[ILLUSION] Koikatu! - Card Sharing/Request Thread

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Captn Krampus

Dec 18, 2021
anyone has this?


uuhh... thx but I think I will try my luck elsewhere. Don't know anything about decoding or base64
EDIT: Bruh forget it, found out how it works literally 10 seconds after writing this lmao. I am dum dum
See, it isnt that hard. Tbf i was confused at first too but it really takes 10 secs of lurking on how to do it. Atleast some people care to do their reps.

Does anyone have this card from Solityl?
Should be in the archives, if not then prob soon~ish


New Member
Dec 16, 2020

i removed the zip file from my pc so idk which mod was included in the zip file
quote me again if there is a missing mod when loading this card
I missing the mods for the card. Do you have the mods?


New Member
Nov 27, 2018
ARR me hearties, the archives are back on! Updated quite a few, cleaned up some. Plug in your BASEd n64 and should the game not work, well why not try to blow into the cartridge a few times?? WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsdVlqSmFjR0pIVlhWaFZ6aDJXa000TlZsNldsRmphMjg5
Dude thanks for the info I completely forgot that you have to blow on the cartridge multiple times it took me 10 minutes to realize why my n64 was frozen.
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