Hello, I put my Affection Points (and money) this way (see code at bottom), and want make more icons this way but with inter action.
And now, can anyone tell me (show your code) with what simple command (overscreen?) I can made to get the icons stay on screen during idle maps room. Not dissapearing?
Only hide if mousewheel clicked.
I also need some of them on or off (this is easy with the show screen... True/False command, already get this) in some events.
But how to made them react if clicked with the mouse? To open a inventory (not done yet) when clicked on the backpack icon, for example?
Open some quest list when the communicator is clicked. Jump back from one room to stage corridor.Or back from a niche/bath to a room if the "back" icon is clicked.
What is the simple right command with which parameters for that? (Some "action"+ "clicked" + "jump" I think).
I also want to set position in pixles not the strange Renpy Xpos, Ypos, anchor, etc. metrics because I have to place my icons accurate by pixel and knowing where.
Or have I to do every room as idle map now? But then no chance to made icons hide as they are pasted in on the bg graphics.
In script.rpy:
The [Day] variables here are leftovers, are not used. Not needed.
In screns.rpy:
I also try again and changed the screen for the map (for example) this way, but with no change:
Who can help?
And now, can anyone tell me (show your code) with what simple command (overscreen?) I can made to get the icons stay on screen during idle maps room. Not dissapearing?
Only hide if mousewheel clicked.
I also need some of them on or off (this is easy with the show screen... True/False command, already get this) in some events.
But how to made them react if clicked with the mouse? To open a inventory (not done yet) when clicked on the backpack icon, for example?
Open some quest list when the communicator is clicked. Jump back from one room to stage corridor.Or back from a niche/bath to a room if the "back" icon is clicked.
What is the simple right command with which parameters for that? (Some "action"+ "clicked" + "jump" I think).
I also want to set position in pixles not the strange Renpy Xpos, Ypos, anchor, etc. metrics because I have to place my icons accurate by pixel and knowing where.
Or have I to do every room as idle map now? But then no chance to made icons hide as they are pasted in on the bg graphics.
In script.rpy:
# Elie LP meter icon and display
init -2 python:
showlove= False
Elie_love = 100
max_love= 150
# def display_love():
# if showlove:
#This next line is optional. It adds a heart image under the text.
#Not use because shows up on left ui.image("HUD_LP_idle.png")
#Not use ui.text(" %d" %Elie_love, color="#ff0000")
#Not use config.overlay_functions.append(display_love)
# Money Meter (Gulden) icon and display
init python:
showgulden= False
Gulden = 100
max_gulden= 9999
# def display_gulden():
#Not use because shows up on left if showgulden:
#Not use ui.frame() #This is optional. It adds a frame around the text.
#Not use ui.text("Gulden: %d" %Gulden)
#Not use config.overlay_functions.append(display_gulden)
init python:
showcom= False
Communicator = 0
max_com= 1
#Inventory icon
init python:
showcom= False
Inventory = 0
max_inv= 1
#Map icon
init python:
showmap= False
Map = 0
max_map= 1
#Back icon
init python:
showback= False
Back = 0
max_back= 1
In screns.rpy:
#Money+Love Points screen display a coin and heart icon on top right screen with the amount in possession for each one on them
#Money Points screen
screen money():
xpos 0.91
ypos 0.06
textbutton "{b}Day [Day]{/b}" action If(renpy.get_screen("money_box1"), Hide("money_box1"), Show
screen money_box1():
vbox xpos 0.951 ypos 0.056:
image "Gulden.png"
text "{b} [Gulden]{/b}" color "#000000" yoffset -61 xalign 0.40
#Love Points screen
screen elie_love():
xpos 0.91
ypos 0.06
textbutton "{b}Day [Day]{/b}" action If(renpy.get_screen("elie_love_box1"), Hide("elie_love_box1"), Show
screen elie_love_box1():
vbox xpos 0.951 ypos 0.140:
image "HUD_LP_idle.png"
text "{b}[Elie_love]{/b}" color "#cd2626" yoffset -65.5 xalign 0.49
#Communicator Icon screen display a sort of mobilephone icon on upper right screen
screen communicator():
xpos 0.91
ypos 0.06
textbutton "{b}Day [Day]{/b}" action If(renpy.get_screen("com_box1"), Hide("com_box1"), Show
screen com_box1():
vbox xpos 0.933 ypos 0.306:
image "HUDCOM_idle001.png"
#Inventory Icon screen display a backpack icon on upper right screen, has still to be linked to an inventory script
screen inventory():
xpos 0.91
ypos 0.06
textbutton "{b}Day [Day]{/b}" action If(renpy.get_screen("inv_box1"), Hide("inv_box1"), Show
screen inv_box1():
vbox xpos 0.933 ypos 0.417:
image "HUDINV_idle001.png"
#Map Icon screen, optional as Map icon appears on idle maps too, used to go back to stage overmap
screen map():
xpos 0.91
ypos 0.06
textbutton "{b}Day [Day]{/b}" action If(renpy.get_screen("map_box1"), Hide("map_box1"), Show
screen map_box1():
vbox xpos 0.933 ypos 0.529:
image "HUDMAP_idle001.png"
#Back screen, icon appears on idle maps too, to go one room back to stage map, not overmap. Or to exit from idle maps in rooms
screen back_box1():
xpos 0.933
ypos 0.06
textbutton "{b}Day [Day]{/b}" action If(renpy.get_screen("back_box1"), Hide("back_box1"), Show
screen back_box1():
vbox xpos 0.940 ypos 0.652:
image "HUD_back001_idle.png"
#Map Icon screen, optional as Map icon appears on idle maps too, used to go back to stage overmap
screen map_box1():
idle "HUDMAP_idle001.png"
hover "HUDMAP_hover001.png"
xpos 0.933 ypos 0.529
focus_mask True
action Jump("HUD000aidle")