Say for example you have one game where a single-scene side character has small breasts but said scene is an interactive animation on par with the better Flash games.
third level as it's only one single scene. doesn't matter how high the quality is. what matters is, how often that tag comes into play in a game. big tits would first level here.
Except that game is text-based,
first level for small tits.
ah jeah, i played the dead end. i think all three tags: zombie, dead & sleeping could be applied to the game. it's big part of the game, whether you choose that route or not. you can also play certain games without triggering any sex acts. doesn't mean though the game is non-h. game like
seeds of chaos have a game over scene right at the start. doesn't mean it's a short game either, right?

other than that there is still the option to write down that it's avoidable. e.g. you then would have a necrophilia (avoidable) written in red text (red text would mean: level 1).
but i do understand what you mean here. ya gotta have a strict instruction on how to handle it. e.g. in order to decide what level a tag should get, the whole game with all its side routes has to be taken into account. how big tits should be to be still called "small tits". when the "rape" tag will be used and so on and so on. will everyone like that decision? ofc. not. but rules are there to give clearity how things are handled, whether some like it or not.
I support this. Would add the possibility to filter what's shown. So that you only see level or level 1 and 2 tags. The System that Sphere42 mentioned could be a bit to much. Some games already have 4 or even more rows or tags. If every tag would have the subtags it could be a chaotic mess. Maybee with the option to hide all subtags? maybe everyone can decide for each tag if it shows the subtags or not, and which level of each Tag is shown? That would be the best for everyone but also quiet a lot of work to program it and for every uploader to tag the game properly.
My sugestion: Some more tags (small breasts and some other that are missed here) and level for each tag. That would be not to much work to program and would surely give us added value. Than if there is still time an leisure, the other points can be worked on.
yep. fully agree here. subtags are too chaotic. and why using subtags when you could use the traffic light system that is also in use for our foods? easy to understand and it gives a rough understand what you have in front of you.
the workload could become huge though. every game needs to be retagged (and the guy tagging the game has to play the game through in order to tag it properly). i wouldn't mind helping out as an "official" tagger here though

. so
Sam, if you need a tagger, i would gladly help ^^.
but you can bypass this huge amount of workload for the mods by using a tag "rating" system similar to that e.g. uses. this system allows EVERYONE to tag the game. you can vote whether small tits should be lvl 1, 2 or 3 (or if it's even part of the game). the option that gets the most votes (let's say lvl 1) will be shown. in this case small tits will be shown as a level one tag. or even better. make it a color based rating. if 50% vote for lvl 1 (red text) and 50% vote for lvl. 2 (yellow text) the outcome would be a tag written in orange.
maybe instead of going heads on with a lot of tags, let's do a hybrid of your suggestion by adding new tags one after another over time to see if it's doable. if not ya gotta live with the tags that are already included. just a thought ofc.