Unity - Hypnotic Idol [v1.024] [Azucat]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    It's not bad, but honestly it's a rip off copy of another game that does everything so much better. It's 3D rather than live2D and does make an effort but everything is janky. Unlike the other game, you don't get to control the hands and the tools manually, so it feels like there's an extra layer of separation, plus the shop mechanic feels forced and doesn't make the game better at all. Why would you get money for groping an idol? At least make it hypno points.

    In any case, rather than playing this, just play the other game and you'll feel so much better. It had potential but it felt like the creator got too ambitious can couldn't pull it off so they made do with half ass measures.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    This was my first simulator game, so I can't compare it to other games of this style.
    The mechanics are very simple, even though I had difficulty doing the parallel vision...
    When you hypnotize the protagonist, you can do anything, there are some toys and lotions you can use, pretty standard. The girl starts with a standard outfit, and there are no clothing variations.
    There is a mechanic where you can shorten her clothes or take off just some parts, but the game doesn't actually use it. There are some locations and variations of things you can do with it, but nothing very advanced.
    There's a bathroom scene, where she can give you a blowjob, masturbate or urinate... nothing more.
    The game doesn't have a story. Basically you have the hypnotize app and that's it. The game has several endings, which are not difficult to access. Finally, it is a very simple and quick game to finish.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    This is a very weak copy of another game which cannot be named because of rules. It is worse in every aspect somehow.
    So basically you hypnotize the girl and grope, use toys and rape her to build up some sort of corruption which makes her more whorish during her non hypnotized state. You receive money you use to unlock more equipment, level up her erogenous zones etc etc.
    There are some thresholds where you get a cutscene with bad dialogue that seems really out of place and unlock a new location.
    The game is really janky where the original was loads beter. For example the censor is so eye-blurringly bad you cannot even see what toys you put in where and the clothes she is wearing are easily three times her size and just float around her (she looks fat but when you take the clothes off there is this tiny girl inside and you are like whaaa..?). Animations have a lot of clipping and look really bad even though the model stays mostly stationary.
    The story is basically non existent, there is almost no intro or backstory. You just show up in her changing room, ask her out like a retard and get shot down, commence plan B: hypno phone rape her into liking you.
    Gameplay comes down to switching a toggle for a toy/grope/penis on and moving the slider to an acceptable speed. Then you wait until she came a bazillion times and you get bored. End session, unlock new toggles, repeat.

    Don't waste your time on this one and just play one of the other games doing exactly the same thing.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    pretty basic simulator game, there is no failure state. you hypnotize her and do whatever you want.

    there is a few different locations/positions, but overall a pretty short game.

    you have to unlock different zones which is kind of interesting