KiaAzad asked Fox_. politely if he'd like to share one of his stories with him.
''Don't worry, I'm not a writer either. I'm just curious if you'll write something I can profit off, with absolutely no financial incentive in return."
''Ah, I see,'' said Fox. He then took out the lube and passed it to the man. ''In that case, why didn't you say so?''
Assuming the position, Fox lined himself up against the nearest desk and spread his cheeks.
''Don't be gentle. Imagine we're around a fireside... creating art for the sake of the gooners.''
Gently, Kia slid himself inside Fox and took what he wanted. There was no struggle. No confusion. He took everything, and Fox got nothing. But in a few weeks time, Fox would at least be able to turn around to one of his friends and say:
''Some guy fucked me for my story and profited off it, but at least he did me the favour of lubing me up first.''