Inappropriate Review warning


Well-Known Karen
Apr 28, 2017
The staff do the most time nothing.

When a player that play the game a lot gave these game a game review vote that shows not only 1xtime playing more a 3-5 or more time playing and vote then.

In these game reviews I gave a vote all producer don`t fix bugs they are reported for months or years and I vote with a zero. Aso a explation why I do this and that not all can read these game reviews it is not up to me.

In all these reviews I wrote why I gave them Zero.

And normal for example the Game Back to Freedom must be get a -* review and a Zero is to good for it.

The Save & Gallery works near the beginning not and the producer have no interest to fix it.

Sure we got new content with the exist bugs all Players have nothing from it because when you try to play a second route you have the bug(s) so a real wasting time for all Players !!!

That a Player get so a warning from staff members say a lot that Producer are whinning around and you get a response from a staff member that you see normal all time not here in the forum.

These warnings and the complaint about it is only abused from lazy and cash cow producers !!!