Ren'Py - Independent Horizons [v.0.2.0] [SwampyStudio]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The models are not great, some have ugly faces, and some are the usual DAZ inflated plastic dolls, but the step sister is cute. The story is a classic porn cliche like I've already read hundred time on this site.

    Now the serious problems :
    The choices are meaningless with forced sex scene and this alone is enough to make me drop the game, but there's more.
    The dev is writing his game according to Patreon's rules instead of what he really wants to write. This lead to completely stupid things like the MC calling the woman who raised him Mrs Dunnowhat instead of mom. It completely break the suspension of disbelief. Another exemple of monetization killing a game.
  2. 1.00 star(s)

    Uncommon Sense


    - Renders
    - Dialogue and grammar


    - Dialogue: While the dialogue was understandable...There was far too much narrating throughout this VN. A lot of it was overdramatic and unnecessary.

    - Writing: The story is for the most part is a kinetic novel. No choices that matter and you couldn't avoid certain scenes which I'll get into shortly. The MC comes off as naive and very impressionable and not in a good way. The MC seemed smart enough to run interference in a couples argument yet is gullible enough to just except a job at a happy ending joint?

    We stumble in a "Massage Parlor" and we see the owner giving a random an assjob. You can't avoid the scene instead she tells the MC to sit and watch and him being gullible and naive just does what she tells him to do. After the black Sigourney Weaver tells the MC that she gives happy endings the MC doesn't ask any questions and ends up showing more interest. He barely knows this women but unloads all of his intimate information on her. Also keep In mind none of this is avoidable and the fact that the MC is a virgin we end up getting a forced footjob. Total red flag for a guy like me. I don't care if she's a prostitution on the side but please give players the option to do other things besides a male prostitute or getting cheap thrills from a prostitute. What, is fast food not appealing anymore?

    - Models: The Models for the most part are okay but the MCs face and expressions were cringe. It looked like he was straining the whole time and when he didn't have the constipated look he was sporting the special needs look.

    - Gui/Mechanics: Having phones is a must apparently these days but if you're going to have that feature make sure it's simple to use. I would add a back button which should make checking texts a lot easier.