RPGM - Completed - I am the Armour[v1.09] [ToraumaCompany]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    First and foremost: if you do not like bestiality you WILL NOT like the H scenes in this game. 90% of them involve some manner of creature and a (largely) unwilling protagonist, so if that's not your cup of tea, you may not like what you find in here.

    The premise of the game is that you play as the Demon Lord who was vanquished by the Hero some 200 years prior to the events of the game. Somehow, you get reincarnated as a suit of armor in a dungeon, with all your Demon Lord powers severely weakened. You then immediately get found by the descendant of the Hero who killed you 200 years prior. This descendant is of course the main Heroine of the game named Shira. Shira is somewhat naive and never questions this armor she found in the dungeon and similarly never questions why monsters from that point on seem intent on sexually assaulting her. What a coincidence, am I right?
    Anyway, you then follow the Heroine on her adventures throughout the kingdom with a fairly standard plot that's nothing to write home about. There's a little twist reveal at the end that I didn't see coming but it's not a bad thing, I don't think.

    With that out of the way, I actually think this game is pretty neat!
    There's a unique blend of either helping or hindering the Heroine where in each battle you can choose whether to buff her, debuff her, or buff the enemies.
    The buffs you can give her are pretty impactful and last the entire battle, so at a certain point you can enter a battle, drop all your buffs on turn 1, and then let the Heroine auto-battle her way to victory without you needing to do anything else. Pretty convenient - especially since there's an item you can equip to automatically skip your turns after turn 1, so this is definitely a way to play that's encouraged by the game.

    Note that means the character you control is purely a support character in battle. The Heroine's AI determines what attacks to use and which enemy to use them on - which can occasionally be a problem since the AI likes to make brain-dead decisions... But to be honest even then it's barely problem at all since the game is QUITE easy.

    In fact, the game is so easy that if the heroine is defeated in a typical battle (i.e. HP goes to 0) then NOTHING HAPPENS. The battle ends, you get somehow teleported to the beginning of the dungeon/area and she says something along the lines of "How could I have lost?!" and then she gets a full HP/MP restore. That's it - there's no other consequences. It's a slap on the wrist.
    Granted, if it's a boss fight and you lose the fight you'll get an actual Game Over screen, so I suppose that counts as a consequence - but if you just save fairly often then it's not an issue.

    One odd mechanic is that you can't actually use any items in battle. So anything you buy at the shop can only be used before/after a fight - so there's no point in stocking up on HP Potions or whatever, since they won't be useable if you desperately need them in a pinch.


    Anyway, let's get to what you're ACTUALLY playing this game for...
    While you CAN play the game as a goody-two-shoes and just help the Heroine defeat the bad guys... what kind of Demon Lord would that make you? I'll tell you: it'll make you a Demon Lord who gets no H-scenes.
    That's right - the VAST majority of scenes in this game are in the battlefuck system. You, as the Heroine's suit of possessed armor, have to make her get assaulted if you want to see the goodies.

    The Heroine debuffs you can apply (and the enemy buffs you can apply) all serve the purpose of getting the Heroine to be molested and raped. Things like reducing her attack accuracy, reducing her agility so she acts slower... up to increasing her body's sensitivity, reducing her Resistance gauge, or making the enemies use H-attacks every turn.
    The Heroine has a Resistance stat which (as far as I can tell) significantly reduces her chances to get molested or raped when it's high (99). Every time she takes a basic attack from an enemy, it goes down by 1. If an enemy's H-attack gets through her Resistance it'll go down by 2-5 or so. If she climaxes, it'll go down by 10. Your goal is to get her Resistance meter down enough that she is vulnerable to H attacks and then watch her get raped. Once the enemy creampies her, then her Resistance will restore back to 99 (unless you get certain skills to reduce that recovery).

    Speaking of creampies there is a chance that she can be impregnated by almost any monster in the game. Once she's pregnant you have the option to get a "treatment" at the Hospital that removes the pregnancy or you can ignore the (several) warnings and let her give birth. There's only one birth scene, but the offspring does change depending on what you got her to copulate with. Unfortunately that's pretty much where the pregnancy system ends since the newly-born monster will just disappear and then you can resume playing like nothing's happened. There is a specific ending regarding pregnancy but I won't spoil it here.

    The monsters she can get assaulted by are fairly typical for this kind of game. Slimes and goblins are a matter of course, but there's also several flavors of worms/slugs, octopi for some tentacle action, giant spiders and flies, and giant rats and dogs. There's also a handful of human enemies (bandits and whatnot) but they're rare.

    The good news is that if you find some of those enemy types to be gross then you can just decide to buff the Heroine for those fights and have her slaughter them rather than seeing those scenes. I myself am not a fan of spiders so I just made sure to buff the Heroine whenever I saw one so she'd stomp them.

    Moving on, once you beat the game in any manner you choose you get access to the recollection room where you can see every scene in the game and even set up custom battles against whatever combination of enemies you want. Pretty neat, since you could beat the game in a virgin run and still get access to all the H scenes at the end if you felt like doing that.

    All told the game is pretty unique in the way it plays. You're alternately supporting the Heroine in boss fights or when you want to progress, and cursing her whenever you want to get your rocks off. The game is fairly short, since I beat it in 3-ish hours with plenty of time wasted on just watching the Heroine get railed. If you were determined, you could probably beat this game in an hour or so.
    To that end, I quite liked this game and would happily recommend it to others (if you're not put off by bestiality, anyway).
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a good game! Since gameplay's a pretty serious part of this one, I'll split the review into gameplay and porn segments.

    Gameplay: 4.5/5
    Genuinely fun gameplay. It's a JPRG, so it's naturally limited on how good it can actually be, but there's something that's really compelling about playing a purely supportive (or detrimental, if you want the porn) character. Defeat isn't punished by a GOR (thank god) and instead you just get back up at the start of the screen. My only real complaint about the gameplay is some boss fights can drag a lot, especially if you're an idiot who forgot to take the training collar off for the mid bosses like me.

    Porn: 3/5
    The porn here's somehow lacking somepared to the gameplay. While I appreciate the lack of GOR because it can make getting to the porn a pain in the ass before you unlock a gallery, it also means that your porn is constrained to a smattering of in-battle CGs. Since you don't control Shira, actually getting to see the battlefuck animations might prove difficult. A pretty good array of fetishes are covered, but obviously (I mean just look at the images) bestiality is the most prominent one -- you're going to want to skip this game if you're not into that.

    The story's nothing to write home about. It's decent enough to read, skippable enough that you won't miss much by skipping through it. No real surprises. It's a porn game with good gameplay, I didn't have high expectations on the story.