[R> Other] [R>Writer] I'm a professional software developer but i want to work for myself. I'm assemblying a team.


Oct 12, 2018
Hey guys!

I hate working for people, i'm a Brazilian professional software developer working in finance development but i'm tired of this and i would like to hit a jackpot here in F95, make my games, hit my jackpot and live pursuing my real passions that i find in danger in this 8+ hours work routine i'm in right now.

So here's the thing, me, a artist and a writer.

Together we make a game = profit, that's it.

But well, what is the plan anyways? The plan is making a classical incest game because everyone in this website like's to throw money at incest developers but we can make other things in future and i would like to try crazy ideas but for now that's it. I'm gonna make the game using unity and c# (i'm a .net developer so that's easier for me to work with) and the plan is trying to work in the most professional way (what do you mean by that?)

I mean using trello and some agile principles so we can work better.

What if we earn money? We split 1/3 for each.


Has free time to work in the project (Any hour)


Want to make the game and have the same drive to say to your boss: GO FUCK YOUR SELF I'M OUT.

That's it ladies(I doubt there's a lady here) and gentleman (Minus bones bc's he just do reworks now)

Contact me in discord DeaPatrono#2855