Ren'Py - Ilias: Alcyone Legends [v0.4.2] [Ozecat]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I was very impressed with the story and mechanics of this game. I wish more often such games would be made. And with such a good drawing few games. I wish good luck to all the creators of the game.
    P. S. Ozekot and baku baku hello, do not lose me :D
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is really engaging, it keeps you hooked throughout the game.
    The artwork is amazing.
    The gameplay is decent (has unique minigame mechanics).
    The cast of characters is unique and well written.
    Game looks very promising.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Decent story writing.
    The fact that you can pick a font is great (not a big fan of Vinque which a lot of game with alike theme uses).
    Good drawing/artwork/graphic, whatever that is called
    Some what unique minigame mechanic
    prob will edit the review and add more as the game update
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    2024-03-14 Ilias: Alcyone Legends v0.2 Review:

    I didn’t want to write a review for 0.1 since there was only 5-10 minutes of content. But in 0.2 version game grow a lot 0.2 added:

    - 3 L2D animated scenes. ( NO SEX YET!)
    - Full city map which one also have some animations.

    - All girls are diverse, hot and sexy.

    - 2-3 hours of dialogue if you don’t skip it.
    Maybe even more, I'm not sure, because right now you can finish the main story, watch the credits, and then continue the game and still find side quests and story.
    Looks like devs decide make more realistic story, then regular harem game where MC can got sex scene after 5-10 minute of playing.

    Also i hope this information help someone :
    This game DON'T HAVE ANY SEX CONTENT right now in 0.2 version.
    I not sure how to classify 0.2 content properly, i think most similar it's Ecchi anime.
    IF you want just see sex scenes i think better skip this version because game don't have this type of content yet.

    After finished v0.2 I definitely recommend try this game, because art style and entire game looks good and solid for me. Also story pretend to be like in good VN with ZERO degeneracy like NTR or something similar!

    P.S I will watch every version of this game and review can be changed in future. Art style just catch me.
    I wish success to the developers .
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the story of this game.
    Characters you can't help but fall in love with.
    Nice graphics and a fairly extensive set of mechanics.
    It will be interesting to see what will come out of this project.
    So far 5 out of 5 for all the work done.