VN - HTML - I just want to be Famous [v0.1]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    TL;DR = game really early in development. Not worth playing at the moment.

    Story: 3/5
    + There is this naive young girl who wants to become famous. She has some choices how she can do that. She can become pornstar or she can move to L.A. and work some side jobs while trying to start as actress.
    + Nice thing is the fact, that there are multiple choices. And those choices branch the story into different paths.
    - Bad thing is the fact, that those branching choices split the game in different paths. And each path is REALLY SHORT.
    - So you start the game, make a choice and in 3 minutes you will reach end of content. Then you can restart the game, make different choices and read different text, but you will reach end of content in another 2 minutes. Thats not very entertaining.
    - So there are many paths but each path is really short. Not enough content.

    Art and Sex content: 2/5
    + Main heroine is hot.
    + The game uses real life pictures. They are nice.
    - There is not enough content.
    - In this version there is only 1 sex scene.

    Gameplay: 3/5
    + This game is Visual Novel with choices.
    + Choices have significant impact on the gameplay. Choices can split the game into entirely different paths.
    + English is decent.
    - There is not enough content.
    - The game is really short. I finishes everything after 10 minutes.
    - I am also very skeptical about future development speed of this project. Developing many totally different branching paths will be very time consuming. It is much harder to develop than one single plotline with some smaller choices.

    To sum it up:
    This game is proof content. Although it looks promising, but the current content is very small.
    At this point it is not worth playing this game. Maybe check the game later. Much later.
    Current content deserves barely 1/5 . Seriously this game is so short. But what has been shown so far look promising and interesting, so I am giving it 3/5.