Identify HTML Pornstudio Game (Update: Found ProXent)

Mark Marson

Jul 30, 2017
Hey, I recall playing an HTML game on here and I can't seem to recall the name of it and I am hoping someone recognizes the game based off the description.

I recall it not being a sugarcube/twine style game. It made use of real pornstars for its images. I know it was a management style game where I think you start off with a girlfriend and you create a porn studio, as the game proceeds you add more girls and you can improve each girls stats. I know that you could do photoshoots where the goal was you'd have a bunch of images of the girl and it would have like nude,bathroom, and ass or something like that and you'd have to match the image that best fit those descriptors. I think when you did scenes they had clickables that would come up. I recall since the game wasn't in twine it used a strange saving format where you'd have to decode the string to actual mess with it (might not be helpful but it stuck with me how weird it was). Also I know that the game supported an online version that you could play instead of downloading. The UI was also very clean and was better quality then most HTML games I have seen.

Sorry can't give more then that if anyone knows the name or has a link post below thanks.

Game found called ProXent it was hard to find because on F95 it is categorized as others not HTML.
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