VN - Ren'Py - In Her Service [v0.62] [Blue Factory Games]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    Digital Pimp

    Railroaded by the dev's whims from jump. I didn't even want that spoiled ****, but then we aren't given much choice about anything! And the girlfriend was no prize either. I'm so tired of these whipped, punk ass MC's. By mid point in the prologue, I was ready to chain that fool (MC) to his bed to stop his nocturnal nature hikes. The only remotely interesting woman in the game thus far is the girlfriend's daughter. And she's just there, a pretty carrot dangling at the end of a very ugly stick you'll likely never see the end of... in summation, with it's no account characters and flimsy premise, I've seen test patterns with more plot...