VN - Ren'Py - Huntress Trainer [v0.8] [HunterHeadquartersTycoon]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm giving this a 5 star rating for right now (just because I like the bellabooty)
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    as well to it being too early to call this a wash. The text I hope is not in the smallest font in the next update. I hope for more under desk content as well. But overall keep it up! I'm enjoying it so far.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I like the direction most of the routes seem to be heading. Sadly, only one of the routes is even partially completed at the moment, but it was enjoyable. Some crashing bugs exist, but seem easily fixable (just reloading the game made it work). The characters are mostly on-model and in-character, though obviously with more focus on T&A than the original creators of RWBY would ever have dared. Play this game if you want to see Ruby's panties! I was briefly intimidated by the point-and click segments, but there aren't actually that many places to click, and when there are more than one or two, they're labeled as you mouse over them. Just keep clicking the character's mouth to keep the dialog flowing, and click her boobs for potential fun surprises. My only real gripe is the ALL CAPS font, and it didn't prevent me from playing all of the current content.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    TL;DR If you don't like RWBY, you won't like this.

    Huntress Trainer is a solid, if noticably flawed trainer game which ticks a lot of good boxes in terms of design, but struggles on the technical side. Specifically, the girls are fun enough to be amusing in new content, and manage to strike a good balance between being accurate to the show and different enough that their pornification doesn't feel completely bipolar. The models are pretty good for koikatsu - not sure if they're original or created by another porn artist, but I've definitely seen worse 3D models of RWBY. The girls are also trained in different ways, at least in terms of writing, which makes them feel unique. The dialogue also improves a lot after the intro, which gives me hope that the writer got a spell checker or something similar, but the intro could use a quick once over.

    On the tech side, things are... not great. Lots of shots are too close or too far, so animations of fondling are covered by text boxes and too short for the time it takes to hide them. The UI is pretty default, but struggles in a lot of situations. The bonus images menu springs to mind, along with the initial menu after calling a girl. Even basic steps like distinct colouring for action groups would be nice. The lack of sound is also pretty noticable for actions like the spanking or orgasming on Ruby. A previous review suggested AI voices and whilst I'm not sure about it, just adding some basic sound bites for spanking and cumming would go a long way. Oh, and the lack of basic animation looping is really noticable when your animations are this short.

    Overall though, I think a lot of this is just gonna be experience stuff. For now it's only of value to RWBY fans, but give it a year and this could very well be one of the best trainers out there. Plenty of possible girls, if nothing else.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    It might have potential but it is a strange game.

    My first complaint: Everything is all caps. Everyone is yelling all the time. It's cancer, please don't.

    The black arrow to end dialogue is in a part of the screen that, at least on my end, tends to be pretty dark. And it has no outline... So it's not obvious that it's there. Actually, it *adds* the black shadow on the left that makes it harder to see when it pops up.

    Also, it often feels clunky to talk to people by clicking on their mouths... Especially when you could just interject when how they're looking at you changes, instead of having me click their eyes.

    Also the outfits don't currently change when you enter that clicking places minigame...So they suddenly change clothes and you gotta click their mouth to talk.

    Normally I like trainers, but I feel like this is lacking some of the elements I'd need.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I like this game and I'm gonna give it 4 stars, but I'm not quite sure its there yet. It's pretty early in development, but I think this game could become something really cool if it plays its cards right.

    So the game isn't perfect, but most of the problems are minor. Things like text boxes, QoL features, and content. The content problem will most likely fix its self as more and more updates come out.

    As for text boxes, and this could just be me though, the box is to big and the font is to small. On top of that, the box background is white, making everything harder to read. Which sucks, because most of the dialog and writing is pretty good. This is an easy fix though, just add in some options to change up the text box ourselves.

    Now on to QoL features, and I'm sure most of these will get added in some form or another, but just in case let's go over a few this game needs. Rapid fire; hints for what you can click on, having money and other info visitable at all times, gauges or trackers for love and lust, quest/character tracking, and a End of Current Build message would be nice. I would add more QoL features besides those, but that's a good start.

    More of a nitpick, but I also wouldn't lock cheats behind a paywall. If people wanna support, then they'll support and cheats or not are not gonna change their minds. Same goes for people who don't wanna support, bribing them with cheats isn't gonna change their minds with save editors being a thing. So what you're left with is less features overall for your game, which sucks and is unnecessary.

    And now just for an idea of mind, and a long shot, but I think this game would do AMAZING with some AI voice over. AI voices are on the up and up and with the popularity of the RWBY VAs, a AI voice over feature with the AI voices mapped from the OG VAs from the show would be an amazing feature. That's just my personally dream feature for this game though.

    Okay, so here's some quick pros and cons.

    -Good writing
    -Cool idea where you abuse your power of being a teacher
    -Nice animations

    -Text box
    -Very little content currently
    -Very few QoL features
    -Paywalled content (just cheats for now)

    Overall, I'd definitely recommend checking this game out, maybe wait a few updates, but definably check it out.