Unity - In Heat: Lustful Nights [v0.2.6 Itch] [MonsterBox]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The game play is simple yet challenging at times, the way of unlocking scenes via challenges isn't seen very often but can be hard to do, the in game scenes (not tapes) don't have great camera angles but the voice acting and sound design makes up for it, overall a pretty solid game
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game!

    Has decent amount of content.
    Curvy hot furry gals ready to ride your dick. what else can be said?
    Even after unlocking everything, I still come back and play it.

    The best thing about it are the game over animations. The video gallery needs some more work. Would have been better if the gallery was more interactive instead of videos.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    my bro like it , There is a light on the right side of the wall to indicate whether the facility is damaged, green means ok, yellow means damaged, red means it has been completely damaged, one is the ventilation pipe, the other is the valve of the swimming pool, and the other is the electric door. There is also a small shark outside the door on the left. She will appear on the 4th night. You have to make sure that her door is closed. If she comes out, it cannot be blocked.
  4. 2.00 star(s)



    I don't get it?

    The last bit of the night takes away control and just lets them get me.

    Currency trading (?), buying and choosing desk decorations, some having effects is unnecessarily tedious.

    Camera / Map always shows their locations, making it 0 tension.

    Game-overs locked position and FOV makes the scene teasing at best.

    Currently I see no appeal other than the models.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Solid, quality art and atmosphere. Unlockables (Videos and model viewer) are nice, but could definitely use a few in between rewards for fapping. There's a few bugs to be squashed but with one or two exceptions they are barely noticeable.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm excited for the direction this game is going so far. The girls are really well made and the gameplay loop isn't annoying and confusing, it also gives you time to ogle the girls. A couple changes I hope are added are better viewpoints during the death scenes and more animations/teasing throughout the night.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    It has good looking characters, too bad you can't see them
    Scenes are all zoomed in so everything but a forehead or tail is cropped

    Alot of problems reported by users about the gallery not working past unlocking only 2 despite them beating the game
    (you can get a free one by beating mini game btw)

    I'll keep an eye on this one
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    pretty bare bones for now but there's a lot and i mean a LOT of potential, great models, good humour and some excellent scenes. i'm looking forward to the development of this game and good luck to the dev.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a pretty good start. This game is using the classic fnaf style and yet added a decent enough twist (not just the penis/vagina kind) to keep it interesting, this game mechanic can be easily expanded upon for a more challenging game-play and Its basic functionality with the UI and menu is pretty solid but obviously not complete.

    I only can think of one minor bug; the plushy can still be used after surviving the night and won't show up in the desk screen when switching them out. Besides that, it looks great, definitely will support the dev when the game is a bit more polished.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Updating my review as it's been quiet some time since I reviewed the very early alpha build.

    Since then the game has added several new girls, new mechanics, and overall cleaned up it's foundation. There is a very solid game to support here and keep an eye on, a decision I myself have made by supporting their itch.io page.

    There is a solid game here that is just begging to be built up. At times, like any FNAF game, RNG will fuck you (literally in this case), and it can feel unfair at times because of that. But on the flipside theres an almost euphoric feeling when 7 o clock hits while misty refuses to stop assaulting your door because she doesn't know how to lock her bedroom.

    Very much improved from it's barebones concept ages past
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    (Writing during v0.33)

    I think one sentence can literally describe my entire interaction.

    "It's good, but..."

    The premise of an FNAF parody makes it fairly unique compared to the other games on F95 and personally, I enjoy the gameplay loop... But in its current form, the game isn't worth it.

    The scenes are well made but are too short and it is a longwinded and needless journey to get access to the gallery for 5 or 6 well made but short clips.

    The ability to customise your desk is neat, but useless and probably more harm than good in the game's current state. Especially when the overwhelming majority of stuff does not have an actual model and looks the exact same as the other items.

    The end of day toy machine will probably be fleshed out but is currently filled with useless items. Add that to the fact that you can only choose six items per successful day and you need certain items from the toy machine to access the gallery that may or may not appear, makes the toy machine the most irritating thing in the game.

    The characters are actually interesting to look at but this is a porn game, it would be nice for them to do something other than standing around shaking seductively.

    The game is good for a partially made game... but there are things really needed to be removed until the game is more stable and has more content.

    My suggestion to the developer (If he reads these) is to remove the desk customisation, remove all the useless junk from the toy machine and focus on building up the gameplay and the gallery. The core mechanics of any porn game is the porn. Everything else is secondary.

    Right now you've got a good base of a game but it seems you're throwing in added bonuses to the game that the core game just cannot support in its current state.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    - Good models
    - Good sex scenes
    - Short but hot death scenes
    - Currency and shop system

    - No tutorial:
    No real tutorial, even the first night can still be rough. Generally the first night is to test the waters, get adjusted, and no deaths, but in this case you're thrown in and can't get adjusted.

    - Gameplay:
    Gameplay feels the same just as your regular FNAF, look around, monitor, and close doors when they get too close.

    There is an Sanity and Heat meter, it drains when closing the doors.
    When it gets too low, you are in big trouble.

    To alleviate this, you can just grab your stress ball item and squeeze it to build it back up. But squeeze it too much, and you'll lose it, so do it slow and at a good moment.

    However now there is a vent at the top of your head. All you do is stare at it to make whatever is there go away rather than just close doors or seal it, this mechanic is underwhelming.

    - Death scene execution:
    If you get caught, the scenes are short and only last around 2-3 seconds, and not enough for a hentai horror genre where it would at least last either 10 seconds or longer.

    - Customization:
    On the end of the night, you can use your tickets to buy items. Most items are useless except for the ones that cost $1000, and even then are just purely cosmetic and some are the key to unlock cutscenes.

    Overall, I believe that this is a good game, has unique ideas, but could use refining in areas of guiding the player and a bit of gameplay tweaks.

    Edit: Coming back to my "Gameplay" section review, there is the Phone Guy and the tutorial notes, but I think they could do a way better job. This can be helped by making it the easiest night and walk you through, room by room, their functions and what things you can look out or do there. It should stall all robots before you finish it.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Not difficult, much more H than it is horror (good thing imo), content caps out at around night 21 (kinda tedious but animations make up for it). Losing is an H scene and winning enough nights rewards longer sfm type scenes
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    In Heat v0.33

    • Impressive character designs
    • Great atmosphere
    • Unusual gameplay
    • Improvements that really work

    • Minigames are independent of the original game. (It would make more sense to see the minigames after the death screen.)
    • The game difficulty is insufficient. (I didn't die even once in 10-15 nights.)
    • Camera control is problematic. (We need a camera control that we can move more easily.)

    Still, it's a game with potential. There aren't many ero-games that are parody of FNAF. Good luck to the game developer.

    (Sorry if some grammar was horrible.)
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good. Wont vote lower or higher because exactly what i asked for. Just please a bit more frequent updates. And also its pretty cool that u have a thread and all. But you should contribute more (Totheauthor) Anyways some tags i think may need to be changed. Thats all
    Likes: Lelix
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Man, I tried this out today just for that dumb screenshot of Not Markiplier getting jumpscared giving me a chuckle, but this feels rough. VERY rough.

    To explain, the instructions don't make it clear what you can and can't do (so far) in-game. For example, using the little piggy stress thing you can stall the temperature gauge (which is just basically the equivalent of power in this game, except when it isn't). HOWEVER, using it too much can cause it to... break, I guess? Meaning you don't have any other source of stalling for the doors when the animatronics suddenly hump on the windows. Why change a totally functional mechanic that worked in FNAF and change it with a quirky one?

    Or how about this: the game adamantly also warns the player of checking the vent. Now, what do you do with it? Well, you can look at it. That's it. As far as I know, there is no way to interact with it other than just...stare at it, and also for the occasional check of the current hour. I tried clicking on it, pressing some keys and my mouse buttons, but nothing.

    And how about that AI huh? The different animatronics that made the series so unique with its strategizing and gimmicks? Nah, none of that here. Just pretty faces with pretty bodies. As far as I know, I feel like all 3 of them behave the same: break some things, teleport to place to place, occasionally pop in near your cubicle, rinse and repeat.

    Oh yeah, that's also another element of the game: fixing things. This just basically boils down to "click item in background, do a basic minigame a 4 year old could do, done." Nothing special either. What's more insulting is that the game expects you to know what those elements in the backgrounds are and that you need to fix them. At first I thought they were just that: background elements. That was until I accidentally clicked on them and showed me that simple minigame to fix them. Who would have thunk? The little light in your cubicle is your only tell-tale sign that you have to fix something, however, so it's not like you have to check every room 3 times to see which room the broken thing is in.

    My biggest gripe with the game, as far as you can tell, is the lack of communication for the basic rules and mechanics. Letting the player alone to their skills is one thing, but confusing them with glitchy scenarios and obfuscating objectives is another thing. A simple "instructions" page does not suffice. The only reason I managed to pass the first night (or the "zeroeth" night as the game displayed) was due to a bug that somehow was in my favor: by suddenly restarting the temperature gauge mid-game and allowing me to use the doors again when I needed them. At this point, I was thinking it was intentional by the dev(s) to give a helping hand to those struggling I guess.

    Guess I'll play the waiting game for more polish. then. That's really the word here: polish. If they released a game this early into development but made many more fixes and polish, I wouldn't be so hard on it. This also cannot be a "proof of concept" since this has been done to death thanks to many fan games of the same playstyle that also borrow from the source material, and I shouldn't forgive it just because tiddies :/

    I can tell that yes, this is a very, VERY early version of the game. But what if they abandon it? What if it doesn't succeed to the devs' expectations? I don't want this to fail, and this game has good potential (like everything), it's just that I wish it had more to offer from the get-go. So again, it's back to the waiting game.

    The only positive note I can leave is that I love the characters here. Definitely looks like they took inspiration from those genderbent FNAF animatronics made by cally3d and made something original with them.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Has potential, but potential doesn't make something good.

    The game is currently a buggy mess devoid of content but already packing some solid humor and sexy models. Sadly, those models are only something you can look at for about 2 seconds at a time (when you lose) or out of the corner of your eye as you play the game the way its intended.

    This is a solidly made Fnaf clone that sadly misses the mark of being an adult game, especially considering that the gallery doesn't currently work (it kicks you out of it if you look at anything, stating that the "store is under construction", so you can't even use it) and is only unlocked through winning. Sadly, winning sometimes is an impossible chore not because of difficulty, but because it just...doesn't happen.

    I spent 10 minutes on my first run just checking through all the cameras and fixing things until I was forced to spend my full sanity bar on one enemy, then lost because it just never left. My second time, I won in about 3 minutes with absolutely nothing going wrong. A bug like that is just...about as inexcusable as it gets. I genuinely thought that my first run was the ENTIRE game; I was convinced that you couldn't even win.

    The porn part of the game, which I assume is why most of us are even playing, is just horribly lack luster. Solid animations that only last 2 seconds mean almost nothing to (I hope) any of us, especially if you can't even go back and look at them through the gallery. I saw mention in another review that it only had no sound, but I couldn't even use the gallery since it kicked me into a screen saying that the store was under construction.

    Overall, just nothing here right now. Potential doesn't make a game good, especially if it ends up getting abandoned like many others with potential. This is a poor start to a porn game, but a decent start to a clone. Sadly, I'm not reviewing it for being a clone, and the Fnaf formula isn't one I'd call fun when I'm in it for some pleasure that the game simply can't yet give.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is in an odd spot. It seems to have a lot of content but most of it is unfinished. Specifically the sex scenes in the gallery. To put it simply every time you finish a night shift you unlock a scene. But those scenes don't have any audio playing and are just sex animations. It's kind of a let down considering most of the game has audio coursing through it, especially when you lose which as short as it is still has sounds. Other then that this game is pretty good, the gameplay could use some work and some more difficulty but the overall premise is pretty nice. Looking forward to it. Also there are only two gallery scenes you can unlock so best to wait a bit.
  19. 5.00 star(s)



    Great art style
    Potentially interesting twist on FNAF gameplay
    Great atmosphere

    Hard to tell what you are supposed to due mainly as a result of bad feedback
    Very little content so far (duh it is an early demo)

    Conclusion: Might be worth it in the future so giving it five star in the hope to draw attention to it. Small games need that and this has potential, a lot of it.