VN - Others - Completed - Hypno Training My Mother And Sister [Final] [Ame no Murakumo]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    It's completely unexpected, but this turned out to be interesting, in a social commentary kind of way. The reason for that statement are the concepts they bring up: The reality of NEETS (or just people who have no drive, and become a burden to family/society); The fine line between feelings of love and hate in a family. They also touch some fiction tropes like being weak to pleasure, and becoming someone's slave by means of lust. Obviously, this stays at a superficial level, and the execution of the premise leaves much to be desired, but if any of the above makes you curious give it a go, there's something to think about here.

    - Food for thought - I know it's weird to put it like that (one would expect a "porn quality" remark), and the premise itself is not properly delivered or developped, but there's definitely something to think about here. Take me at my word, just this once.

    - Many tags with a negative connotation - It's just a question of checking what works for you, i'm fine with them. This is dark in a "rejection, manipulation, humiliation" sense.

    - Everything else - It's not great technically; Visuals need work; Voice acting is lazy; Premise needed build-up; Not that many H-scenes (comparing to other titles), and they are only OK; Protagonist's anger/hate is not properly explained; 1 ending contradicts the other, and i could go on.

    Score: 6/10. Purely personal score, i'm always looking for things with "difference factor". If you are of the same mindset, i'm recommending this. Treat it like a scenario that allows you to draw some conclusions, cause the porn side of things is nothing to write home about.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Played and finished this one in less than an hour.
    Art is very good but censored.
    This game has almost nothing to do.
    Fewer decisions.
    Again, you can enable the skip option and just press Control key to reach the endings.
    The game is voiced but because of lack on things to do, the story loss all the interest from player side.
    Resume: Not good enough for a game but it contains good art and is voiced.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    I've seen some pathetic MC's in games but this one is the absolute epitome of pathetic.

    Even with hypnosis and mind control he comes across as a limp dicked pathetic twat.

    Basically his sister hates him and his mother looks down on him so he uses hypnosis and mind control to dominate them .... only not.

    He starts the game as a whiny little cunt and ends the game as a whiny little cunt. He spends a lot of the game complaining about being looked down on all the while doing everything he can to make sure people look down on him.

    The girls are both personality vacuums too so even they can't save it.

    The only good scene is where the sister and mother are fucked senseless by homeless people the MC forced them to fuck then he gets mad other people fucked his women. Basically he's mad that he's a beta and does nothing but act beta.

    Without the hypnosis and mind control he'd never get laid and even with it he barely gets any. It's really, really bad.