VN - Ren'Py - Hypnosis [v1.4.6c] [Expanding Universe Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Loving the visuals of the game, the animations aren't bad either. I love that there's a wide selection of girls in the game, you can pretty much do every single girl in the game. The reason for me giving 3 stars is because of lack of penetration shots, with more of them in there it would've gotten 4 stars from me.

    This is for version 1.0.9
    Will update upon more releases.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Came for the hypnotizing harem corruption, stayed for the genuinely heartfelt relationships and musings on moral relativity. Actually one of my favorite games on this entire website now and absolutely chipping into the patreon.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is not worth it after 1 hour of play i dropped it if i could give a zero i would

    Artwork not good there are games that are way better rating 0

    Story it sucks you have the option to hypnotize people but not the option to tell them what you want them to do rating 0

    Intro at the intro it says you have no penalties if you pursue many girls but as you play the game you realise that you were lied to, the worst part is that the game is not giving you the option to ditch the bitches... rating 0

    sex no passion no duration not worth mention it rating 0

    Overall don't bother with this piece of shit there are other games much better than this one also any hero who plays this bullshit should be payed not paying for playing it...
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Starting off from HS myself in terms of development I know just how hard and limited it is to create a game in Honey Select, which is why myself I eventually ported over to Daz.

    When it comes down to Hypnosis if you want a harem HS based game that is sufficient in length with some well thought out twists within the plot then this game is for you. Usually not much of a fan of harem due to the mostly unrealistic sense that a large body of girls will gladly swarm themselves over you; however when it comes to Hypnosis it does it rather well. As stated before the writing creates some very well thought out twists and turns within the plot and is as far as a HS game concerned enjoyable. In terms of the art style it's Honey Select; however the developer does make effective use of the limits with creating a game in this manner.

    When it comes down to this game if you're into the harem genre and either like or can tolerate a HS game when it comes down to an intriguing story then id suggest you definitely give it a go. I do find myself once in a while coming back to this game per update to see how Expanding Universe has done. Overall when openly putting factors into consideration it is a thought out and a good AVN.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3250193

    I love this fucking game.

    The storyline is great. I love the twists and turns. I love the development of the antagonist. I really enjoy the girls. But most of all, I love that the dev has implemented a lot of fetishes that are just hot. Most especially the pregnancy fetish.

    This is probably my favorite HS game, hands down. I'm not usually a fan of the style, but this makes it work and does wonders with it. Really cannot wait for the next release, every single time.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    this game is not good and it is seriously over rated.

    Renders look meh, but the "important" scenes are weak.
    The story has good premise, but its the only good thing about it. becomes inconsistent along with the characters that never really seem real.

    overall it's messy and it looks like the dev does not have a structured plan for the story and his characters.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Obviously a fantasy story, but it has a varied cast of characters with distinct personalities, plenty of decision branches (replay value), good staging / event pacing, and decent renders with some clever animations added.

    I was also rather impressed with the dialogue - "normal" conversation without repetitive phrases. While I understand that many highly creative VN / Game authors do not share English as their primary language (and "casual" English can be especially difficult to learn); I also didn't realize how distracting it is to constantly decipher garbled syntax or wade through pages of artificial formality.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This VN is awesome...
    The characters are fun to follow (love and hate), and I look forward to each update. I was a little worried when one chapter ended on a cliffhanger (so many games die at that point), but it carried on. Looking back, I actually feel a bit sorry for those that missed that wait, as you won't get to have the waiting around with a "WTF" moment.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a lot of vanilla content and I liked the girls and the MC is almost always a likeable enough guy...

    But the MC is also incredibly blank, meaning, he doesn't have a goal in any of this except to get his dick wet. He has this ultimate power, and that's all he wants with it. Actually he doesn't even want that... because he doesn't REALLY use it for that... it just happens.

    The author(s) know full well the problems with this because the above issue is addressed in dialog when the foreign exchange student wonders why he didn't try anything of import...

    Also this breaks the forth wall after a tonal shift in late chapters by having a "sit-down" with an author's emissary to discuss the previous chapters and why they went that way... then when you get back to the story it's like that entire period didn't happen.

    And then a side character sits down and listens while the MC explains and justifies his questionable actions of the last three chapters... this is also the author explaining and justifying to us, the reader. Immersion killer.

    Look... either you have a vision where you want these to go, or it's just "what do the people want..." and the problem with the latter is that this all becomes sterile in trying to give everyone everything they want. If you don't really have a vision for a story, are you a storyteller? I doubt it...

    This would be much better off to either embrace the route change in the later chapters and even offer more hints at it early... or to go back to chapter 8 and simply drop everything after that and start a whole new rewrite of what happens from that point on.

    But don't break the fourth wall and then act like the entire episode didn't occur. Immersion killer.

    Have confidence in what you're making and go all the way with it... I personally didn't like the enemy character and the route the story took... mostly because "I" would have never had lost the watch... but it was MUCH worse to keep reading and find out that none of that mattered and was wiped away by the magic hand of God.

    There is pretty good continuity with choices up until the later chapters and then it started to remember events that never happened. I said no to a blowie with Grace but later at the same restaurant all the dialog acted like it happened.

    I hadn't been with Haley yet when we went on our date but after popping her cherry the dialog leans like they had already done it before.

    A few times you make important sounding choices only to realize a moment later the story is going another route... like when you decide to fuck Ashley's mom... it seems like a huge mistake and all the dialog going into it makes it sound ominous, especially with Ashley... but the moment you do it, the very next scene Ashley has her mind changed outside of your control and now she's cool with it.

    When you're going to get the watch from the bathroom you have to decide if you're just going to stop Grace's breasts from growing, or are you going to hypnotize Lauren, too... this choice is meaningless because the next frame shows that you've lost the watch... what was the point of this?

    These choices give me, the player, the idea that I'm about to get content related to that choice, but it never comes. The story is all over the place like that, dropping hints that you might be going in one direction, only to drop that entire thread a moment later.

    I guess what I'm getting at, is there is no drama. There's no point in any of this. Another reviewer said it was full of drama among the girls, but is it really? This is a story where you absolutely can have your cake and eat it too. Which is fine for mindless fapping... and this is very good at that.

    But it's soulless. All the sex scenes are entirely dialog driven with no internal thoughts or feelings. Every girl says "I love you" and you respond in kind... but the ONLY thing anyone ever talks about is the next cum blast they're going to give or get.

    I've spent a lot of time criticizing and it's worth mentioning, I played this twice, back to back... the girls do have some personality and are readily likeable, and the scenes flow... the dialog is easy to read... I felt compelled to click and keep on clicking...

    But at the end of it all, I just felt drained. If any of these chicks were hit by a truck in the next release, it wouldn't affect me at all. Maybe because there are sooo many of them... or maybe because you're never REALLY intimate with them. Or yourself.

    This is entirely a shiny surface with not much below it. But it's occasionally funny, it has a ton of content, and sometimes it's actually hot... often it's hot. But this is all fuck and only feigned love. Which I guess is fine, for a porn game... but it's also a shame, because this could be so much more... the tone throughout is lighthearted and the girls sweet, it makes you want romance and love... but it never REALLY delivers that.

    Eliminate the fourth wall... provide more internal dialog and conflict... and have more confidence in where you want the story to go, rather than asking the community. I personally think you were on to something... the story needed some drama and emotion and conflict to the choices. It needs something to make it more than meet and fuck.

    Which this is great at... thus the four stars.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    A really fun set-up that avoids a lot of the gross, non-consensual stuff most hypnosis games fall into. The characters are likeable and well-rendered, the whole vibe of the game is very chill, and everyone seems to be having a great time, which is all I really ask out of a porn game!

    plus if i could add one thing to most games it'd be casual tid growth. protip.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Story: 6/10
    Animation: 6/10
    Gameplay: 5/10
    Kinks: 4/10
    Overall: 5/10

    Playing out like some kind of day-time drama television show, this is quite possibly the worst choice of a title to a game's content I have seen to date. The handful of times you do get to swing your golden watch and have some fun with the girlies, you are grilled and sometimes berate yourself for using hypnosis. This is a game about hypnotizing girls, but not about hypnotizing them. The only word I can think of that best fits this is: Hypocrite. It is like someone who attends an anti-abortion rally, but then finds out their high school lover got them preggers and used the ol' coat hanger trick. Anyone who actually is into having fun mind controlling and hypnotizing girls in their porn games, should look elsewhere. The introduction with the developer does a fantastic job stating what you are to expect, more so than you'd expect.

    So what can you do? Well you can magically make tits grow, make girls more confident, cure lesbianism, get hypnotized yourself to have a bigger dick and chocolate flavored cum, and deal with the drama of managing a stable of women who want your little slugger. You got the bitchy one, the slutty one, the best friends little sister one, the best friends interest one, and the pure one. Jenn best girl btw. There's also some stragglers too, and a MILF that is not given enough time. Seriously. Let the MILF go, she needs some porking too!

    When you're not doing any of the girls, you're usually reading dozens and dozens of banter with some witty one-liners, internet humor, and drama. Oh so much drama. You fucked the girl your best friend had eyes on before you fucked her girlfriend who saw you getting blown by the slutty one, that kind of drama. It is... exhausting. I don't watch day-time drama just for this reason. Thankfully the developer gives your character a shit ton of outs, ways to bag every girl while keeping them all happy or at least addicted to your magic stick.

    Sadly being hit like a bad puppy with a newspaper every time I hypnotized a girl, is enough for me to see where this is going. With me, walking out the door.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    One of better Ren'Py games on this site. Decent renders for the most part and choices matter. Mind control typically isn't my thing but it is pretty tame in this. I enjoyed it way more than the games name led me to believe I would.

    Would like to see a scene gallery in the game. There are enough different choices/paths that it would be nice to be able to see you missed something without having to read the walkthrough.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I would actually rate this game 4.5 stars if I could, but I'll get to that later in this review. This is also my first time writing a review on F95, and I hope you find it helpful.

    First, the elephant in the room:
    Whether or not you are aware of the very divisive drama surrounding episodes 9 and 10, you ought to make your own conclusions after playing the game yourself. I am of the opinion that what happens during this part of the story wasn't as horrible as some people are making it out to be. In fact, I found it fun and refreshing. Obviously, those other people disagree. Such is life, we can't please everyone. Now lets move on because I'm not writing this review to debate it.
    I just want to say, this specific topic needs to be buried, and so I discourage anyone reading this review to bring it up in the thread, because we're all tired of arguing with each other about it. Please do not beat the dead horse. Expanding Universe has paid attention to the comments, he explained why he did what he did, and has repeatedly apologized for his miscalculation. This tells us that he is humble and cares about his game. It's hard to ask for anymore than that, as there are a lot of other devs out there who don't care and milk the patreon. Let us be sensible to that end, there is nothing to gain in getting angry and vindictive over a porn VN. If you don't like it, then don't play it, and remember to click on those helpful little "Unwatch" and "ignore Thread" buttons.

    Now with that out of the way...

    I have been following this game since some of its earlier releases, and I am only now writing a review because we're nearing the end of the journey (v0.9.5). While I am not a patreon, I have tried to support the dev by finding mistakes where I find them. Overall, I have found this game greatly enjoyable because it's over the top and unique. How much fun you get is the most important aspect of any game, even a porn VN. This is 100% why this is one of my favorite games on F95.

    In this game, you play as a naive, lustful, boob-loving pervert who gets his hands on a magical watch. He starts to use this watch to hypnotize the women around him and gets laid. Each of these women have personalities unique from each other, and their own defined and evolving opinions of one another. The story is semi-linear. Many, but not all, of your choices do impact how the story goes, ultimately converging upon various major moments in the plot. Some scenes are also hidden to certain routes. There are also a few very sexy early endings worth checking out. The dialogue and the narration are all up to par as well. No Engrish here.

    As far as I am concerned, the "science" of hypnosis is complete garbage, and has little use beyond being the magical medium of fantasy storytelling. However, I really like how this game destroyed all of our traditional conceptions of hypnosis by giving it the ability to manipulate people's bodies: big tits :cool: and more!
    Oh, yeah! Talk about fresh. (y)This is what makes the game stand out from everything else.

    I knock off half a star for one reason: many of the sex scenes do not go as far as I think they should, and they can be a little inconsistent in their pacing. There are some quickie scenes that get 5 lines of dialogue, and other quickie scenes that get 20 lines of dialogue with three position changes. Or an hour long fuckathon gets 3 lines, cuts to black, then we move on. Sometimes you get to see the cum dribbling down the girls' thighs, and sometimes you don't get any sort of follow-up. It is very arbitrary.
    So, what I would like to see from EU is for him to go back with some spit and polish on all of the scenes to be more consistent at some point in the future. Let us choose where to cum. Let us see what happens during the afterglow. The fuckathons certainly don't need to have 1000 lines of dialogue, but those fuckathons need to feel like fuckathons. Fill in some of those empty gaps with more intermittent scenes. And regarding the ones with cumflation, let us see the girl's belly slowly swell for each gallon of cum in her gut before we get to see the final result. That would be hot. ;)

    I hope this review was useful, and I hope you enjoy the game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I love that the game isn't as blandly structured as most; The game alreay has a couple of fairly lengthy and fleshed out early endings in spots that most games would just toss up a 'bad end' screen and move on.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    This is an extremely tough VN to rate.

    Story and characters (dialogue) are my greatest go-to's when it comes to a VN and this one has both. The premise is hardly original but it is executed well and the MC and cast are entertaining... but I sense a little bit of hatred from the author.

    Okay, not *hatred*, but at the very least... not complete. Lemme add a bit of detail here.

    Let's see, character models and animations are a bit on the weak side, but good enough to do the trick. The MC's path uses a "boyfriend / badass" metric that is quite cool. The dialogue for both versions of the MC really covers a broad range and as I mentioned is very personable and entertaining. The actual relationships follow both a very loving model all the way to dominance and hate-fucking. The story framework may be extremely common (the MC having a sure fire method of "conquering" every NPC, namely hypnosis), has an execution that calls to mind the failings of the sure-fire method. Even going so far as to lend a real sense of danger and even some small disgust in the unintended consequences.

    All of that alone gives this story a sure fire four stars... so where is that extra star?

    Well, here's a fun fact; play through as innocently as possible and you have sex with three very willing participants... somehow, this still falls into making the MC out to be a corrupt horn dog who has sex with everyone(?!?!). This is not a thing that drops the score, but it is pretty hilarious that the endings still assume you are a corrupt bastard fucking everyone (lol).

    Nah... the drop comes from the endings, which I think are still being developed.

    So, one of the main harem girls is a bit of a cunt, and most of the currently available endings reflects that she remains a cunt. Her cunt status is pretty obvious from the start, and in my mind makes her competely unattractive. Meanwhile, most of the endings are about that cunt "winning"... and the results of her "winning" cover the range of bittersweet to... well, right up to body horror. You can be a nice guy, a douchebag, and even as pure and wholesome (as possible) and most of the endings put you as the MC and most of the rest of the harem under the control of; you guessed it, the cunt.

    Honestly, I eagerly await the next update... if only to see that "happy" ending I think my playthrough deserves. Once that hits, this VN will probably get that star back.

    Still, even without that, this is a great VN simply for making the ultimate sex tool into something dangerous and I still highly reccomend.

    ...but damn it, that bitch really needs an ending that puts her in her place.

    Oh, by the way, the reason I think there will be more endings? Well, the author seems to acknowledge how cruel the current endings are, and offers a free moment where the MC pushes the cunt off a pier. Seems like an awesome stop-gap that leaves you with a promise of something better!

    Keep up the great work!
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    After playing the latest update (Ep11v0.9.2), I think I 've seen enough to review this roller-coaster of a project. Which imho, should be a case study for aspiring weg devs on what happens if you don't have a plan during the creative process. Some spoilers to follow, you 've been warned.

    The game follows the (mis)adventures of a dude who happens to find a mind control watch. The artifact also allows for body modification. He then proceeds to create a harem of willing big-tittied partners. While that doesn't seem the most productive use of a device so powerful, it fit the light hearted tone of this porn game. The way hypnosis worked when MC had the watch, seemed more like "unlocking" feelings that already existed and less of a brute mind wipe type. That also fit the light tone of the game. The h-scenes were decent and the characterization of the girls was one of the strong points, with each having distinct personalities.

    And just when you think you have all the ingredients for a promising light-hearted mind-control romp, the dev said "fuck all that bs!". In retrospect I think the dev felt the game was getting stale with just having new additions and wanted to shake things up. Thing is, you shouldn't make up these things as you go, there needs to be a plan beforehand. And even then, there were plenty of avenues to do things differently. MC could have started to have more ambition than simply fucking his friends and we could have had him use the watch for more serious endeavors. Or we could have explored the artifact's past and how it works, both openings to introduce new characters and antagonists. But no, the dev had a very specific goal in mind. A goal bordering on "tunnel vision".

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    I focused mostly on story on this because there is not much to say about visuals. It's the standard Honey Select fare, it does the job without being anything special.

    To conclude, I don't expect the pinnacle of writing from porn games on here. I know we are talking about amateur devs who are doing their hobby, trying to make a buck on the side. But that is why devs need to have a carefully laid out plan when starting to create a game. Because it's very easy to write yourself into a corner without one. It happens to experienced writers, so you bet your ass it will happen to devs making silly porn games with Honey Select. Just save yourself the hassle and come prepared.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I thoroughly enjoyed the game

    i was able to easily pic the chars that i liked the most and i love the way the game plays

    i do not entirely agree with or enjoy the way chapter 10 went but that does not take away form the fact that this is a gem of a game
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay so first off, most adult games at somepoint have to choose between focusing on the sex or the plot. This games manage to fuse them both smoothly.

    So the plot is your basic hypnosis hentai (c'mon if you're reading this review you know what i'm talking about) but this one doesn' go full "revenge hypnosis sex, the hypnosis works actually in a very subtle way and the game develops quite well the moral ambiguety of using such powers and the consent of the partners leaving you at least in a little part of the back your head thinking i'm a good guy? I'm being their to the girls? and so on. The writting is also quite good, making the story a lot more engaging and alive. The plot is very straight forward (you hypnotise the girls to be more amicable to you, they start to develop feeling, or do they? and so on) till the latest updates that has a plot twist that spices things quite a bit, there a quite some hours of content and really the choices are delivered in a way that lefts you thinking which one do i want to choose right now?, talking about choices that hav emore meaning than just wanting to fuck now and what position and which hole, the choices feel impactful to the development of the story and your relationship with the characters.

    Now let's talk about the characters. Personally a kinda turn-off (barely) for me in most games is actually the main player, specially when it's ME, but in this game it feels quite easily to fit in the shoes of the MC and think hey i would have been done the same if i would have been in his place (which we kinda are). Now, the main course, the girls, every girl feels unique and charming in their own way, something kinda difficult to do with so many interacting characters, but you care (even about the MC friend, it feels so smooth that you want to throw him a bone despite like in every game you have the chance to have a harem you try to hoard every breathing being with a fuckable hole), this is not something i say about a lot of games but i cared about everygirl in this game, wanting to make everyone of them happy and feeling a bit guilty if i made something that upseted them.

    Again all this care to these characters is thanks to the really well written dialogue and story.

    The music is good (no soundtrack feels like worth of being a ringtone but they fit their scenes well enough).

    The textures are quite decent for this kind of graphical design (dunno if it has a name) that at least the way i describe it "japanese 3d artstyle", ever played 3d eroges like Rapelay? Something like that, the animations could receive a some more polishment (and the textures too) but it works well enough and it's not a priority to improve.

    Certainly a top notch game in development that has quite a lot of potential.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The title is a bit misleading, this game contain hypnosis, but not mind-control that you would expect, hypnosis in this game is used primarily for breast expansion.
    As i'm not a fan of mind-control i'm glad that's the case, if you are, then reduce the rating by 1 star.
    Other than that, renders are good (4/5), characters look great (4.5/5), sex scenes are good (4/5).
    The strongest point of this game is writing, every character is different and interesting, story is good, and it works great with the rest of the game.

    Last but not least, the game is about to be finished. Yes, a good, finished game with a lot of content.
    Overall 5/5.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Game is okay, well good...only thing that lets this game down is what was used to make it, if daz and renpy where used would be loving it, story give you a bad taste but then make up for it in those monents that put a smile on your mug