Ren'Py - Completed - I Love Daddy [Flamecito]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    What a ride. You think you're playing a simple incest game and then Mario Puzo takes over halfway through. The multiple endings were varied, I'll give him credit for that. please enter a review of more than 200 characters.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    unique. The specified use

    Ok. First off, I checked this out when it was still in it's early stages, and I got to say it has cum quite far. Pun very intended.

    Review-time, this is text-heavy, but at the same time gets down right to the sexual stuff - and from the start your choices already matter as there are multiple different endings with each path catering to various kink.

    Although I say its text-heavy, its not too verbose. As unlike a lot of games who substitute the lack of art with text, every paragraph or so has a scene relating to it. So you can enjoy the art and the subtitles at the same time.

    However, the text still reads like an anime, but if you can find humor in it, you'll be laughing all through out the story while being wet or having a hard-on. If you think it's cringy tho, maybe just skip the dialogue and plot and go to where they're screaming each other's names.

    Lengthwise, the game is still quite short per playthrough, but considering the amount of paths and endings - you can sink a good amount of time to see through it all - there being no mini-games to pad out the playtime works in it's favor too.

    As for the art, I'd say its pretty average for a 3dcg game. Not that great but also isn't so retro like old Lara croft with them perky box boobs.

    All in all, it's one of the better VN's out there, so 4 out of 5 I'd reckon.

    P.S. If you're rating this down because of kinks you don't approve of, wtf are you doing here in the first place? Title shouts incest, tags actually has most things the game shows, reviews and comments also already tell you what to expect.

    Shame on you for kinkshaming.
    Likes: ryxp
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has a lot of endings!

    I only had the patience to go through about 5. Some were pretty wild. The main path/story is pretty direct and to the point. Though I found it's a bit to text heavy I find gets right to the taboo of daughter on dad action.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    For a long time I ignored 3dcg games and while this game didn't captivate me visually it has some of the hottest scenarios out there. It also has the extemily rare fetish, cuck-quean. Liked it so much that I binge downloaded a bunch of 3dcg games after, and now like 8 months after playing I'm rating

    It's a simple VN, with no time waste/open world/grind that just pads the playtime,

    My only complaints are about how there is not more things like this. Like I even checked out the Patreon link and the dev hasn't been active since 2019. A shame because I was ready to subscribe and follow whatever project they were working on.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Flamecito does know how to pull the readers in with his unconventional writing style. At first glance the VN appears to have a fairly cliche plot of our female protagonist pining for her father's dick. However, in reality the plot of ILD is a complete lunacy in the best positive sense of the word. It's like the developer threw everything at the wall, looking what's gonna stick, but he noticed that everything sticks and left it like that... and it fucking works!

    Flamecito paints every character in overexaggerated tones, so that they come across as mental cases, however those characters flawlessly fit in a game, where the whole world seems to follow completely unconventional logic. Almost every reader of different tastes can find something to like in "I Love Daddy". They just need to appreciate the really quirky writing and legitimately insane characters in order to get the most out of the game.

    [Read the full review here]
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    ...Wow. Sometimes I wonder if I would ever find this game even I didn't have a fetish for Father-Daughter incest. And that thought, that I might have missed this gem of a game, legit scared me.

    Putting aside how the game totally nailed the incest thingie with dialogue and storyline. The pure amount of imagination and creativity put into the writing is staggering

    I usually do not like deviating plot lines and game changing choices. But given that there are good, easy to follow walkthroughs. I thought this game would be bearable. How wrong was I.

    From a simple opening of a daughter lusting after this father, to multiple different endings that slowly pieces together into a great chronicle as you slowly finds the pieces of puzzles with every new ending you unlock. This story is more than it lets on, and you should play it.

    Honestly, this game is nothing more than a low budget Ren'py game with old Daz renders that don't move. But the fact that this comes so highly rated should tell you this game offers more than you might ever get from playing 10 other mediocre games here.

    I truly enjoy stories, ranging from music, books, comics, anime, drama and movies, and I did my share of creative writing. Perhaps that's why the writing resonated so deeply with me, maybe you won't rate this game as highly as I did, but I'm sure you would at least recognizes and appreciate good writing when you see it.

    I did a bit of research into the game developer, it seemed that he made another game after this one, which was eventually abandoned due to a disaster in his country. For what it's worth, I hope he never stops writing, and that he goes on to achieve great things.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Im gonna give it 4 stars because the writing is quite good really, it has its less bright moments, but overall the quality is quite above the average.
    The wirting is making the game good, otherwise this game,with the low amount and quality of renders, would be bad.

    There are many monents where you have to read 200 words with 1 single render. In many sex scenes this is quite a letdown cause it could be awesome.

    The thing that any decision can affect not only the journey onwards but the outcome entirely and give you a totally diferent ending, is also awesome.

    Visually is not a game for 2021, i didnt play it in 2017 and it would need like 3 times more renders. In this type of nove, with a strong support in the novel part, i dont care much about animations, but in this game i missing better stronger storytelling using images. This part is lacking.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn, what a game. Could complete all endings here, just think they could explore more scenes from the girl with daddy. Those threesomes are awesome.
    And is really worth trying all endings the game can offer.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I actually didn't like this game. There wasn't really any build up on the characters they kind of just hand everything to you on a bronze platter. I can't even say silver platter because it wasn't that great of a platter. Everyone just wants everyone right from the get go.

    I didn't get to entirely complete the game so I don't know how in-depth the story goes so I won't say that the story is bad. But, from what I did get to play everything moved just way to fast for me and every interesting part of building a relationship with characters was pretty much non-existent.

    So take this review with a grain of sand as I would never take a review seriously if someone didn't at least finish the game before writing the review. This was just my take on the little that I did get to see and what caused me to drop it.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Every question supposed by the overview is answered before you even open this up. And the answer is yes.

    Before you read a single word in this the MC has made up her mind she wants Daddy... and Daddy has made up his mind that he wants daughter... and Wife has made up her mind she wants them to be together... and the daughter's best friend wants Daddy... and wants Daddy to be with Daughter... and wants the wife... and the wife wants all of this, too.

    Everything interesting about perpetuating these types of relationships is already done before you read a word... and inside a day or two everyone has slept with everyone.

    What's the point? Just where is the taboo, exactly?
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 301726

    The story goes from non-existent to enthralling, which is weird. If you just want to get off, it does that early, but it keeps you coming back for more. It doesn't keep you waiting to see some good content, but usually that's where other games get less interesting. This one only accelerates. The characters create an atmosphere that really boosts the mood. I don't normally expect this level of quality in skin-flicks or games. Very well done.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    this is for the [Finished] version.

    first off, i'm not much into VN (most VN i checked are seemingly flat/linear clickers) and not a big fan of 3DCG.
    the different approach got me curious. everyone else makes games about [insert male char] turning [insert number of females] into sluts with added [family] tag.
    starts with a somewhat cliché omg BicDic approach, ok that's average. it doesn't stay like that for long from there, it actually tells a story. that's what got me. i like stories told in a game. if you're just looking for a quick fap, this game isn't what you're looking for. this one is somewhat like a good read, if you're into books, pick it on a rainy day, plan to spend several hours on it, for if you've come to one ending, you will be curious about all the other ones. here, they're not just variations of the same-all-over. you will go WTF or LMFAO or (if you're easily moved) might break into tears here and there depending on your decisions. i'm not telling more, to avoid spoiler.
    the entertainment level (for me, anyway) was high, the plot twists gave me some good laughs and kept me interested. and yes, i had the WTF moments.
    there are no animations, imho for the story it doesn't need that, the art is OK (see above, i'm not into 3DCG) quality wise i've seen much worse.
    the gameplay, well it's a VN so there isn't much to actually 'play'. you click to advance the dialogue; no bugs, no hiccup.
    the text of the [finished] is pretty fluent, almost free of typos, but you will use the Skip button quite a few times, because some storylines reuse whole scenes until the next decision. Do Save Alot. Ren'Py rollback function has its limits.
    overall, i give it a *5 for the whole.

    the walkthroughs. don't use them if you don't want spoiler, by nature they do that. i had a look and the [jpsimon] one, you can read it just with wordpad, if you must. i didn't look into [Flamecito's] because i can't be bothered to install yet another program just to look up one spreadsheet.
    you can play without walkthrough and not get lost, but they do save time.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Author, if you cant take criticism, dont read this. Let me first start by saying that despite all the bitching I am about to do, I still gave it 5 stars.

    1: The faces are pretty horrible. Dont look at the faces much, imagine your own faces
    2: Dialog, some was decent, some was "WTF". Like I feel like this had an english and a non english writer both adding content.
    3: Lots of the scenes just had the "wtf, no way that would happen" feeling to them. Reminded me of PL (which even with that "no fucking way" feel, I enjoyed)
    4: On ending10, the daughter in the start is not the daughter in the middle-end. It feels/seems like 2-3 days have passed, yet the daughter is suddenly very confident, smart-ass, tough, etc compared to the first few scenes.

    Despite all of this, after getting to ending 10 (I used the fan-made walk-through) and wasnt very happy with it, but surprisingly was still interested in the story. I chose the ending10 WT because before I started and not knowing the daughters name I chose the "Catherine route" thinking that was prob the daughter (its not, its her BFF). I then went back and completed ending 1a and then 1b. These were actually pretty decent endings.

    There was a lot of shit wrong with this VN, but I feel like the author was really good at fleshing out the characters (and quickly, this isnt very long compared to others) which really increased the quality despite the flaws. If this was their first attempt, I would definitely try their other works.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I think the only thing that could have improved this game for me is the addition of animated scenes. Otherwise, I thoroughly enjoyed it! Lots of endings to explore, really adorable teen characters, and FINALLY a MILF that doesn't look like she's let herself go for a few decades.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    As a whole I think this game is really only a 2.7 out of 5 stars.

    There are 2 main paths in this game which then split into about 10 endings between them.

    I personally enjoyed the "family" paths and endings more because the story is more concise and works better.

    The other path has interesting stuff going on and eventually starts getting pretty decent to then make a huge mistake imo. And starts adding a huge amount of unneeded drama and plot points that you the player most likely do not care for; + a supernatural element that doesn't seem to fit with what the initially story was going for.

    Other than that the choices felt front ended at times in that the game just somewhat ends when the more interesting choices have just been made; instead of you seeing what happens after that it just throws you into an ending/epilogue.

    For people seeing the pregnancy tag, stay on the family path it is there only in the endings, which are easy enough to get, especially with the walkthroughs available to download.

    To me it really felt like the creator had 2 different games going on in their head during the creation of this game and then decided to mash them together. Which is a shame because both ideas are decent and could have been better had they been 2 separate game. Unfortunately that is not the case and it brings my score down for this game.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    'I Love Daddy' was a game I played quite a while ago and only recently have I given it another full playthrough. Consider this review as long overdue.
    From the surface this game seems like a product of its time. Of course that time being when incest games were the biggest, most popular titles during the rise of the patreon porn game boom. 'I Love Daddy' easily slipped under the radar as "yet another incest game". If you were among the folks who thought so... you could not be any more wrong.
    What this game does beyond all others like it is its dialogue. Its writing is fantastic—a full 'A' grade. The characters all speak with natural speech and react to events as one would expect in reality. It's charming, funny, and you will crack open a smile as you read through all the hilarity. Be it monologues or banter between Daughter, Daddy, and Mommy, this game has done it better than others to this day.
    Where 'I Love Daddy' falls short is two fields. Firstly, the visuals. By the time this game was released we had others with clear, high quality renders at 1280x720 image dimensions and above. This one is rendered at a 4:3 aspect ratio at just over 800x600 pixels. Alongside the relatively grainy renders, this is simply unacceptable in this day and age. It noticeably reduces the impact of scenes which would have been complemented greatly with the game's amazing dialogue. But alas, it remains a grave hindrance. Secondly, the length. Upon looking at the walkthrough one would think this was a long game. Not so much the case, rather that it simply has many endings and two major branches for the story to lead. Some might see this as a positive, but I simply love this game and wanted to see more of these characters so it being this short is disappointing.
    To conclude, 'I Love Daddy' is drastically underrated among the games on f95Zone. For a title that released during an era of family fucking where the main battle between developers was often centred around who could make the most visually appealing games and characters, this one placed its chips on writing and dialogue. I urge anyone reading this review to give this game a fair go, so you too could witness what it is like finding a diamond in the rough.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    this is long over due but here it is.

    At first glance it looked low quality but as I got into it I saw quite the effort put into making the dialogue, and character development and the plot I'm talking not about tits. It seriously could rival anime romcom and anime action comedy genre today.

    On one end of decision path its heart-warming and tear jerking story where an accident from the past haunts the family but they overcame resolve the issue and became one again. and the game actually represents the problem almost realistically not some piss poor excuse to just move the story or give it meaning won't spoil it though.

    On another path its a slap-stick action comedy where you get to laughing on how ridiculous is plot is getting to from comedic family feuds to anti-magic dicks and somehow still leave you hooked and still the plot doesn't sway from its path.
    all in all "Familia Primum!", Family first.

    best part is this to paths don't intertwine meaning its two completely different stories in one game with each of their multiple unique endings

    P.S. The mom is bad-ass
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    While I did give this game three stars, the last word I would ever choose to describe this game is average. This game is insane. I didn't really have any strong feelings for or against it at first but decided to check it out for its described pregnancy content. It eventually came down to me wanting to try all the endings just because they all go off the fucking rails.

    As a general rule, I like to download walkthroughs before playing and utilize them because I'm both lazy and a perfectionist. If you do the first few endings following the walkthough, you end up with a fairly standard incest game. That all changes when you move on through the walkthrough. What starts out as a sweet and innocent daddy/daughter game gets blown up into an off the wall Spanish soap opera.

    While I highly recommend the game, it's mostly due to the novelty of its insanity. It is a perfectly salvageable game when doing the more tame walkthroughs and much more interesting when it isn't. That's a detriment in my option because I mostly play these games for the sex scenes and not the stories, and this is definitely a game I played for the story. The image quality isn't the greatest though and I am certain I wouldn't have bothered to play this if it wasn't Ren'Py.

    If you've got a Saturday to waste, download and play this. If you've got literally anything else to do, probably do that instead. I gave this game a third star just because it is batshit crazy.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good game!, I love daddy is definetly a game you should try out. The sex scenes are really hot and it's actually got an alright story, nothing out of this world but it gets you hooked atleast. Also another thing that makes it good is that it's finished and got like 7-9 endings so you have many routes you can go and have fun with. Characters are pretty sexy to, you will enjoy this game trust me on that cause i sure did.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I think this is the first time I saw a female protagonist have her own will to manipulate and seduce the other man and women like a man. Every character in this game have their own though can't be changed. I really like that! I like to see a female protagonist build her own harem for everyone's happiness. Such a refreshing story makes me think we should pay more attention to stories. Not just the high quality 3D CG made from the powerful computer but with a poor or clichéd story.