Mod - Wolf RPG - Imouto Seikatsu ~Fantasy~ Translation Revision/Mod [DLCv1.0.2] [Imouto_prpr]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a faithful, accurate English translation that's made by a fan of the game. What more needs to be said? If you've never played Imouto Seikatsu and/or you want an experience as close to vanilla as possible, use this translation. The only reason I'd ever give for not using this translation is if you want to use a conflicting mod.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The definitive fan translation! :love:

    Give it a try if you think this game is for you or even if you came from the other versions like I originally did. Imouto_prpr's translation is lightyears ahead of the Steam version and generally reads much better.

    I know you won't be disappointed! (y)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The translation is perfect with no mistakes when I played through it. I prefer this translation and font over the Kagura's version. Kagura's font sometimes made it difficult to read. There were some moments when a word was illegible to me.

    In Kagura's version,
    Choosing the options: Physical -> Molest -> Blow on my dick
    Imouto then says: "Blow on my dick!"

    My thoughts seeing that for the first time: ??????
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Very Interesting

    You know what? Yahh right! I really like this game... With a more interesting and continuing English version, I think this will really drain my time... and most importantly Is it true that this game includes DLC... if you may know what's new in the DLC?
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    In an age of shitty localizations and abysmal corpo greed, it's refreshing to see someone translating something with some integrity and respect to the source material, and putting some expectations on the reader being not a mouth breather.
    Thank you gamer, dogspeed.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Best flowing translation of the game so far. I've played both Shade TL and Kagura and both have moments where I wonder what the original words / sentences were, not to diss either of them though as without their work, we wouldn't get the game in English originally, as per Shade, and widely marketed, as per Kagura and steam release.

    Hope this version continues to peacefully exist alongside the other 2.