I want your stories.


Feb 27, 2019
I have a couple of artists at my disposal, and I'm considering a handful of comics to test the adult comic market. I have plenty of ideas myself, but I like to extend this opportunity to you guys.
If you have any stories that would benefit from becoming a comic, and you think they're worthy of such treatment, write it below, I'll read through and who knows, some of them might make it into our work.
There's no prizes, and no promises. We will decide what to use and how to use them, and of course, you will relinquish any ownership over the content you share by posting it.
Of course I have no way to verify if your story really happened or it's fiction, but please only tap into your own experiences, or something you've heard first hand.

You can format your post this way:

A description of the characters involved. how they look, first names (real or fake), personality.

It can be as short or detailed as you want.

Your notes
Anything you want to add for our consideration.

Insomnimaniac Games

Degenerate Handholder
Game Developer
May 25, 2017
This reads like you're doing people a favor... by taking their ideas and giving them nothing in return. Might wanna do a little rewrite my man.
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Feb 27, 2019
This reads like you're doing people a favor... by taking their ideas and giving them nothing in return. Might wanna do a little rewrite my man.
I know I sound a bit pretentious there. But my team's business is charging people hundreds to realize their ideas as a drawing, a comic, or even thousands for a game. Doing it for free often qualifies a favor.


Feb 7, 2022
hell this looks nice count me in

mmm... let me see sad story or classic romantic story, both happened to me
i will go with sad story one i will twitch it a bit for personal reasons but you can get the whole picture

i will make my notes in brackets

Characters (all this is happened in latinoamerica)
Me(29yo), lets call me Roberto Carlos bcs i had a millon friends. Im kinda friendly on first impression since i like to talk, tell stories or knowledge i know, fun facts etc. I like old man/woman music like those from romantic TV series and so and i like to speak to the elders (i get out of work at 5pm and im at home at 7 at least bcs i speak with the elders in the neiborhood), graduated at 17 started the university at 18 graduated as chemistrician at 24, started doing a master and i did like 5 diferent courses inbetween as plumber, electrician, gas, etc. You can get my profile from that

She, i called her "Lady". I met her at university at the age of 22 and she was 19, she was studying oceanography. She liked the books and the old and misterious lifeforms from the deep sea but suprisingly to me she had a really extrovert personality and was bright like a radiant sun (i think her parents were polish or something like that), she liked rock music but she always dressed in a dress (tight on top and light from the waist to the knees), She was a paradox for me, a paradox i wanted to unveil

The Story

Everything started in a classroom, i was helping a teacher giving side classes to students (in a classroom we have 1 teacher, 2 high grade students and 2 mid term students helping new ones). She talked to me asking a few maths questions and nothing else happened on the first month, what caught my eyes were the different dresses (here its rare to see a woman in the uni with a dress, specially if she was as good looking as her, in fact is more common to see men with dresses than woman sadly xD)
One day i asked her about the dresses and she told me "my brother usually hitted me when we were kids (hit in a kids way, not violence violence) and one day i told him that you dont hit the women, then my grandfather told us -nono, thats wrong, you can defend from women but you dont hit the ladies, bcs the ladies shouldnt fight-. So i started dressing like a lady". From that moment i started calling her "Lady"

Months passed, we talked and life keeps going (i was sexfriending a teacher at that point and she was kinda new in the whole, just sex not date kind of stuffs) one time we went to a bar (with the teacher and half the class, the bar is inside the uni at night) to congrats everyone about the last exam, she scored an 85/100 and won a scholarship in the USA for august 2019 (it was december 2018 still) we congrated her and drank like 3 or 4 beers (since we are still at the uni, there are rules inside the bar),we went to another bar had sex with another friend in the bathroom and since it was really late she asked me to drive her home, touching comes, touching goes, we kissed, she blushed (classic vanilla). I told her i was just driving her home and kinda deep kissed me (good for me) we went up, had sex (for like 1 hour, we fell asleep naked, and when we woke up 1 hour later we kept having sex till breakfast xD it was weird ngl) the next day i found out it wasnt her home, it was her friend's (i was like, goodbye kidneys i scored with a crazy one, she and her friend, the girl in the bathroom, litteraly set me a trap xD i tottaly fell for it and i loved it)

next week we went to her home, no sex just friendly visit, and she had a ps4 we played a bit talked about fun facts, spent the whole day talking and that was it. I told her that if she wanted something serious she has to ask it. She said she didnt knew and we spent the next 3 months between sex and friendly visits on weekends, after that she tells me she is ok with nothing serious bcs she was going to USA. Everything went back to normal, uni started, we kept meeting each other at the uni, sex between classes, friendly chats, coffees, bar, ps4, etc etc
finally the day came, i took her, her brother and her parents to the airport. Some friends came, we all said our goodbyes and there she goes. We went back to her home, spent the day talking to her family and i said my goodbyes

next weekend we talked from phone and she sounded lonely i suggested a bit of sexting just to spice stuffs, after a week i told her i bought a ps4 bcs i knew this could happen (i already had it but a white lie was a loving touch in that situation) and i suggested we started playing a mmo, so we could spend our nights talking and playing (her brother was dating a girl that had a 3yo kid and both started playing with us too). In october her family made a surprise trip to USA (her parents, her brother and his new family too bcs he was planning to marry in the USA so she wouldnt miss the party)

and you all know the rest. Covid striked

her father died in june 2020, her mother 1 week later. She was fine for a month but then started coughing a bit when we talked, then slowly day after day she started to turn off, every day was worse and after 12 days she died, her brother and his family were scared as hell (i didnt had her brother phone so, he told me everything from her ps4 account)
i had light covid and was isolated for 2 weeks, after i returned i turned on my ps4 and had only 1 message from her account. It was a friend of her brother in the USA that acquired the ps4. "im sorry pal, the whole family died from covid, im sorry im really sorry"

and that was it, i left a message in our guild about everything and stopped playing in the ps4

idk if this was your idea of a story or if you wanted a more wild sex like story
but this is what i have, hell it was hard for my heart remembering

if you like it you dont need to give any credits, just take the story man, it was nice taking a weight off just telling it
one thing i ask if you do use it is. Dont change her name "Lady"

goodluck brother
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Icarus Media

F95 Comedian
Game Developer
Jun 19, 2019
I have a couple of artists at my disposal, and I'm considering a handful of comics to test the adult comic market. I have plenty of ideas myself, but I like to extend this opportunity to you guys.
If you have any stories that would benefit from becoming a comic, and you think they're worthy of such treatment, write it below, I'll read through and who knows, some of them might make it into our work.
There's no prizes, and no promises. We will decide what to use and how to use them, and of course, you will relinquish any ownership over the content you share by posting it.
Of course I have no way to verify if your story really happened or it's fiction, but please only tap into your own experiences, or something you've heard first hand.

You can format your post this way:

A description of the characters involved. how they look, first names (real or fake), personality.

It can be as short or detailed as you want.

Your notes
Anything you want to add for our consideration.
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Feb 27, 2019
BBC NTR story with the main heroine of Ghost Town Settlers.
Trish is sacred, I don't have any plans to get her involved in any sexual content.

idk if this was your idea of a story or if you wanted a more wild sex like story
Your story is closer to a romantic visual novel with all of the non sexual events, but I think the bar part can fit a comic.

one thing i ask if you do use it is. Dont change her name "Lady"
I was thinking Lidya would be a close replacement, can't confuse porn readers that have to maintain the blood flow at two ends.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2018
I know I sound a bit pretentious there. But my team's business is charging people hundreds to realize their ideas as a drawing, a comic, or even thousands for a game. Doing it for free often qualifies a favor.
Typically when you charge people for their ideas to turn it into a drawing, comic, or game you can't profit on it since it is a transaction where you return the end result to the purchaser. If it's just a "yo, give me an idea" with no transaction, you are free to profit to your hearts content off of their ideas.

So there IS a difference.

Not that it matters either way, just pointing that out.
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Feb 7, 2022
Your story is closer to a romantic visual novel with all of the non sexual events, but I think the bar part can fit a comic.

I was thinking Lidya would be a close replacement, can't confuse porn readers that have to maintain the blood flow at two ends.
thought the same about the story but maybe it could light ideas
yeah no problem about lidya

have fun
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Nov 20, 2020
Well, this does all sound a little too good to be true... But what the hell, I'll play along.

Story Concept - Golden Days: My time with the Bad Girl


our Protagonist, Gordie Smith is walking around town when he bumps into some delinquents.

He tries to apologize but they're not hearing it. Their leader, a boy named Vincent Tavormina walks by and actually defuses the situation, though only for pragmatic reasons as a cop is near by. The group walks off and Gordie notices Vincent's girlfriend, Olivia Cannone. Particularly, he notices her ass as she's wearing a skirt that is a little too short. She notices and smirks while putting up her finger.

A few days later, at night he's walking to a bus stop when he sees her there. Olivia makes small talk with Gordie reluctantly talking to her. Gordie doesn't want to say much to her, less something happens which pisses her off and he ends up getting beat up Vincent's boys. Eventually, the bus arrives, giving Gordie a good chance to not talk to her...

...Or at least it would if not for the fact the bus is completely packed, with only 1 seat available. Gordie tries to simply give her the seat but Olivia insists he take it.

Gordie assumes this means she'll stand, but instead she sits on his lap.

After a While of Gordie resisting the urge not to jizz his pants, Olivia asks a question.

"You wanna come to my place?"

Gordie is in disbelief, so she clarifies. Apparently, her boyfriend can't show up for their date as he has to deal with something, so she wants gordie to accompany.

Gordie accepts the proposal.

Upon heading back to her place, Gordie sits on the couch assuming she just wanted to hang out, to which she laughs and and responds by kissing him. The 2 make out for a bit, while Olivia takes his dick out.

"Wow, it doesn't match your looks at all... Holy Shit..."

She ends up jerking him off while they makeout which makes him cum.

He's embarassed by what transpired, but she's not annoyed, especially since after she undresses, he immediately gets erect again.

The 2 move to her bedroom where they have sex. Cowgirl to Side Fuck to reverse cowgirl to Doggy style to Mating Press.

The sex is so good that when Gordie's about to cum, Olivia locks her legs and forces him to cum inside.

After the 2 regain their composure, Gordie panics for a bit, realizing he might have gotten baby-trapped, but Olivia assures him she's on the pill and thanks him for a good time with a kiss on the lips.

The next day, Vincent's gang are talking in class about Olivia's infidelity. Apparently, one of them was walking by and saw her having sex. Though, they don't connect that Gordie was the one who fucked her.

The comic ends with Gordie getting a text from olivia with her breasts out and her face hidden with a message that reads "We definitely need to meet up again."


Gordie Smith

Gordie is a white teenage male. He has brown hair and Blue eyes. He is about 5'6.
In the first part of the comic, he's wearing a grey sweater, green pants, and grey shoes. Second part, he is wearing a white shirt with a red streak, blue jeans, and white sneakers.
He is skinny but has a large dick.

Olivia Cannone

Olivia is a white teenage girl. She has long brown hair and green eyes. She is 5'6
She has big boobs and a bit ass.
In the first part of the comic, she's wearing a black dress shirt, a red and black plaid skirt that shows her ass, and black dress shoes. Second part of the comic, she's wearing a black leather jacket, which underneath has a black X bra, Blue jeans, and black flip flops.

Vincent Tavormina

Vincent is a white male. He has black hair in a pompadour and brown eyes. He is 6'1
He is very muscular.
He is wearing a black leather jacket, Black leather pants, and Black shoes.


Vincent's gang is a greaser gang. Gordie at one point comments that they're behind the times in his head.

The story takes place in the american suburbs.

There should be some shots of Olivia's feet (Personal thing)

That's really it.

Best of luck, dude. (Assuming your for real about this.


Super Moderator
Game Developer
Nov 3, 2017
Hey, KiaAzad what's up, my man? Glad to see you around! I think I still have some of your code in my game somewhere :ROFLMAO:

Here is an idea I'll probably never get to work on, it's yours if you want to.

-Single father (late 30s)
-His only daughter

This is not an incest story, or at the very least, not in the conventional way. Father is grieving for the loss of his wife, and his daughter decides to hook him up with her sexy friends, teachers, colleagues, etc to help him move on. Over the course of the game we (and the characters) gradually learn that the daughter gets off hearing and later even seeing her father fucking another girl. Perhaps she is repulsed at first but later realizes she enjoys being a voyeurs to her father's sex life. Will he find out? Will the sexual tension between them grow to a boiling point or will the father find love with one of the girls? Who knows?

Good luck!
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Feb 27, 2019
Best of luck, dude. (Assuming your for real about this.
It's real, I am probing the market to see how can I get a foothold in it. No promises of course, there's always life that can get in the way.

Hey, @KiaAzad what's up, my man?
Hey man, nice to see you again. didn't know you're a moderator here.
I do check the discord server every now and then, everything seems to be chuging along nicely. Don't hesitate to hit me with a DM if you ever need me. I'm still hanging out there most of my time. ^^
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Morgana Le Fay

Goth Guitarist
Dec 27, 2023
A bit short for a story isn't it?
I can imagine a whole lot about what happens in a camp, but knowing the story was real, and somebody would be thrilled to see it on the page is the reason for this exercise.
Hmm, fair enough. I'll give you a real one that's pretty tame.

When I was a teenager, my parents were able to afford a detached house in a pretty afluent surburb full of wealthy families. You can imagine the looks I would get from these posh neighbours when they saw this new goth girl who would always have music blaring out her bedroom window and equally weird friends coming to the house. I had some pretty infamous parties when my parents were away, so yes, the rebelious teenager with ripped fishnets, doc martin boots, an unruly mop of black messy hair, nose ring and never without winged eyeliner, really didn't go down well among the families with their own kids at private schools.

At the time there was a strict, christian family who lived 3 houses down from us. The parents were stuck up snobs, but their son was pretty cute...he used to smile and say hello to me any time we passed in the street. He went to a private school and was about a year older than me. He had a littler sister who was a year below me in high school. Unfortunately I had a pretty bad rep at school for getting into fights, not bothering to come in at all and even nearly giving my French teacher a heart attack when I slid under my desk one lesson after drinking vodka from a flask in my bag or the time I pulled all the big window drapes down in religious education and got sent direct to the principal. So yeah, I was a bit infamous and his sister was pretty aware of it. I'd see her walking home from school with her friend and they would never give eye contact. I don't blame them really.

One friday night, my parents were spending the night at a hotel and so I invited my bestie around to stay over. She was just as weird and crazy as me, not the best combo when we both got drunk. So this night we ended up drinking this really strong cider called Scrumpy Jack it tasted really nice but oh gods did it blow the tits off us...anyway, after a couple of hours dancing around to music and screaming along to it, oh and yeah that bitch snapping my guitar strings! it got dark outside and I had this sudden brain wave...we could go and spy on the cute guy! it seemed a really good idea at the time...and bestie hadn't seen him, so she was up for it.

Although it was dark, there were street lights at regular intervals along the street and one right outside the front of their house which was bordered by a low white wooden fence that came up to just above the shin. There was light coming from their living room window and although the curtains were drawn, there was a gap on the lower right. Being the drunken ninjas we were, it was spotted and we crept towards it with not very stealthy giggles. Peering through the gap, we could see the whole family sitting around chatting and laughing. Spotting cute boy, I whispered to my bestie her what her approval rating was...it was good enough for a "Fuck, yes!"...high praise.

It was going well, they were having fun and so were the 2 weird girls watching them like spectators at the zoo. Then I had my best idea ever! I dared my bestie to run through their garden topless...she was the worst person to dare because anything crazy, she was up for it. So like a pair of demented topless banshees we ran whooping and started jumping over their low fence...all stealth pretense gone in a drunken flash...bestie cleared the first hurdle gracefully but when I leapt over that treacherous fence, my shin caught the top of it and over I went in an awesome rag doll impersonation...the fence came off with a clatter into pieces and I lay on my back in the middle of their lawn, half stunned with my tatas pointing at the sky...then I see the curtains to my left get yanked open and there they were....mum, dad, cute boy and little sis all staring at me with goggle eyes like Lucifer had just taken a massive dump on their lawn...I don't know if it was shock, drunkeness or me just being a weirdo, but I started laughing hysterically while my bestie is yelling "run for fucks sake!"
So I struggled up not very gracefully while the family Robinson is just staring with shock at this obvious feral girl with her knockers on display for the whole street...

Staggering and giggling, we did a slow motion jog back to my house and waited for the inevitable ring of the doorbell where I would face either a stern faced policeman or angry father come to slay the evil succubus. Neither happened and eventually we both slipped into a comatose state that may have been sleep.
The next day it hit home what we had done and I swore that me and alcohol were done...well until the next weekend. No angry parents came to speak to mine but cute boy never smiled again at me or said hello, instead giving me a wide berth. His sister gave me looks like I was Lillith in the flesh after that.
I have no doubt that much praying was the solution for that night and divine intervention should set me on the proper path. I guess their prayers weren't strong enough there...anyways a few months later our house was on the market due to my dad getting a job in a different part of the country.

We all do stupid shit when we are teenagers. Do I regret it? fuck no, I'll still laugh about it when I'm an old bitch in a care home, drooling and throwing my false teeth at the others.

- Edited for more detailed/comprehensive story.
Last edited:


Feb 11, 2024
I know I sound a bit pretentious there. But my team's business is charging people hundreds to realize their ideas as a drawing, a comic, or even thousands for a game. Doing it for free often qualifies a favor.
As a writer, I feel as if I would rather be paid. I couldn't give a damn if you make my comic/short/story/novel into a reality. Bluntly, I'm never going to read it.