Apples to oranges,To be honest, I've seen way too many things against and for Freud, so many things that I don't know what to believe, especially when I don't have any special knowledge or interest about psychology. But I do notice that most of the people against him seems to be angry against him, as if it was something bothering them, something uncomfortable, something personal...
With that in mind, and the fact that we live in a world where apparently "Vaccines are a fraud and have been debunked 6 ways to Sunday", then no, sorry but I'm not buying that, especially not on a field of study with so many contradictions in itself.
It's like saying pot is a gateway drug, so there for violent video games make kids violent. There is no correlation. As for psychology and vaccines, the science is there.
Freud HAS been proven wrong, and vaccines DO work.
Unless you want to look at the covid vaccine/s but that would require a book length post that would just piss off the lefty nutjobs and force me to remind them that their cry closest aren't going to protect them forever.
And as a final point, only people against FRAUD seem to always be angry,,, really now lol.