Unity - Completed - I Am Not a Leader [v1.60] [Kegani Laboratory]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Could only stomach to play the game up to dungeon level 3/5 before I ditched it and that was on the easiest difficulty. While there are some interesting aspects that the dev tried to go for (dress up), its overshadowed by how extremely grindy the game portion is. Honestly disappointed and I think this may very well be one of their worst releases yet.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I liked Sexy bar. But this game is just bad. Its has great potential and the settings and some ideas are interesting. But the execution is just bad and lacks everything. Also the grind is waaaay too much. But that is probably intended to distract from the negative sides of the game. Waste of time.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Holy mother of grindfest. The grind in his past games was pretty bad but this one is completely atrocious and seems he used it to hide the extremely lackluster content behind it.

    - Inventory system to dress the girl.
    - ... that's really it.

    - Grind is completely asinine. Like Korean MMO level without paying money grindfest.
    - Very few animations. Like, 3 I can think of that's used for both the guildmaster and the normal cheating NPC's.

    - Essentially a cheap asset flip from his previous game.
    - Combat is a snoozefest.
    - The minigames make you want to choke babies and stab kittens.
    - The RNG for good loot, even with maxed out item find, is abysmal. I think after 2 hours I found one set of the advanced panties.
    - The RNG for the NTR route in a dungeon is asinine.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Wasted potential to an extreme degree. I followed the development closely and was excited for the various mechanics. It's too bad it feels like the dev didnt have anyone actually play test it. By far the worst game from this dev. It almost feels like it was made bad on purpose... Anyway, to be more specific, the combat system is almost good and that makes it so frustrating. The idea behind the skills is interesting, but the extreme grind to just get the basics ruins it. Unlike some, I like the idea of building up how much I can see, but if you have to get lucky with where you click on top of that you lose me. I swear, I played through once and got to see like 2 scenes. On top of the grind it doesnt tell you how to get more scenes except some vague bs that youll only understand when you stumble upon it accidentally. There seems to be a lot of content... maybe, but you wont see any of it until youve been playing for at least 10 hours. If the combat and skill system werent botched I might even be okay with that. Maybe there will be a miracle and the dev will fix everything wrong with the balance, but even then I dont think I could rate it anywhere near Sexy Bar or even Time Travel.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    the game is simply terrible; the grind is way too much for what little reward you get which is the scenes, now the art of the scenes is mediocre at best.
    all in all, it's just a momentous waste of time.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Kegani Laboratory makes games with excellent concepts and terrible executions, and this one is no exception. If anything, its the most egregious offender of the lot of them. I'll save myself the time of a rant though, there is nothing I have to add that hasn't been said repeatedly in the reviews before me, and surely the reviews after me as well. It's kinda frustrating to see, because again, the threads of greatness are there, but absolutely nothing is being done with them.

    Though I do have to ask, the purpose of a game is to be enjoyable, so how do creative descisions like the ones that plague this one even get made? Surely the creator didn't think it was an actual good idea.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    I have played nearly every Kegani game up to date, and needless to say I was excited when first tracking this games development.

    The concept is excellent, with huge amounts of potential if pulled off correctly. Unfortunately, it wasn't. This game is plagued with bad gameplay design choices and a lack of actual H content, both with player and NTR.

    Gameplay: The dungeon exploration, the core element of the game is extremely repetitive and unrewarding. It is frustratingly RNG and requires no more thought from the player than clicking the best option available. You either want to see the heroine get fucked faster or don't, the combat is as simple as that. Combat in this game had the potential to rival that of what it seems to be imitating; Nymphomania Priestess. However, this is a very rushed, not well thought out version of that. You go in instantly getting cucked, with no real buildup other than what gets inserted. There's only one combat skill that changes depending on stats and one of your skills (there's 5 buttons to click in combat) doesn't even do anything and just wastes a turn.

    On the topic of skills, what was Kegani thinking? Skills require you to perform the action or level the skill with gold out of the dungeon. The problem is the grind for some skills is unbearable compared to other skills that level relatively reasonable. In order to see a lot of the H content you need to level the more difficult ones, or you will literally see and get nothing. On top of that, you cant just continually level up skills, as there are strange skill cap checkpoint that require you to spend more and more (up to thousands worth of gold) to be able to continue leveling the stat. Combine this with dungeons who's lategame counterparts dont even give you the reasonable amount of gold for time spent, and you get gameplay that is repetitive, frustrating, and boner killing.

    H Content: Now, I haven't seen everything, but I don't care enough to keep grinding to get a full completion. The girl is hot and all the art is pretty good, some minor animation, Kegani at least gets better with art as time goes on. The story going straight to explaining why the protagonist lets the girl get groped and more right off the bat is just lazy, and it happens every turn, there's nothing you can do about it other than stopping her lust from rising and protecting her clothing. Getting cucked while going through the dungeon and peeping on it is the hottest shit that's in the game. Unfortunately, I've got no idea how to get it to happen other than hoping the antagonist randomly rolls the event. Outside of the dungeon, the content is really bare bones and requires the girl to be trained which is a grind in of itself.

    OVERALL: This game has great concept and potential, but it falls short of what it could be. Kegani needs to to maybe slow down and actually work on making a good game rather than dropping rushed half made games that are annoying to play at times. I say this hoping that this game receives a lot of rework and development because I'd love to see this concept actually pulled off correctly.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    exactly what Tripleyun said in his review, if i could give this game a zero i would... the combat seemed interesting for the 1st 10 minutes or so but the combat quickly becomes extremely repetitive. if there were more ways to earn money to reduce the grind and combat was more interesting it could be a playable game
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Worst Kegani game by far. Bro is legitimately trolling with this piece of shit, there is no way this is an actual game. The combat is very boring and gameplay is EXTREMELY grindy to the point it's unplayable. You need to use cheat to have any form of meaningful progression, and even with cheat, it still feels like a slog.

    First, stats grinding is awful for both combat/utility related stats and H stats. You need to train with 2 of your peak skills in order to see what your partner might be engaging in. Engaging in eavesdropping/peaking grants a bit of stats whether it's success or failure, but the problem is you get some random value between 2-4, and you need to raise it to 900 to be able to unlock all of your partner's secrets. But the real problem comes with uncapping your skills. See, if the dev wasn't trolling, you would be able to raise your stats all the way to the game cap normally, but the dude decides your initial stats are capped at 50, you need 100 to uncap your stats by 50, each subsequent uncap cost is raised by 50, so you go from 100 to 150 to 200, etc. At the end, in order to just uncap your stats all the way to 900, you need nearly 8000 gold, PER STAT.

    Then let's talk about money. It's terrible. You get measly 50 per completed dungeon, that number goes up to 300 in endgame, each dungeon takes 5 minutes to complete, which is a stupid long time for how little reward you get. You can have your partner engage in prostitution for 300 gold but that's all there is for reliable money making. So good fucking luck raising your stats to the appropriate amount.

    Then there's raising H stats. It's the same shit, each engagement gets you some low number like 5-10, and you need to raise that shit to 500 to see the first progression, then 900 to see the final stage.

    PLEASE donot play this game for your own sanity.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    this feels rushed to the core.
    I even was kind of hyped after the demo and with the looks of the girl. Equally so for the in battle animations....
    But it's pretty bad. Her having sex is so nonchalantly shown, without much of a corruption.
    Gameplay is extremely dragged out and grindy.
    Kegani fucked up with this one
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Love this dev, but here we are...

    You basically go to the dungeon and click attack buttons over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.

    Also, if you want stuff to happen but don't want to go to the tedious dungeon, sucks to be you. Nothing happens during the day if girl's lust is zero.

    "Oh, but how do I make lust go up?" — You migh ask.
    Well, it's pretty easy, you just have to go to the dungeon and click attack buttons over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.

    But if you have enough time and patience and love long corruption and mc-pov mystery, it's just quite alright ig. With simple but good art and some cool systems like dynamic clothing, scaling difficulty and multiple endings it kinda hits.
    Overall mid 2,5 game from this dev. Definitely worse than Village Raid and Bar/Tavern games, but worth a peak if you liked them and TimeLoop game

    UPD: Played it a little more, changing my extremely generous 3 to 2
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Kengani laboratory has good ideas and concepts for their NTRs. You know what they dont have? good execution. I have yet to play a game of theirs that i actually like and this one is no exception.

    A dungeon adventuring story where someone in your group tries to get the girl under the MC nose? excellent concept that is surpsingly underexploited in the genre. Kenganis artstyle is fine in my opinon and i like the desing on the girl, simple but atractive, but everything else is a mess.
    The presentation is of the spice stuff is just a mess. The cg scenes lack any soundeffect of even freaking moan wich doesnt help at all to get you in the mood.
    The animated part are just the the same animation that Kengani uses in its other games but somehow presented in an even duller way than in their last game.
    The combat is just boring, even with the harrasment happening in the middle of it.
    The grind for making anything happen (either good or bad) is coma inducing and definetly not worth the reward.

    This game is the perfect summary of everything wrong with the games that come from Kegani Laboratory.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    The developer had a interesting train of thought for this game: "what if I combine the worst of all my past games into one game?"
    Because holy shit, this is by far their worst game!

    The game is grindy as fuck, more than those HTML games that you have to do mundane tasks 300 times to get one scene, and the scene as a payout is rng.

    Do yourself a favor and go play this studio's last 3 games and stay far away from this piece of crap.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Easily the worst Kegani Laboratory game while also the one with the best translation sadly. As other reviewers have said there is an absurd amount of grinding to see scenes that you can still miss just due to rng. I also ended up manually editing stats and still find it grindy. Not to mention you can't even see her sex stats without having super high grindy special eye stats so if you were going for a certain ending like where she marries you or even bruno, you might not even realize that someone else took her virginity and locked you out of that ending. My first run ended when I randomly found that out after editing stats after i could no longer handle the absurd grind and tedious management.

    I really wanted to like this and will at least try to finish it, but honestly can't recommend it the only reason it doesn't get 1 star only is that the translation is at least legible somewhat compared to the other games.

    Hopefully the other games this creator makes get translated instead of the auto translators.

    POST EDITING: I forgot to point out in case it wasn't obvious the locking you out of an ending because her virginity was taken by the wrong person is annoying as fuck and didn't exist as a problem in other games. I can't stress this enough.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Overall 2.5/5. The developer only makes NTR games and some of them I quite enjoyed, so I was intrigued by this release. In short, this game was a big step down from their previous works, like NTR House or Village Girl's NTR Adventure. The combat is atrociously repetitive and boring, and the grind was not worth the small payoff.
    • Story: Very mid. Generic debt to guildmaster story. Guildmaster joins you and harasses girlfriend while dungeon diving because...?.... I don't get it either.
    • Combat: The combat looked interesting at first and I was curious what more we would see, but after 100 days.. the combat is exactly the same as it started. Even if you level up your attack ability, you barely do more damage. The combat gets old... very quickly. Your girlfriend gets harassed every turn and you essentially attack, defend, or attack kinda harder. You can't lose in these fights, but your girlfriend's lust or curse increases.
    • Gameplay: The real focus of the gameplay is the NTR, but the CGs are also RNG. If the lust isn't high enough, then your girlfriend won't have sex with the guildmaster (and will just go to sleep). And that lust value drop to 0 the next day, so you'll have to run another dungeon to bring it back up. You can also miss these CGs completely unless you develop your peeking and special eye ability, which costs one time-cycle and a chunk of money. Even after going to the save data file and manually leveling the abilities to max, you can still miss these scenes due to RNG and not aiming at the correct location with your special eye ability. As your girlfriend's sex trait values go higher, the more corrupted she gets, but it takes a LONG time to start noticing these changes outside of her sex trait status page (which also requires you to grind a LOT to unlock). She only gets NTR'd based on the high lust or curse value. Increasing her favorability unlocks more scenes but at that point I got sick of the combat so much that I couldn't keep playing.
    • Fappable: Probably get one fap out of this. Maybe two or more, but the scenes are too short.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    9000% not worth the grind.

    In order to level up your skills, you need to use them. However, every skill, every 50 points, has a skiil cap that you have to spend money on to break. You only get money by diving into dungeons, which, by the way, by level 3, the average enemy can just tank a max power Special Attack. The bosses have insane health too.

    You can't die, by the way. This isn't lose NTR, all the damage goes straight to the girl. and raises her arousal level. She only gains training if she cums, which is every 100 points. Oh, and some times the guy just won't fuck her? Throwing all that aside, You have to grind money, grind stats, grind training, grind everything. Oh, and by the way, using the 'unlock dungeon' doesn't unlock the fucking dungeon. You have to go into the dungeon. Not only that, the difficulty of dungeons depends on the previous dungeons, so you have to clear all the dungeons 6 times before you get access to the hardest dungeon with the biggest payout. What the fuck. Who made this and why?