Tutorial RPGM How to Use Translator++ to Translate an Mtool Translation file


Engaged Member
Oct 21, 2022
Video for those who don't want to read.
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  • Load the game into Mtool
  • From the Translate Tab select "Export the original text needs to be translated"
  • If you don't see that button wait for it to fully load, may take a minute.
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  • That will create a file in the games folder named "ManualTransFile.json"
  • Move that file to a new folder. The new folder should now only have the "ManualTransFile.json" inside of it. The folder name is unimportant, I usually name it MTL.
  • Open Translator++
  • Start a new Project in Translator++
  • Scroll to the bottom and select "Parse any Script with custom parser"
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  • Download the "Mtool parser model" - Download Parser
  • Extract that to a folder, I keep it in the folder I have Translator++ in, but anywhere is fine as long as you know where it's at.
  • Under "Load Translator++ Parser Model file" select the extracted Mtool parser model.
  • Click "Select Folder!" and choose the folder that has the "ManualTransFile.json"
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  • Once that is loaded, Under the Object Tab, select the "Manual TransFile" checkbox
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  • Click the Batch Translation button. It looks like a JPN character behind the letter A
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  • In the Batch Translation Window Select the Google Translator
  • You can set the Target column if you want, I use Machine Translation. (Unless you do after MTL edits, this is not important)
  • Click Translate Now - This will take a while depending on the amount of text to be translated.
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  • IMPORTANT!!! - Google turns a lot of the text into quotes. You need to find and replace all the (") with blank spaces.
  • Press CTRL+F to pull up the find window, select replace tab and replace (") with ( ) - Dont include the ()
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  • Once you hit ENTER it will freeze the program until it's done, so give it a minute, it might take a while.
  • Once it's done you will see the (") around sentences should be removed.
  • There may be a regex expression that makes this simpler, but I haven't messed with that. If I figure it out, I'll update this page.
2024-03-01 16_23_41-Window.png will turn into 2024-03-01 16_23_49-Window.png
  • Google also will sometimes add different types of quotations, They look like this.
2024-03-01 16_27_31-Window.png
  • You need to find and replace these too. I just copy and paste the left side quotations into the find and replace, then repeat for the right side ones.
  • If you are unsure, refer to the attached video above.
  • Do a quick scan through the text to make sure there are no other quotation marks. Sometimes Translator++ won't get them all the first time, so I usually run the replace a few times.
  • Now select the Injection icon at the top, which looks like an injection needle.
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  • In the Apply Translation window, It should already have the "Manual TransFile.json" selected
  • Select the Target Directory, this can be a new empty folder or the folder the "Manual TransFile.json" is in, but that will overwrite it.
  • Click Apply Translation
  • For this tutorial, we don't change anything else in that window.
  • That will then take a few minutes. Once that's done you can close Translator++ (Save it first if you want to be safe)
  • Back over in Mtool, we can now Load the Translation File
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  • If all goes well, you are done. The game should now be translated.
  • If you get an error popup like this.
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  • That means there is an issue somewhere. Most likely you missed some quotation marks.
  • You can either reload the Translator++ save, and try and CTRL+F find and replace them. Or Use an online Json Validator to solve the issue.
  • I use JSONLint.com Just drag the "Manual TransFile.json" into the box and click the Validate JSON button
  • This will tell you where the error is, just fix the error and keep clicking Validate JSON until it says no issues found.
  • Once that done just copy the text from the validator and paste it into the "Manual TransFile.json" with notepad. Then go back and load it into Mtool.
  • JSONLINT will tell you what line the error is on.
  • This is the most common issue I have had
2024-03-01 16_47_46-Window.png
  • See in this one the original had double quotation (""). To not throw and issue with JSON you need to add a backslash ( \ ) like the original text had.
  • Just change the "" to be \""
  • Just compare the original text with the translated text and see what is different, that will solve most errors.
  • Most games Ive translated dont have this issue and work right away, the ones that don't, take a few extra minutes with a JSON validator to fix.
  • The example I used for this had a bunch of \ stuff that caused Google to not translate some stuff, but that's not the norm, and you can fix it by checking the translation in translator++ before you click the inject button.

Hope this helps.
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May 3, 2021
Is there any setting to change batch translation waiting time? it wait 5 seconds before it begin translating another batch wich in my case, it took 30 minutes to translate all of it.


Engaged Member
Oct 21, 2022
Is there any setting to change batch translation waiting time? it wait 5 seconds before it begin translating another batch wich in my case, it took 30 minutes to translate all of it.
It adds a delay to not make too many requests too fast to the translator which could get your IP banned. But you can lower it from the Options. Clcik the Screwdriver/Wrench icon to teh left of the gear icon at the top. Then slect the Translator&Language tab.

2024-03-03 05_42_50-Options - Translator++.png

Select the translator you are using, and change the Inner Delay in milliseconds. So for this one, it's 6000, that's 6 seconds of delay.


Active Member
Apr 2, 2018
Hello, very well explained, I still have a problem. Maybe you have a tool or solution for it? By translating it into German, the sentences are too long and don't fit in the Texbox and I sometimes don't understand because I can't finish reading. How can I Make the texts smaller or the Texbox larger so that everything fits in


Engaged Member
Oct 21, 2022
Hello, very well explained, I still have a problem. Maybe you have a tool or solution for it? By translating it into German, the sentences are too long and don't fit in the Texbox and I sometimes don't understand because I can't finish reading. How can I Make the texts smaller or the Texbox larger so that everything fits in
That's because the line breaks are for the original language, and the auto translate is not going to move them to compensate. You will see the line breaks in the original and the translation as "\n". Im afraid you will have to do this manually, as I don't know of any tool that can dynamically place the linebreaks for a specific language. Most of the time I just end up making the text smaller to see it all, but if its too long that's not really viable.

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Jun 28, 2021
Guys what do i do? the translation becomes this
when i translate.When load it into the game it just stays the same language

How do i get it to recognize the language and translate it?


Engaged Member
Oct 21, 2022
Guys what do i do? the translation becomes this
View attachment 3597914
when i translate.When load it into the game it just stays the same language

How do i get it to recognize the language and translate it?
My guess would be that you don't have that language on your computer. If its windows, type "language settings" in the windows search bar. In your PCs language settings you can add a language, just install the one you are trying to use.


Engaged Member
Oct 21, 2022
I have weird problem with random spaces in words. Any idea how to fix it?
Yea I've had that problem depending on the translator used and the parser. It's probably the translator not knowing where to put line breaks. Im sorry I don't know a fix for it, other than try a different translator. I think it was the red translator option for google translate in translator++ that did that to me the most, so I stopped using it.


Aug 15, 2018
Yea I've had that problem depending on the translator used and the parser. It's probably the translator not knowing where to put line breaks. Im sorry I don't know a fix for it, other than try a different translator. I think it was the red translator option for google translate in translator++ that did that to me the most, so I stopped using it.
It's not line breaks, they're fine


Aug 15, 2018
I solved my problem by replacing all values that don't need a translation (when the key doesn't contain JP characters) with the ones from the original untranslated JSON
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New Member
Jul 25, 2020
How long should the "Apply Translation" part take? Like if the manualtrans file is quite large in size(about 20 mb or more) ?


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2016
How long should the "Apply Translation" part take? Like if the manualtrans file is quite large in size(about 20 mb or more) ?
I believe just exporting the translated files is better as there is nothing they can screw you with.
Should be an option somewhere but I can't remember exactly.


New Member
Dec 3, 2022
So I've actually followed all this, and got it working.... kinda... Things like menus and such will be translated this way, but the main text of the game is still stuck in it's original text. This is despite me seeing those exact lines, and their translations, in the json being loaded up. It obviously works sense *some* of the things are getting translated, but its like, completely ignoring some other lines. Anyone have any ideas how to fix?


May 21, 2017
I am having issues that I dont understand using the parser. The first picture is in game, the second one is the json file. The json is correct but the spacing is all over the place. And thats the case with most of the text. What could the problem be. It only happens when I use the parser.
Screenshot 2024-11-28 153814.png Screenshot 2024-11-28 153838.png