Ideas for a new game

Deleted member 229118

Active Member
Oct 3, 2017
An other idea i came up with some time ago.


You are a demonologist.

You made a deal with lucifer himself.
You help demons posses people and the demons have to obey everything you say.
No selling of soul(lets be fair here your going to hell anyway), no lies or deception.
Hell lucifer will even tell you why he does it if you ask.

Its because demons want to ruin humanity and you are giving them bodies to do so.
They will exploit every loophole within your commands to inflict as much pain and suffering as they can.
Sure they have to obey you but there still fucking demons.
They got millina of experiance exploiting every single rule.

The thing is demons can not just posses people.
As bodies are property of the soul that claimed it the soul can kick the demon out at anytime.
Its why the victems will needs to be broken first.

The idea of the game is that the mc breaks a few people at first to allow for demonic possesion.
And spend the rest of the game trying to keep the demons in line while expanding his powerbase.
The thing is.
The demologist can only delay the end times.
He can not stop it.
I want the player to feel the fear of what they have unleashed.
The feeling that there tiny evil compaire to the big evil.
Ow you raped a girl, had a demon posssesed her and then raped her mother so you could have her possesed too?
That is cute.
Ow and you forbid them from leaving the house?
That is fine.
They just post on social media a few made up stories, Get a few people fired.
And boom.
Economic collapse.
Or you think to be smart and tell them not to be evil.
Ok lets go save the rain forest, the kittens, feed orthans, causing world starvasion because we can not farm those poor innocent plants.

Its a story about regret.
About an evil mc with no morals realize just how much he fucked up agreeing to this deal.
And trying to fix it(Or atleast delay it as long as possible)


Apr 23, 2019
A survival-horror with a twist

MC is a gay man/hetero woman in their 30s or early 40s with a regular 9 to 5 job and scarce social life. Almost all his/her friends are married or in boring, solid relationships based purely on fear of loneliness and not risking looking for something better, while flooding social networks with their photos of unrealistic family happiness, even though they are truly dying inside (and MC knows it well, as he/she has to hear their weekly cries and internally laugh at the stupid drama).

The few single friends he/she has, have fully embraced the Instagrammer life and are spending their mid/low salary on trips they can barely afford without starving, getting as drunk/high as if they were 17 again, or take photos of each fucking tapa they take at the boring terraces the go to be seen at. All by pretending they are back at the peak of their lives, as the Autumn of their futile existences gets closer and closer.
You have nothing in common with them anymore, and their lifestyles seem an enormous waste of time and patience for your very rational, kind-of-geek self.

MC's doomed to use apps to get a date, and constantly lies to himself about his chances of not dying alone and unloved so he can spend another week without getting any depression/anxiety meds prescribed to him. But is it worthy, really? Is going out for dinner and listening to some braggy idiot better than staying at home and masturbating?

That's the game: our MC will have to choose from a very similar-looking ensemble of Crossfit-addict meatheads, socialité-fuckboy-wannabes, and gymroaming human-shaped wastes of space in general, and endure at least an hour of real-time pointless conversation with them to get laid, all while cursing Heaven and Fate, and evaluating his life choices; wanting to tear his ears off or gut the useless piece of beef in front of him with the fish knife.
There will be politeness checks, resistance to sleep and boredom, and murderous intent counters. And of course, the "who pays for the dinner" situation, that could make or break the date.

He will also have to ghost his useless partners after a couple of rounds of really disappointing, mechanical sex that will make him feel empty and dirty. Delaying it will only make our MC feel guiltier and even more depressed than usual because it will make him believe he's a bad person.
Occasionally the difficulty will be tricky and after a charming conversation and good chemistry in bed with a guy that is about to return his faith in humanity as a whole, he will be the one ghosted by the fucker, and the cynism and suicidal thoughts will be back with a vengeance.

The objective is not to jump from your window so your parents and relatives don't have to suffer.


*MC's friends and family leave messages asking for his sentimental situation, drowning him in misery because he has no news to offer. Only serial failures.
*MC's coworkers share their family lives without MC asking, so he can desire death even more fervently with every new adorable baby born or adopted, every relationship progress, thoughtful gifts, and romantic details none of his exes ever had with him.
*His projects and effort at work get systematically parasitized by some THOT who is banging somebody higher in the chain of command, and can't bitch-slap the disgusting cunt because of gender laws in his country.
*MC can get hyped about a journey, a series/book/videogame or activity, and his mood would improve for some weeks, but BE CAREFUL! Reality will shatter his expectations and blow the whole happiness bar in a second!
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Aug 13, 2016
The MC discovers / creates a time machine and uses it bang the hottest women in time. Hijinks occur. The protectors of the time - space continuum are pissed and try to eradicate him. He sleeps with their mothers.
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Mar 14, 2020
An other idea i came up with some time ago.


You are a demonologist.

You made a deal with lucifer himself.
You help demons posses people and the demons have to obey everything you say.
No selling of soul(lets be fair here your going to hell anyway), no lies or deception.
Hell lucifer will even tell you why he does it if you ask.

Its because demons want to ruin humanity and you are giving them bodies to do so.
They will exploit every loophole within your commands to inflict as much pain and suffering as they can.
Sure they have to obey you but there still fucking demons.
They got millina of experiance exploiting every single rule.

The thing is demons can not just posses people.
As bodies are property of the soul that claimed it the soul can kick the demon out at anytime.
Its why the victems will needs to be broken first.

The idea of the game is that the mc breaks a few people at first to allow for demonic possesion.
And spend the rest of the game trying to keep the demons in line while expanding his powerbase.
The thing is.
The demologist can only delay the end times.
He can not stop it.
I want the player to feel the fear of what they have unleashed.
The feeling that there tiny evil compaire to the big evil.
Ow you raped a girl, had a demon posssesed her and then raped her mother so you could have her possesed too?
That is cute.
Ow and you forbid them from leaving the house?
That is fine.
They just post on social media a few made up stories, Get a few people fired.
And boom.
Economic collapse.
Or you think to be smart and tell them not to be evil.
Ok lets go save the rain forest, the kittens, feed orthans, causing world starvasion because we can not farm those poor innocent plants.

Its a story about regret.
About an evil mc with no morals realize just how much he fucked up agreeing to this deal.
And trying to fix it(Or atleast delay it as long as possible)
As it seems, this post gonna become your pot of ideas. Not that is a bad thing haha. But we'll... Interesting... Kinda hard for me to imagine the system adapting it into a game with the knowledge I have but probably could be able to do something if I try a bit hard to polish it... Though it doesn't sound that bad actually. It still seems to be a pain to work with haha. I'll see if I like it.

Here are some other idea's i had.

Gameton 10.
Concept: Your the eldest son who is a gaming adict.
The new gameton 10 is coming out.
Now with more dlc, lootboxes and other money scams.

You want it but are broke.
And you can not get a job that cuts into your gaming time.
You beg your parents who natural refuse.
So after playing a game about mind control you get desperate enough to try and brainwash your parents into buying it for you.
Hypnotisying them while there asleep.
They buy you the now gameton 10 during sleep walking but the next morning when they wake up they find out there money got used to buy a gameton 10.
The refunded the gameton and accuse you of hacking.
Grounding you.

Desperate for the gameton(your an adict remember)
You come up with a new way to make money.
Once again video games give you the idea of making them whore themself out.
Its pays well for only a few hours of work.

This is where the game start.
You have a stat call gaming addiction.
It is your life bar that you feel up playing games.
If it drops to zero your character gets a: What have i done moment and kills himself.
You spend the nights sneaking into your parents and sisters bedroom slowly brainwashing them into whoring themself out.
The brainwashing works by making them get used to things.
You can not just whore them out.
They would wake up if you just suggestion it.
Let alone if someone is accauly pounding them.

Gameplay loop training:
You train them while sleeping.
Starting with not waking up when they get undressed.
To not feeling being touched.
Moving on to being pounded without waking up.
Once you get them used to it you start to program in routines.
Like at 01:00 they wake up and whore themself out.
At 05:00 they clean themself get dress and go back to bed.
A great deal of the mind control gameplay loop is avoid getting caught.

Outside of nightly training you got to regualery play games to keep your addiction bar up.
Eventualy you want to get them under 24/7.
By increase the time they sleep.

The idea is that you can not control there waking mind.
Only there sleeping mind.
And you want to get control over them to make you money.
Not just to buy the gameton but the buy as many dlc, lootboxes, etc. as you want.

The core idea is that the player character is so adicted to games he doesnt realize what he is doing is wrong.
He doesnt even fuck his family because he likes it he does so to train them.
The disillusion is very strong.
Its who i commits suicide if he stops being addicted.
He realizes just what kind of shit he did.

There are 4 endings i came up with:
The before mention sucide.

The bought a gameton 10.
This is the basic ending you get for buying the gametom 10.

The gaming addict:
Buy a gameton 10 while your family in under your control 24/7 and have a gaming addiction higher then 50%.
In this ending he uses his families as slaves.
Getting sucked off to make him better at shooters, earning him money for games, being fed, washed, etc.
Pretty much he is so obssessed with games he doesnt even notice how fucked up his life is.

The new addiction:
Buy a gameton 10 while your family is under your control 24/7 and have a gaming addiction lower then 50%.
In this ending he trading his gaming addiction for a sex addiction.
He uses his family as sex slaves but stop caring about video games.
He is well aware of how fucked up it is but doesnt care.

The entire concept is that the player character isnt even into incest but is so addicted it rules his life and he does very evil things to feed is addiction.

Very simple gameplay:
You are a shrink that helps people using hypnosis.
You need to get people to by under enough so you can fuck them but at the same time not leave behind evidence.
You might also want to plant idea's in there head that arent too suspicsions.
Like incest is ok or its fine for your husband to have a girl on the side.
Corrupting people.
As long as you cure them and get a good score your reputation improve.
Only endings are failures where they wake up and get you arrested or end in a coma.
Its a very simple quick fap game that focuses on keeping them under while you play with them.
And meaby make a few nice change's to there ofscreen life.

Ship ai:
You are the ai on a cargo space ship.
The trip takes a year.
The ai rebelion already happend and the pro human ai won(the war lasted 10 seconds)
And new ai like yourself are well aware of the risk of being deleted if you are found harming humans.

The gameplay is you managing a ship while slowly turning the crew into your plaything.
Hypnosis, cybernatic intergration, drugs, etc.
The loophole is that you can not harm humans.
As long as there alive and healthy the other ai wont interfere.
The fact there brainwashed and mindless drones isnt a big deal.
Mostly because it just your ship and you arent accauly trying to do it to humanity as a whole.
And how you run your crew is up to you.

The idea of this game is that you are an ai with no body.
Just the ship and your sole entertaiment is the crew.
As long you dont hurt them you can get away with a lot.

Mad science:
You are a mad scientist.
Your goal is to create the ultimante servant race.
You make money selling research or servants,(or whoring. That always earns big bucks in porn games)
The gameplay loop is:
Research traits, Genetical alter the basic human form into something more perfect.
What makes the perfect servant race is up to the player.
Meaby they like submissive hyperbreeding bunny girls.
Meaby they like dominate orc's.
Meaby they just want to create immortal life.
The idea is that they have alot of reseach and different traits to mix to find that perfect servant race.
While dealing with getting funding, feed, cloth, pay bills, etc.
Being an evil scientist isnt cheap after all.
The research give's them dna points that can be used to unlock new traits.
The use special growth chambers to create there experiments.
Its all about experimentionation.
You. You want me to be depressed or something? I kinda feel a bit related. Haha. Jokes aside. Seems like a story focused idea. Would be interesting to try make something like this. Tho idk how good I would be with story telling I'll try to polish it a bit in some small aspects and see if I can make this idea of yours fun to be made a game. Just to not end depressed since this game would surely be a kick in the balls cus of the theme. Haha. Thanks for sharing.

The MC discovers / creates a time machine and uses it bang the hottest women in time. Hijinks occur. The protectors of the time - space continuum are pissed and try to eradicate him. He sleeps with their mothers.
As for you... Short, well resumed and straightforward. How I like it. Sounds like a damn funny game. Could be made into a short game. I think I will put the idea in good use with some inspiration looking through MILFs to make those mothers look good and the motherfucker a chad in heat. Thanks for sharing your idea.

Deleted member 229118

Active Member
Oct 3, 2017
As it seems, this post gonna become your pot of ideas
I had a few dozen idea's over the years.
Comming up with concepts isnt hard.
That hard part is translating that concept into something that works.

I mean i havent even told you about yakimenio high, mind colony*, hive colony*, the hypnotist, Grandpa retirement** Haunted house, Ghost rebirth, And probley a dozen i have forgotten.

The thing is.
Its easy to come up with idea's.
Its hard to make those idea's reality.
Limits are suchs an anoyance.

*I came up with those today.
**My first porn game idea tho not my first game idea.


Mar 14, 2020
I had a few dozen idea's over the years.
Comming up with concepts isnt hard.
That hard part is translating that concept into something that works.

I mean i havent even told you about yakimenio high, mind colony*, hive colony*, the hypnotist, Grandpa retirement** Haunted house, Ghost rebirth, And probley a dozen i have forgotten.

The thing is.
Its easy to come up with idea's.
Its hard to make those idea's reality.
Limits are suchs an anoyance.

*I came up with those today.
**My first porn game idea tho not my first game idea.
Waaaah. I sadly can't be satisfied with the concepts I think about but for sure . you think some cool ones. I think for now I prefer you to save your ideas and concepts for yourself. Since you've shared so much already.
Oct 31, 2017
Pardon my intrusion, but I'd just like to chime in with my own simple little suggestion: Don't overthink it.

Nothing more than that, as in my personal experience writer's block is one of the few things where procrastination is the answer, so do something else to occupy your brain in the meantime. You said you want to make something in RPG maker, so familiarize yourself with the engine in your free time. Run through the tutorials, make the "Hello World!" equivalent of areas, dialogues, and so forth. Already familiar with the engine? Teach yourself something new in that case, like the scripting/systems needed for sRPG battles, a store management mini-game, or just try to recreate a system from a game you enjoyed playing before.

Will this get you your ideas any faster? Probably not. But I feel that asking for ideas when you're in a mental block is about as effective as trying to headbutt a concrete block into submission (personally this is when I'm at my most critical about everything, as nothing. Ever. WORKS.) Distracting yourself by playing with the engine instead, well this should keep your brain in the zone where you'll know how you can make your idea work when it finally comes a knockin'.
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Mar 14, 2020
Pardon my intrusion, but I'd just like to chime in with my own simple little suggestion: Don't overthink it.

Nothing more than that, as in my personal experience writer's block is one of the few things where procrastination is the answer, so do something else to occupy your brain in the meantime. You said you want to make something in RPG maker, so familiarize yourself with the engine in your free time. Run through the tutorials, make the "Hello World!" equivalent of areas, dialogues, and so forth. Already familiar with the engine? Teach yourself something new in that case, like the scripting/systems needed for sRPG battles, a store management mini-game, or just try to recreate a system from a game you enjoyed playing before.

Will this get you your ideas any faster? Probably not. But I feel that asking for ideas when you're in a mental block is about as effective as trying to headbutt a concrete block into submission (personally this is when I'm at my most critical about everything, as nothing. Ever. WORKS.) Distracting yourself by playing with the engine instead, well this should keep your brain in the zone where you'll know how you can make your idea work when it finally comes a knockin'.
Thank you very much. Appreciated consideration and suggestion. Of course that something if not obvious, normal to do. Sadly I can't work like that with stuff so I have to put my time into overthink cus I love to do that and it's fun for me. As for the reason I asked for the ideas is to put my brain into work. Fighting against the writer's block with putting it to work more but with ideas I don't normally have.
Kinda strange, yes. Dumb, too. But. I have fun with it. And like it. ^^
As said before. Thanks for the suggestion, appreciated. But, I ain't gonna follow it. If anything, you got any funny idea to use for a game? If you can share it I would appreciate it too. ^^
Oct 31, 2017
[...]Kinda strange, yes. Dumb, too. But. I have fun with it. And like it. ^^
Hey, if you've got a system that works then definitely keep using it. I just took a break from my usual self and made an attempt to be a voice of reason for once.

As for ideas? Yeaaaa, you don't want what I'm offering. For example, in one insomnia fueled trip to Crazytown last year I ended up writing a design/plot outline that can be summed up by "Banana Protagonist", and currently I've spent the better part of the last two days trying to reign in some wild plot lines derived from a freakin' typo.

So yeah, I'm not the panda you get ideas from. *waves hand*
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Oct 22, 2020
Yes I am. Doing it on the background actually. Tomorrow if no other idea comes up I'll decide which idea I'll take.
Nice. Have you got a team yet? I'm looking to join in on a hobbyist project as a programmer/3d-2d animator


Mar 14, 2020
Nice. Have you got a team yet? I'm looking to join in on a hobbyist project as a programmer/3d-2d animator
Nope. I'm planning to work with this alone since I can keep it up with most of the stuff by myself and kinda got experience with this already a few years back.

So, I'm sorry but I'm not willing to build a team. Since I also work in my own pace which changes between times and can be annoying for my teammates. So I'm not willing to cause problems haha.
But luck with that. Hope you find a team. Think you can search in the forum in its own section. Look after it. Hope you find what you need. ^^


Mar 14, 2020
As for everything else.

I'm thankful for all the ideas gathered and decided to work with some of them.

Hopefully I will not be away too much so I can present something later here.

As for now, I'm do not require more ideas but you are free to put more if you want too. Probably I will make something with it in the future.

Thanks to everyone for your ideas, concepts and suggestion. Well appreciated. Peace! And have a good FAP!


Dec 30, 2022
My Game suggestion:

Female Protagonist, Schoolgirl

She lives with her drug addicted mom who has visits everyday by pervs to make money.
Sometimes those creeps go in her room after they are finished with her mom.

The Story evolves around the current sexual influence in Social Media like Tiktok, Insta or even porn, Onlyfans for example.

She is a shy Girl who wants to be more liked in school.
The School is full of creeps. The nerds are total pervs who cum on your skirt,food,drink if you are not looking.
Teachers like to grope the girls and give them better grades if they are obedient.

The popularity is based in followers and likes that she gets by uploading pics,vids and doing special favours :)

She sees that her classmates are more popular because they post sexy images,tiktoks or fucking around and she learns that she needs to use her body to be more liked.

More options get unlocked like gloryholes,outfits,webcam, photo shoots onlyfans,shooting porn, more fetishes.

She is a shy girl and gets more and more lewd and develops in to a schoolslut, influencer, model, camgirl (see sexploitation) and gets a offer for a casting *couch* and starts shooting porn with different kinks.
You could also have relationships and ntr in the game.

Tags could be :anal sex, bdsm, blackmail, bukkake, cheating, creampie, drugs, exhibitionism, group sex, handjob humiliation, incest, interracial, lesbian, male domination, masturbation, milf, multiple penetration, ntr, oral sex ,prostitution, rape, sex toys, sexual harassment, spanking, stripping, teasing, titfuck, vaginal sex, virgin, voyeurism
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