If i had to summarize this game, using an apt metaphor. its a beautifuly wrapped present; that you are excited to unwrap and see whats insdie but inside this beautifully wrapped present is just a picture of a middle finger. The only reason this game has "high" reviews are because of its art; the art is superb, and there's no denying that. Everything else, though, is crap. Its boring, tedious and above all has 0 action despite almost a year of work. Why games tote themselves as sex games then include 0 sex, but just erotic looking characters is beyond me. Maybe it's the most effective strategy to milk coomers with money, I really don't know.
You have this fox woman throwing herself at you, and your character is too much of a pussy to do anything. Finally, after simping and working for her 300 times and cooking her 300 meals, you muster up the courage to ask her on a date. On said date, you go to her place at night where she touches your crotch, and I thought, "Wow, this might be the first bit of action in this slog of a game". But nope, your character has one option of going, "THIS ISN'T YOU STOP!" and the scene ends there, even though this chick has been hinting she is DTF at every waking moment. At that point, I deemed this game a tremendous waste of time.
The gameplay is boring as hell mini-games that no one enjoys but will do on the promise of sexy times at some point, which in this game don't occur. You also play an MC who is "18," but it looks like he belongs in a Shonen high school anime. You are like 5"1, have 0 fighting ability, you are boring as hell, and your only redeeming quality is you can cook well. So if your dream is to be an anime line chef i guess have at it.
I guess there is a story, I really didn't follow it, to be completely honest, I tried, I really tried. But after the 15th cook this meal and working for this person for the 18th time, I really, really stopped giving a shit. It just went in circles with incomplete quest lines; just choose a damn quest line to finish, holy shit.
I'm giving the game 3 stars, on a fleeting hope it becomes not terrible and solely based on its art quality. But right now this is no stretch of the imagination a 5 star or 4 star sex game.