I think one reason why there're so many incest Daz3d games is that it's hard to explain MC's exposure to many females unless they are...


Active Member
Jun 25, 2017
To be honest, I've seen way too many things against and for Freud, so many things that I don't know what to believe, especially when I don't have any special knowledge or interest about psychology. But I do notice that most of the people against him seems to be angry against him, as if it was something bothering them, something uncomfortable, something personal...

With that in mind, and the fact that we live in a world where apparently "Vaccines are a fraud and have been debunked 6 ways to Sunday", then no, sorry but I'm not buying that, especially not on a field of study with so many contradictions in itself.
Apples to oranges,
It's like saying pot is a gateway drug, so there for violent video games make kids violent. There is no correlation. As for psychology and vaccines, the science is there.

Freud HAS been proven wrong, and vaccines DO work.

Unless you want to look at the covid vaccine/s but that would require a book length post that would just piss off the lefty nutjobs and force me to remind them that their cry closest aren't going to protect them forever.

And as a final point, only people against FRAUD seem to always be angry,,, really now lol.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2018
And as a final point, only people against FRAUD seem to always be angry,,, really now lol.
Sure, in the exact same way that only those who like NTR are angry and not those complaining and crying about NTR as soon as they see another male's shadow and calling cucks to everyone else who doesn't cry like them...

Sounds way too familiar.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2016
Freud was a fraud and has been debunked 6 ways to Sunday. The only thing he brought to the table was pissing off enough people to get into psychology/psychiatry/head medicien themselves just to prove him wrong, and they have, repeatedly.

As for incest, the answer is simple. It's taboo and exciting.
Then why do you want to fuck your mother?
I don't really care Freud was right or wrong, just that there is suspicious to me why there is so many games about incest.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
Freud is a product of his time. Some of his ideas like transference and countertransference are concepts that are still relevant in psychiatry and psychology today. His pioneering of psychoanalysis (the therapy) could perhaps be regarded as the basis of modern psychotherapy. That said, psychoanalysis (the theory) is patently absurd. It is even more so if you actually read about the way in his he arrived at his conclusions.

Freud did not employ the scientific method, nor was his theories based on statistical analysis of empirical data. Modern medicine and science is entirely based on these concepts which he ignored and actively dismissed. His theories were largely based on individual case studies and his imaginative mind. Indeed, he pretty much formed the theory first and tried to find supporting evidence after. That is working backwards. Not to mention the fact that you cannot arrive at a general theory from a case study. What's worse, his theories were essentially unfalsifiable. Meaning, they could not be tested and proven to be true or false. Furthermore, while they might be able to explain some subset of cases, they have no predictive value, rendering it useless.

Calling him a charlatan or fraud might be going too far. Science builds on itself. He did not have much to build on during his time. Psychiatry and psychology were in it's infancy. Evidence based medicine was not a thing back then. He pioneered a new way of treating mental patients; through dialogue. You could call the modern Cognitive Behavioral Therapy an evolution of his methods. However, his actual theories in psychoanalysis were woefully lacking in scientific rigor, probably even for his time.