Ren'Py - Inc House [v0.075a] [Whimfu1]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good parody. I love the designs and the progression of the game. It have a lot of the characters from the show and so far it seems they will add all the ones they can, which is a plus. I can't wait for it to be complete. So far is a very good game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Frank Horrigan...

    Hey mutie! This is a very good game, and its a lot coming from me (hate to the bone loud house shit) it feels like a whole different setting but maintaining the resemblance to the show, love the B&W ambient and the background music, most of the NPC are very original and well designd, among other things I don't want to spoil to anyone willing to play the game, if I can get to patron you I will do it, this game has a bright future, please don't waste his potential, see ya around the wasteland!.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    (Reviewed as of 0.06a)

    Pretty good so far!

    I usually stay away from these kinds of porn parody games if I'm unfamiliar with the source material, cuz I always feel like I'll just be kinda lost. But as someone who has never seen the Loud House and doesn't even really know the characters, I can tell you that this game seems to treat the source material more like a coat of paint to color its setting and story with rather than something to strictly adhere to. That is to say, if you're like me and have never seen the show, don't let that put you off from giving this game a try. The characters just seem to be more like alternate universe fan-fiction versions of the original characters, and any "lore" present doesn't seem based on the original show / require any prior knowledge.

    Gameplay is pretty simplistic. Someone else likened it to Summer Memories, and I think that's pretty apt. Basically, the days are split into Time Phases, and the game moves to the next Phase after you exhaust your Stamina for that phase. So, you might wake up in the morning, talk to Luna once, and then get a kiss from Rita once, then run out of stamina. Then the game would move to the Afternoon phase. The girls move around to different places and do different things depending on the time of day, so there is a little bit of thought the player might want to employ in order to best use their time. But there's no real limit on the amount of days you can go through or anything, so eventually you WILL get to be able to do whatever you want to do, even if you might have to wait a couple days for someone to be in the right place at the right time to make progress with them. (Pro tip: one "quest" involves you interacting with Luna when she's in the garage. She's not in there too often, so prioritize that one if you can so you don't have to skip through several days just to see her back there again.) You also can unlock lewd actions with them in order to build Lust points, which you then spend on Spells to do more stuff (only 2 level 1 spells currently).

    If the art style caught your eye, then I can concur! It's definitely the most alluring and striking part of the game, and what initially drew me in to try it despite not even being a fan of the show. The whole game is painted in these shades of whites, grays, and blacks, with little splashes of color thrown on the different characters to accentuate them and make them pop a bit. I wouldn't really describe the "vibe" of the game to be gothic, though. Just the art style. Sure, you summon a demon and use magic and your character dresses like a Victorian eunuch butler (kinda hella drippy tho ngl), but the general aesthetic under the gothic pallette is still very much contemporary and modern. Which is fine with me, but I could see someone seeing the art and expecting some steamy Victorian vampire romance or something.

    The writing is good. A couple typos and stuff here and there, but nothing glaringly bad at all. Some people might find the dialogue for Luna to be weird or a bit grating, maybe. She's bollocks to the wall Bri'ish and her speech is mired with slang. I got used to it pretty quick, and it can be kinda charming, but I do think the dev could maybe tone it down just a tad. Leni, though, is written fantastically. My GOD could I go on and on about Leni, from her looks to her writing to her personality, but to keep it short: she's best girl. Dev, keep doing what you're doing with her. I can see why Lincoln loves her.

    The porn is...good? Yeah, good. I was satisfied with it anyways. Some of it is still images, some are animated, but animated in the simple kind of way where like only the hand moves while you're getting a handjob or something. Not bad, but nothing that's gonna completely blow your dick off either. The main strength is just in the character designs mixed with the dialogue. Especially Leni. Seriously, I think that girl's unlocked a new fetish for me. Dev, that scene with her and Jodie in the mall? Hoooooooo DOGGIE!

    Anyways, this is off to a nice start! Maybe if you're a die hard Loud House fan, you might be disappointed that this game is kinda actually disconnected from the source material, idk. But as someone just looking at it for what it is, I like it a lot! Unique art style, simple story and characters, nice writing, and satisfying porn. That's all I really need! I'll be looking forward to more updates with this!

    And if you do give this a try and like it or have any constructive critiques, it seems like the dev is fairly active here, so maybe let 'em know what you think! I always feel like games like this can easily die off without feedback and lack of player engagement, and I feel like this game has some good potential and I really wanna see more Leni. So, if for no one else, do it for my dick, please + thank you.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Review as of v0.05

    How Long To Beat: 2 hours

    A Ren'Py attempt at a Summer Memories type game with Loud House-inspired characters in a new art style.

    There's plenty of potential here, but as of now the grind is a bit uneven and unbalanced.

    If you've play Summer Memories, you've got an idea on how this works, although it's limited by it's Ren'Py engine interface. Don't expect to unlock the instant gratification of sex scenes like Summer Memories. The similarities are in the format and setting. You navigate a house which the love interests travel around randomly. You have to manage your Lust and Affection to have sexual interactions. The game cycle is mostly: Talk with the girls to get Affection > Spend Affection Points for a Sexual Interaction > Gain Lust Points from sex > Spend Lust Points for Spellcasting > Spellcasting opens up new opportunities and situations. Another point of comparison is the furry game Book of Lust.

    The art direction is great and is truly the selling point of the game. I love the sketchy pencil line thickness, the black and white color scheme with some color highlights on the characters. It looks great. The character designs are also pretty good. The environment design is pixel-based and also looks good. Unfortunately environments are hampered by unintuitive layouts and there's no fast-travel.

    Animations are lacking. The actual formats of the sex scenes involve clicking through hot spots to start animations, which fill an erogenous meter, allowing the scene to progress. The animation style, like many 2D games, is rather choppy instead of fluid. They aren't terrible, by any means, but they aren't extraordinary.

    Progression gets a little grindy. About an hour in I was skipping days to progress content, because there was nothing to do. I maxed out the spellbook within the first 7 in-game days. There aren't enough interactions to keep hooking up with the characters at this stage of the game.

    There are several mini-games of varying quality. There's a translation mini-game, which is unscrambling a word via Scrabble pieces; a shower mini-game where you masturbate to a girl while she showers, and you have to stay hidden via clicks; and a shop-lifting minigame where you undress a character via magic and find what she's trying to steal. I think the concepts for each are solid, but each has it's own jank. The shower scenes need adjustment on how fast the girls turn around. The shoplifting minigame has a bug with selecting items. I didn't have issues with the Scrabble game, but I have read that others have.

    Overall, this is a fine game so far, even if it feels like a glorified demo right now. I'm excited to see where it goes.


    +Great art direction
    +Characters are fun so far

    -A bit grindy to get started (getting your first Affection and Lust points takes some figuring out)
    -Unintuitive map
    -Mini-games are a bit janky at points
    -Too many moments where there's nothing to do, especially at night.
    -Animations could be better
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A cool game

    Story: You are really desperate for pussy so you summon a motherfucking demon to get pussy, crazy stuff then follows (you get pussy)

    - Basic cool linear story (summon demon to fuck girl)
    - Rad artstyle
    - Actually has music in the background so you dont go mad from absolute silence while you jerk off
    - Okay playtime
    - Can fuck milfs (cool)

    - UI is bullshit to navigate for points with girls and romance
    - You dont fuck that much (compared to the rest of visual games)
    - Cant sometimes tell where to go (There is a quest log tho)
    - Pretty repetive and grindy (read book, tell girls nice things so they eventually suck your dick)
    - Needs more kissing scenes (personal preference)


    You are a twink and need to man up

    Otherwise the game is good so far and updates are good (writing this at 0.05a)

    5 star
  6. 5.00 star(s)



    Summoned a succubus now fuck everything (starting with your female relatives) is an old trope that has very commonly been used in many games. So the game is not original, but that is fine so long as the execution is well done, and it is.

    The art is beautifully hand drawn. Very sexy and appealing.
    The lewd scenes are hot.
    The characterization so far is a lot of fun.
    The girls are very cute.

    GUI is a little rough still but shows promise. It is very early in dev so I am giving that a pass.
    Overall this game is great thus far and I am very much hoping for more.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Solid game so far, it has pretty decent art, decent story so far, and a lot of potential for future scenes, characters, and events, can't wait to see what the Dev has instore for us in the future, solid 4/5
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Good art, maybe can have a re-deseing in the future because the story can be more big with the characters that they not put, the gameplay is basic but fun and the possibility of new characters and scenes for this game are huge