Alright so I had a good amount of time to play the game and there are some things I liked and other things I think could be improved.
Things I liked:
+I really liked the perspective of the player character - first person puzzle-solving labyrinths are rare in the adult game genre and it was fun to solve the few puzzles I ran into.
+The animations while short and limited in* number, were a nice touch especially with the sound effects
+I ended up using health potions quite a bit and I felt that the combat flow back and forth was fairly balanced
+The story sequence on depth 1 was fun and explained the game fairly well in a short amount of time.
+The introduction to the game when you're walking with the splash screens is very cool and I appreciated that touch a lot
+The algebraic puzzle on depth 8 was simple yet difficult enough to be interesting and fun.
Areas of potential improvement:
-A big one for me was the lack of skill variation. After I unlocked the 'vaginal' skill I just spammed it throughout the rest of the game. I think having some sort of specialization where you unlock certain abilities based on preference would be nice. Such as picking the Charmer vs Rapist class. The Charmer does less damage, but can mind-control one enemy into attacking another. The Rapist has the ability to bind an enemy and render them useless for one or two turns; etc.
-It would be really nice to see some sort of visual indication of the enemies' health. I understand that you can see their health in the compendium
after you defeat them, but when I hit an enemy and I see '
Super Effective!' -35! I have no context as to how much health that actually took off the enemy. If I crit a blue slime for 50, then they'd die instantly, not the same for a red slime and not having any feedback as to how damaged the enemies are made it hard to gauge whether I should heal or go for a hail mary and just take the enemy down with one last attack.
-Before the splash screens you're shown keybindings for certain options, but it's never shown again. I tried remembering them as best I could, but I forgot shortly after (for some reason lul) and resorted to just spamming random buttons on my keyboard. It would be nice if there was a clear way to see those keybindings again.
-The enemies often would block attacks but there would be times where I'd get a 'super effective' prompt even after the enemy blocked the attack. It might be my personal opinion, but I feel like if an enemy blocks an attack, it could do
some damage, but maybe not 'super effective' levels of damage.
-The store owner you 'save' at the beginning is only on the second depth? (unless I missed something) I realized that I'd need to rely on health potions for the combat system and I farmed some gold to get the potions, but I was disappointed when I was around depth 8-9 that there was still no store owner meaning I'd probably have to go all the way back to spend my gold.
-There was a secret chest on depth 8 or 9 that simply gave health restoration. Might be opinion, but it doesn't feel that great to find a secret chest only to receive the effects of a common item (health potion). I would recommend having the secret chests give rare items such as armor, weapons, or powerful/rare power-ups rather than filling your stamina/health bars.
-There were a few typos here and there, such as 'strenght' and something near the beginning where the queen or MC said "that is that she is..." blabla, the correct grammar would be to just say "that is she is a..." something like that. Sorry for not writing the whole line down.
-The lack of weapons or armor throughout the game was a shame. I imagine this feature is in the pipeline, but for my time in this build, it would've been nice.
-The questionnaire at the beginning seemed useless to me personally. I was hoping that answering the questions differently would give weapons or abilities that differed from one another, but I didn't notice any difference, perhaps that's on me.
-I think it would be nice to have a fully rendered MC where you can maybe pick their hair color and/or eye color instead of a simple silhouette.
All-in-all I enjoyed my time with the game. To summarize I wish that there was more vendors on each level and that the levels were longer/bigger. I think some character customization and a party system would benefit the game. I liked the animations and the overall aesthetics of the game.
Looking forward to further work on the game and I am down to clarify any of my points if need be. Thanks Zachy!
Edit: I don't feel comfortable giving this game a 1-5 rating at this time. I feel the game is definitely still taking form and it would be unfair to rate the game at this stage. I enjoyed the content that I played, but to me it definitely seems like there is some more work to be done (as shown by the obvious v0.4 as well). I look forward to seeing the game improve and I appreciate you allowing me to critique your game