Ren'Py I really have no idea what will please the audience can someone help me please.. Thank You


New Member
Aug 17, 2020
I am thinking to work on a game but I have no idea what will please people because every other second game out there has the same storyline. I really love to know some of you guys perspective on what type of game you guys want.


Romance & Redemption Enthusiast
Aug 22, 2018
Just tell the story that YOU want to. Start with something simple, a few characters, and a basic plot, that's all you need (in the beginning). It doesn't have to be anything incredible. Let the story grow from the basics.

You shouldn't feel the need to ask others what type of story they want because they'll never be completely pleased as people want different things. I can almost certainly assure you working on something someone else wants will never bring you joy out of working on it, and will likely drain you. Whenever someone tells a story, it should be an expression of their heart's most inner desires. The most successful games that you see here come from the most passionate individuals I've ever seen, just trying to tell a story.


Super Moderator
Game Developer
Nov 3, 2017
Well, LordMerek's first sentence is word for word what I wanted to write. Write the story that is eating you from inside. Speak in the voices your characters speak to you. Write the ideas which you connect to. It's better to write an unoriginal plot which is filled with your passion than artificially aiming for an original angle you are never quite comfortable with.

Also: there are never enough VNs where you are a big cock dude living with his hot voluptuous mother, hot bitchy older sister and hot naïve younger sister ;)

Droid Productions

[Love of Magic]
Game Developer
Dec 30, 2017
*Don't* make the same "Boy moves back in with 'landlady' and two 'flatmates'. It'll be incredibly difficult to add anything new to that formula. Take inspiration from books, or movies, or non-porn games where you have something that interests you. Make a game about a dark love-triangle set in the Antebellum South, or a Vampire that needs sex, not blood. Write a story about a girl working under-ground for the Resistance in WW2, or the life of a showgirl in Prohibition Chicago.

There's so many interesting stories to tell; why would you restrain yourself to retelling Big Brother yet another time?


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2017
Just dont use RPGM and you will be fine. Also just make a thread and put some of your ideas down. I am sure people will tell you what they like and dont like about your ideas.
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Deleted member 2528490

Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2020
Stop caring about pleasing people and make whatever da fuck u want.
Also good luck and have fun.
First post best post.

You can tailor a game to everyone's whims, but if its not the game you want to make, you'll just burn out from hating it. Make what you want. There's a fanbase for just about everything at this point. If you're good, the crowd will come.


Aug 17, 2020
Truth be told a customers doesn't always know what they want so they explore until something catches their interest. After you make the game you want try to market your game. Marketing is the biggest thing you can do to get your game out there vs making something the majority wants. Nobody knew they wanted to play "Amoung Us" but after it got highlighted on some streams people wanted to play it when it had been out for 2 years.
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New Member
Mar 22, 2019
No one knows the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everyone.

Remember, you are living in a time when people in general are superficial and demand instant gratification of their whims and seem to celebrate laziness. Set your sights on doing the exact opposite, and you will have a start.

Whatever game you choose to make, or whatever story you choose to tell, make it a story or subject that intrigues you or compels you to explore. The vast amount of themes on this site are boring and cliche; of the many I have looked at here, I have found only 3 creative and excellent storytellers whose work I have truly enjoyed- Droid being one of them. He is correct when he says there are multitudes of unique ideas to be found out there (those are the gems I look for), but sadly imagination is skewed by the hive-mind infestation these days. Break that cycle, and don't be afraid to color outside the lines, even if it pisses people off. If anything, that's a good reason to do it.

Nice art and rendering is a fine thing, but secondary to a good story accompanying it. It's a pair of cartoon tits at the end of the day, who gives a shit? I personally don't give a damn about the porn in these games; my interest in the stories are largely cerebral rather than carnal (again, it's ultimately illustrated sex and when you've seen one, you've seen them all), which probably puts me in the extreme minority around here. I want to see a good story that enthralls the mind, and if it happens to be paired with very talented artwork, I appreciate the story even more because I enjoy good art and respect talent. On the other hand, there's a lot of them that put tons of fancy art and animation in there, and completely ruins it with shitty dialog. Those are tabloids as far as I am concerned, and not even worth my time.

Think outside the box a bit and find a story you want to tell; the rest will fall into place.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2018
Threads like this, asking what pleases me instead of a dev making the game he wants the way he wants, doesn't please me at all. So there is that as well.
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Jul 25, 2018
I think some sort of island survival theme like being marooned on an island and you have to create a new place to live with survival aspects would be nice. I've always enjoyed from the uncle's viewpoint. I also would love to see a game where you are a dad who's daughter has a lot of hot high school friends that think of you as a DILF. However, I have no desire in the father/daughter thing which those types of games usually focus on. I'd like to see the focus on the other young girls. My most fond desire would be to see a game where there are a LOT of voluptuous milfs and gilfs (that actually look like older women) with the main character being inexperienced or shota even.

Just some ideas. I'm not going to give you the 'make what you feel the most attached to' because you specifically asked what others would like to see in a game. I figured I would actually answer the question.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2018
There are several game genres that are unexplored or that I'd like to see.

Male dominant MC sissifying other dudes.

A mod for Crossroads Inn focusing on Brothel management.

An incest game where MC and incest partner are consciously engaging in inbreeding and trying to get pregnant while mother/father/sister/whoever is trying to stop them from doing anything at all since incest is wrong so they have to hide it.

A rape game with brutal MC beating, killing and raping his way across the country, possibly impregnating them as well.
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May 28, 2017
Paraphrasing Yahtzee here: 'The problem in asking people what they want is that they only know what they already know. I didn't know I wanted Driver San Francisco, but then I played it and I wanted the shit out of it.'

My point, I know what I already like, so it's easy to ask for more of the same or say 'I want something fresh' and then realize I don't like 9 out of 10 fresh ideas I hear. Not everything new is an improvement. And if you're not passionate about it, it's going to be hard. I couldn't make a gay game, simply because I can't relate, I don't know what appeals because it's not appealing to me. And then I may have to sustain that game for over a year while I feel nothing for it? That's never going to work.

Write what you find super hot. No matter what it is (excluding kids, rule 7) I'm sure you can find someone that also appreciates it.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
First, if you are going to worry about audiences you need to know which one. There isn't just one audience.
It is literally impossible to appease all of them. So don't even try.
Your best option is think of a story you like the type of stuff you like reading. Write something similar with stuff you know about.
If you don't know about something and think you can fool people you are dead wrong.
Use events you understand or experienced.
Write what you know and what you like.

Don't half ass something just because you or people are pressuring you to get to some scene or another.
If a character uses a line like, "But I have no choice", to justify doing something she really better have no choice the reader can think of or it will just look like you wanted to get to the fap scene.
If you don't care enough about your story to do the work why should anyone care to read it!
Keep that in mind always.

Back to audiences. This is a more in-depth explanation.
If you look at great works they have intended audiences. If you look at news paper articles and stories they are directed toward various audience but not everyone.
You can find a story written with veterans in mind. You can find a story with people who never served in the military in mind as the intended audience. You can find articles and stories with coffee drinkers in mind.
The audience could be people over 55 or some other age group...
There are lots of audiences even when you narrow it down to porn games there are dozens. People who like NTR and those that don't. People who like RPGs those that like VN, those who are different age groups, different types of porn games.. and so on.

How many great writers ever poled their audience asking what they wanted them to write? ZERO!
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