RPGM - Completed - Idol Hands 2 [Final] [Sloth Gamer]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game was right up my alley. I had a lot of fun playing it and unlocking the whole gallery. I also hope we get a third game.
    (I need more letters in this rewiew so here I am stuck typing this.
    I still need more. How many more do I need?! This has to be 200 now )
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    the rock paper scissor minigame is horribly slow. even if you out match your enemy by instantly winning, it still plays a long animation. and it is in every other contract you have to do.
    H-Scenes have the same issue of unskippable voice line and minigame , but required for buff, so you would need to do it every month.

    so the flow of play is very broken base on the design. Art is + and Voice acting is ---.
    over all lack QOL and quality, playable but its not that good.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a good improvement of the previus game , good thing of this is the dev does listen to feed back to have a less grindy, more enjoyable game play ,
    You have 2 girl to choose from , game play are focus on management time and skill instead of pain in ass mini game and point system from the first game . only downside so far is that this game budget , with price per unit is 10$ there only this much can be done
    hope there will be a 3rd game
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Pretty good overall, but four major flaws hold it back.

    The good:
    -The story is engaging and the management portion of it, while grindy, is not overbearing.

    -Animations are pretty good.

    -There's no shortage of things to do.

    The bad:

    -There's a time limit, but the game doesn't tell you about it. Suddenly the story ends, without any indication. To be fair, the game continues on in a freeplay mode afterwards, so there's that.

    -Several scenes require the idol to have won a certain number of awards, but you can't win awards during freeplay. Basically, if you don't have all the awards you need by the time the last story even happens, you're fucked.

    -There's two major plots in the game: the character's personal relationship with the idol and their professional relationship with their ex-girlfriend. The second one of these is unfinished. It meanders a bit, then is suddenly dropped, never being mentioned again and giving the player no closure.

    The first ends pretty abruptly as well; the game is set up as the player trying to train up the greatest idol ever and that just never seems to happen.

    -Body odor fetish. Two scenes I've found involve it and that's an instant removal of a star in my book. It's gross.
    Likes: mc247
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    just finished this game.
    It was good, but audio can get really annoying.

    - Good art.
    - Game mechanics are well designed.
    - Multiple routes and game+
    - Decent writting here, almost good.
    - Good events but few.

    - Voiced lines will get really annoying because of cacophony of shi, shio, sho, shi, shio, sho, shi, shio, sho. Don't get me wrong, i know that's how that language sounds, but is really annoying. Japanese sounds varied and sweeter if you want to compare. Only girls moans sounds good in this game. XD
    - Events are not enough, the game needs some more events to be more complete.
    - THERE IS NOT A HAREM ROUTE. Big mistake there. You can have 2 girls, but not 3.
    - There is not enough scenes for Summer.
    - Very cheesy outcomes. This is an adult game, not a romance one.

    All and all, this was a fun game to play with replay value. But needs a lot more of h content.

    Note: First Blood ¡¡¡¡ XD