VN - Ren'Py - Immoral Stories Rebecca [v1.7.0b Ep. 07] [GGG33]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    jay the autistic

    great game, but choices would be kinda nice, like same result eventually though, and maybe some pregnancy content or like sluttiness. overall though the game is intriguing well made with good spelling...sorta rare it has decent kinks and the mp is cute and not exaggerated so good work.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    If you like slow-burn corruption stories then this is for you, the dialogue and rendering are both great and the story is written well enough to not get in the way of the action. Just to note that it's currently quite a linear game, so if you want lots of paths to explore you're so far out of luck.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    This is actually a 3.5 rating, meaning that I feel the game is slightly above average. It certainly has the potential to go higher as it has many good qualities, but it's drawbacks currently outweigh that potential.

    The models are fantastic. I also appreciate the semi-believable blackmail and the no-nonsense, get-in-there-and-get-fucked-girl approach the story takes, but there are drawbacks to those that really need improvement.

    I can go along with the shop keeper's angle, but the landlord's leverage is not as strong as it's presented and requires a huge buy in to believe that Rebecca and her mother would not go running to the cops as he attempts to strengthen his grip on them while grooming Dee.

    The quick and consistant jumps into action are a nice change from those stories that like to set up too elaborate a backstory and too intricate a web of lies and deceit for the trap. That said, this story would certainly benefit from a skosh more set up to allow the reader to build some familarity and empathy for the female trio before they're thrown to the wolves. Perhaps another scene as a happy family and another scene with each of the bad guys, depicting them as someone the gals trust, or at least feel a smidge of trust toward before that trust is broken.

    I have three major problems with how the story is told. The first is the dialogue itself. It needs a better translation from whatever the original language was. There are too many nonsensical statements that yank me out of the story and require me to do my own translation or interpretation to try to discern what was actually meant.

    Second, there are far too many scenes of the players thinking or making miniscule changes of facial expression in between the dialogue. The use of Rebecca's eyes is great at times as it shows her emotions, but I'll address that more in the follwing point. For now, I can figure out what each person's mood is by following the dialogue. Rendering time could be cut dramatically if the Dev stopped trying to have his actors emote through miniscule facial expressions. Also, for that matter, there are far to many unique angles rendered that require me to try to figure out exactly what body part is beng shown here and what odd angle is it being shown from. Take these out, they detract from the story rather than add to it, which I know is the intent.

    Thirdly, there are uncountable scenes of the narrator describing the player's reactions or emotions that 100% DO NOT match the scene that is being shown. There seems to be no effort at coordination between the narrative and the visuals. Rebecca is often described as being overwhelmed or smiling, and the scene shows her face with a blank expression, as if she's laying in bed, daydreaming about potato farming or something. Use her lusty/doubtful/ nervous eyes here at the veryleast rather than putting up that blank, blue-eyed stare into space with a flat facial expression. It's so hard to immerse into those moments when she seems to be zoning out.

    All in all, I like the artwork but the story telling really needs to be polished to the point that it can keep up with the parts that are actually beautiful.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has everything i am looking into a corruption game. I am enjoying how the main char's whole family is going down the corruption path and i can't wait for the future updates and how the story evolves.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    This review is based off Episode 7 and the tardy state of this game.

    TLDR; it's not worth supporting this dev who is clearly in it for milking the game and shallow updates and terribly lazy work ethics.

    Keeping the developer aside for a moment, let's talk about the game first. ISR doesn't offer anything out of the ordinary... It's a KVN with zero meaningful choices and an illusion of control over her actions. No matter what choices you pick in game, the other party will always do what they were going to do anyway. Picking defiant choices has no effect over submissive ones, the end result is always the same image with minor variation to make it look like you had an effect with that choice.

    The most brazen example is the encounter with the Homeless man. You can choose to apologize or run away, but guess what happens? both events lead to Rebecca blowing the homeless man with the exact same images with some variation in texts. This pattern is repeated in literally every single choice you make.

    The plot moves at a rapid pace and there is no deep storytelling to look for here. The game starts with Rebecca who is supposed to be a young and innocent Schoolgirl and yet her appearance looks like she's in her 20s. Despite having a protected childhood, her first instinct is to steal a dress from a store which leads to all the events that come. I mean sure, it's a porn game that needs a plot, but such shallow and cookie cutter story is prevalent throughout the game so shut off your brain while you play this one.

    All I can say is, Fatherless behavior.

    Lastly, about the developer, the dev used to be hardworking and released updates every 2-3 months back in 2020-21. He had a small but loyal following on Patreon and initially released Russian-only versions of the game. However, after transitioning to SubscribeStar and finding an international audience and gullible supporters that pay him every month, sadly he has gotten greedy and lazy... as is with most adult devs.

    Adult games industry lacks accountability. The dev kept delaying every single month since September 2023 and he still wasn't able to complete one single event in February 2024, let alone all three of them. He has plenty of excuses on the ready and Episode 7 is the clearest example of a lazy and sloppy update. It is the shortest, uneventful, and hardly a bunch of images that can be called an entire "episode".

    Another example is the dev opening a poll for 10 days only to collect "data" whether his supporters want an incomplete episode 7 now or a fuller version in the future. Five entire months had passed since episode 6 and yet he wasted another ten entire days of not working on the game and waiting for the results of the poll. If this doesn't showcase his terrible work ethics, I don't know what will.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Weeell.. this is very beautiful and hot!
    In models, scenes, clothes, shoes, locations.
    no pig breasts or asses
    This author has taste!
    We can only hope that all this difficult-to-create beauty will not slow down the dynamics of updates,
    or will not be abandoned like a previous project:rolleyes:
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Oh damn, didn't expect this game to be so good - but it is! It doesn't have as much 'choice' as some others, but that also means its non-grindy. And there is just enough choice that you're not sitting there reading a story with pictures. Mind you, most of the choices are more like 'choose the flavor of the next scene', but the flavors are different enough that its fun choosing.

    The art is hot (not A-tier post-production, but does the job). Text gets deliciously vulgar. Some scenes get quite dark. I have a pet peeve about games where something terrible happens to a character and they go 'oh no! noooo- oh wait, somehow against all sense and biology... I like it! love it! I'm addicted now!'. This game doesn't do that (much, its reasonable when it happens). Bad stuff is bad and feels bad. Sex is nice and dirty, without being gonzo.

    Plot wise I'll say its straightforward. Nice girl, people start blackmailing her into lewd stuff. The twist is that her mom is poor so she discovers the mom is also doing lewd stuff, and that both are (at least along one of the branches) pretty unhappy with what's happening. There you go. Now ignore that and just play it, its worth it and quick.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    For once I don't want to create a very long review. The reason is that, well, I didn't play this game for real, I simply skipped through it.

    The reason I did so is not because I wasn't interested, but I quickly had my doubts on whether this was a flashy novel or if it had choices. Turns out the game had like 7 choices in total through the entire game.

    The things I did see were very pretty, and if what you want is to read a nice story and look at the visuals without any real interaction, then this game will definitely suit your needs.

    Not so much if you want choices and a branching story.

    Meaningful choices allows you to impact the story and character development, and that is what I find interesting and keeps me engaged. This game did not provide that, and therefore it was a poor experience for me.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is one of the hottest I've played. Perfect for corruption lovers, the corruption is believable and accurate. The sex scenes are long and unique. The whole story make sense and you feel like in a different realm. These feelings are a sign we came across a great game. Cant wait for next update!!!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    very nice. lots of potential. very pretty MC, decent renders. i like the premise. forced and blackmailed sex of multiple women. interracial element. (big black thug trope)

    sexual harassment and corruption
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Immoral Stories Rebecca [v1.5.0 Ep. 05] Rating: 2.5*

    Decent Renders
    Decent MC Model
    good writing

    Some lines could be written better like the scene where the MC is on the phone with her Mom, and she calls her mother.
    No sound

    Choices don´t matter/No consequences
    No animations
    Sex Scenes are too short and boring
    pacing is way too fast
    World feels small

    I like this game, but it´s sad to think what could’ve been, if this wasn´t just a VN and had animations in it.
    The Story and the writing is pretty good, although the pacing is a bit too fast for my liking, especially at the beginning of the game.
    A slower introduction to her corruption and all the pervs could’ve been much better.
    Choices don´t matter and it would have added so much more to the game if these choices had consequences.
    The MC and her sister look pretty decent, while the other look kinda meh, but that´s not necessarily important if the focus keeps being on the MC.
    There are a few scenes like the one with the homeless guy that add nothing to the game.
    It´s a blackmail/corruption/rape game so it might not be a game for everyone and it´s funny that reviewers bitch about that, when they are clear as day to see in the tags.
    So, the game looks promising, but it wasted a lot of potential for being too basic and having problems here and there like not building a coherent story, short scenes and not having animations, which is a shame, so I can´t give this game more than 3*.

    The story pretty much writes itself at this point.
    She could be blackmailed by virtually everyone and i´m not sure if there was a tease already of what is to come, like the Teacher looking at Beccas panties.
    Maybe blackmail her to go pantyless or become a school whore.
    Modeling for an agency could be not far away from shooting softcore/hardcore porn and, or getting whored out by the pervs.
    More scenes in public like in the bus where she could be molested.
    It would also be interesting if you could change her looks the more this game progresses.
    Have her work side jobs to earn money.
    There´s a lot that could be done in the future and fetishes that could be added, but it´s important to keep the pacing just right.

    Update: Version 1.7.0 Ep.07
    I have changed my Rating of 3* to 2* and the reasons for that are pretty simple.
    I played the last version (1.60 Ep.06) around September of last year and Episode 7 released close to 7 months later, and wow, what a disappointment.
    The Episode is very short and the story continues to not make much sense.
    Games like these are the reason why I wouldn't spend a single penny supporting Devs, which is a shame, because there are Devs out there who wouldn't sink that low as this Dev to milk their Community for half a year and underdeliver significantly.
    Don't waste your time and money with this game.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Ricky Smith

    I knew if it had immoral in the title I might like it. Looking forward to Dee and Rebecca submitting right in front of their mom. Dirty talk is good too, need more. Like seeing these women dominated and humiliated. Keep up the good work. need gangbang, blowbang with all three please.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    4 of 5, to the people it's aimed at.

    It isn't a 5, would have been nice to have the option of the male as the protag, some of the choices seem pointless or limited value (at which point, why not make it a true VN and not gate some images behind minor choices?), there are a handful of games that do this concept a little better, but the renders are good enough, the story knows what it wants to be, and it's filling a niche in the market it knows it's aiming for and it's doing a well above average job at that.

    The game does seem to unapologetically offend people who reading it's tags and theme should have known it wasn't the game for them and moved on... I respect that from a dev. Those people need to be offended now and again when what they're upset about is done well and they just want everyone to have to like what they like. Someone in the thread put it best, if you understand Italian porn and some of the rougher and darker places it can go, this game is in that genre. It's pretty good at it. If you're not who this game is targeted for, why are you looking at this game of the thousands out there? It's fairly direct about what it is.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I guess if you are just in the hardcore kinky stuff this game is even a 5/5, but from a complete game review perspective I would give this game actually only a 3/5

    writing: The story is completely replacable with way too many unnecessary dialogs and what I don't really get is why they constantly do some "picture descriptions" as in " ... while his fat brother slipped his hand under her schoolgirl's skirt..:" I don't really get why you have to describe what the picture shows also.

    facial expresssions: The quality of the render is really high and I am certainly happy dev doesn't do these really over the top expressions which show completely distorted facial expressions, but still I feel like they are somwhat off. Rebecca often looks more like a completely defeated slavegirl instead of surprised, alarmed, appalled or disgusted - depending on whichever content the scene features. I would have expected this "completely defeated death gaze" on her face more at the end of her transformation than at the beginning, but this game kind of starts with her being almost completely numbed down to what happens.

    With those two ratings in consideration I think a 4/5 is a justified.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    This had some potential.

    Great renders but way too much text and too few choices.
    And the few choices that are there don't make any difference apart from a few more pictures with a bit of text before it returns to same.

    To get them you have to resist. Do not submit..
    You can't submit and still get the "rougher" and better scenes which I think many would like.

    Dev should redo and add more choices and consequences/differences/flavours so we can actually play a game or just remove all choices and make it a kinetic shi*-show because he sure likes to talk and mumble.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    v1.4.2 Ep4

    Its more of a rape simulator and less of a corruption game...

    From the first lewd scenes, MC gets abused/raped and till now there are only a few moments which indikate some kind of corruption but its just not believable since... she gets harrased/raped in every scene...

    The choices are dumb. Its mostly either. Its mostly doing stuff either "voluntarily" or get forced to do stuff anyways...

    Models are kinda meh. Comparing MC, her mam and her sister, MC is looking like she felt into a make up pot while mother and sister never saw make up at all.

    Over all its just some extreme power/rape fantasy and besides this, quite boring.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Nice renders, a bit long in the exposition clips and the story is nothing we haven't seen before but nothing problematic. Most choices are pseudo-fake and are mostly just a choice between sex scene or non con version of it, which is kinda lame but it's a perfectly playable little game and it has a decent amount of content at time of writing
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    it's simply the best game of its kind (young girls with old men), and that's what I really like about this game,the girls are very beautiful with amazing bodies without huge boobs and boobs.I hope there is a continuation of this amazing game.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Extremely high quality renders with beautiful models(both the MC and her sister are stunning) and way above average writing, with the right amount of sex scenes(every update has alteast one sex scene, even if it's just a blowjob) - no fooling around and wasting the player's time like many other games do(probably in an attempt to milk the patrons for as long as possible).

    This game should be more popular around here without a doubt. Even if it's not everyone's cup of tea, others in the genre that are much inferior to this one have a much bigger fanbase.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I have played here; and I played a lot. ;-)
    Best quality of renders, beautiful girls. A good story, even it seems that the last scene with the Landlord should have been separated in two parts (BJ and anal), but that is my personal opinion. It may be, that the Patreons pushed the Dev a bit forward.
    I´m curious for the next Update. :)