@Alleykatt you might check a function that comes with sending a post. It works very well for me. Next to the reply window, to the right down below, you should see '
More Options...', click on it. Your post opens in a new window. Be sure to activate '
Options: Watch this thread...' before posting, but not email notifications. This way you definitely set this command to 'true', and you should be given updates to only
those threads you deem important to follow. You might need to do this once for an interesting thread.
To turn off use the '
Unwatch Thread' function to the top right, in line with the page count, to stop receiving any alerts. Works for me so it should for you, too.
Mutt already commented on the 'Alert Preferences' you can configure. I mostly deactivate everything there. You might want to have alerts turned
on for other users who 'quote' one of your posts, or who 'mention' you directly. Otherwise, with most notifications turned on, you get spammed with alerts the more threads you visit.
Think of firewall rule settings:
disallow (almost) all, then only
allow what seems necessary to you. This is why I use the way described above to filter more strictly. Hope this helps somehow.