and the sky is blue. I don't stick my eyes in a phone.

Unlike you old grandpas I never ever betrayed myself by ever sucking 2010s cock media and forgetting the 2000s. I never used disgusting 2010s idioms like "hater" instead of critic and ranter. The 2000s will forever be the best time, it's too bad they ended as early as 2005. I don't give a shit about the twin tours, I'm an Eurofag. I don't cry over gypsy-jews, gypsy-jews cry over me when I smirk at their parlor tricks.
Here's a meme for you; I consider myself the omega, I give no shits about appearances and do whatever I want and I say it like it is, unlike the alpha that leads and is obsessed with maintaining appearances and the majority vote, I the omega, simply go against the grain, I make no friends, I tell it like it is and you fucking know I'm right even when you keep begging for my sympathy, my love, my tears and for me chill out and be more like an Alpha. I will never chill. Find yourself an alpha like the sheep you are, this omega is a lone wolf. I don't orbit other people, I orbit myself. I don't smile at you happily like some school cheerleader trying to earn the respect of sheeple, I take it.
Take your meds.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
[...] and I'm almost 30!!! [...]
The 2000s will forever be the best time, it's too bad they ended as early as 2005.
If you're almost 30, you were at most 11yo in 2005. What you miss isn't the 00's spirit, it's your mom's tucking you tight at night.

[...] I never fell for taking the internet seriously [...]
Yeah, sure, you clearly aren't the kind of guy who would have
[...] made this account solely to discuss in-depth ideas about porn/hentai. [...] hoping to create a GDD that answers design & technical questions when trying to create the framework for a a new generation of hentai games [...]

Here's a meme for you; I consider myself the omega, [...]
Here's a truth for you:

Peoples who really are like you pretend to be do not feel the need to brag about it, especially on a media they claim to not take seriously.

I give no shits about appearances [...]
Yet goes for a long angry rant, trying to present yourself as better than me, because I dared to say that you are virgin :FacePalm:
  • Hey there
Reactions: lolzorzs


Mar 11, 2024
No, I definitely miss the 2000s, it's rebellious and sleek nature, I especially miss the fashion of it. Everyone actually looked mature and not like a walking hippy and walking ad like the 80s, 90s and 2010s that's an amalgamation of everything but the kitchen sink and the 2020s is just the same as the 2010s, they still refuse to take off those bottle glasses.

We're not the same you and I. I don't browse /b/ and other shit boards, I browsed /tg/, /v/, /co/, /g/ and /diy/. You still don't want to understand that you're ruled by emotions just like me, except we are fucking different and I am tired of you not acknowledging we are different. Because you care about appearances, I don't. Because you need to be bragged to to get it through thick head, you enjoy being bragged to, it's in your nature. Except that I'm using an honest way instead of a bullshitting way. I don't carry honey, I carry vinegar.
Take your meds.
2015s called, it was its meds back. Never you coward. They slow the mind.

His problematic posts are an example of why women are avoiding sites like this or pretending to be men in any other forum. They are harassed enough as gamers on YouTube, Twitch, etc.
Women avoid websites cause they have nothing to do with technology just like most normal people avoided forums, only nerds and video game players used to hang out on the internet. Now smartphones ruined everything.
However women absolutely did not avoid Facebook, albeit it was usually a bunch of weirdos too.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
No, I definitely miss the 2000s, it's rebellious and sleek nature, I especially miss the fashion of it. Everyone actually looked mature and not like a walking hippy and walking ad like the 80s, 90s and 2010s [...]
, :FacePalm:

Because you care about appearances, I don't. [...]
Yet you felt the need to say it a second time, in case peoples would get a wrong opinion about you... :FacePalm:

Because you need to be bragged to to get it through thick head [...]
You said that you're the Omega, a guy who do whatever he want, say it like it is, goes against the grain, make no friends and, it seem important, don't care about appearances... Why the fucking fuck such person would care if people get a wrong opinion about him ?

2015s called, it was its meds back. Never you coward. They slow the mind.
Poor baby, does chlorpromazine prevent you to believe in your Omega bullshit trip ?


Mar 11, 2024
Why isn't that guy banned ? It's a porn site ffs not your online therapist.
Because: my threads are more than related to the subject matter. A bunch of other threads not made by me are also very ON TOPIC. The problem are the posts that come after the original post with image shitposts and 3 word replies and sensitive people feeling insulted over the tiniest thing and ironically I'm not the most offensive person on this website, there's many others which touch upon subjects like NTR which people are extra sensitive over.
Also it's the discussion forum instead of posting the games forum so technically and practically it's on topic.


Mar 11, 2024
Hey losers what's up. Still as badly behaved, easy to trigger and ready to say NO to everything even a million dollars? Or did this consumerist forum finally get some new blood that isn't as easily hair triggered and obsessed with contradicting every single idea especially the positive ones?