I Really Need Help...


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2020
I have a problem with renpy game saves. Normally Normally I was using windows 10, but I switched to windows 8.1 to increase the performance of my computer.I increased the performance of the computer but this time, the renpy games I played started not saving to appdata. The game's save folder is created in users/(username)/appdata/renpy/(gamename), but it does not add the save files. Has anyone experienced this, what can I do?


New Member
May 13, 2020
My renpy save files are in users/(username)/appdata/roaming/renpy/(gamename)

If you download Sysinternals Process Monitor (procmon) you can see where the game actually saves the files.
Before starting the program you want to look at, start procmon and right click every process in the "process name" column and "Ignore ..." so that process will not show up on the list. Do this for everything so nothing is being outputted.
Once you have the list clear, start the game and save the game.
Switch back to procmon, right click on your program and "Include ..." then go to the Tools menu and File Summary. This is all the files that have been used by your program.