VN - Ren'Py - Industry Baby [v1.0] [Ekko]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    for being the initial release i am looking forward to playing this even more as new updates come out. the story is really engaging, Animations done really well. I could car less for Regina. the characters are we thought out at this stage as well
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Go for a first release honestly it's very good, both visually, as well as the plot and the music also gives it its added value, it has several pros and definitely the humor is quite good in this thing about Regina, that bitch got her little deserved, but honestly, there is something hidden with her and for me it could be that she is the typical Tsundere with the MC, or that is what left an impression on me, hence Mallory is fine although, out there some touch-up wouldn't be bad, giving her a little younger, or something like that, hence the girl at the end according to the flashbacks, it is deduced who she is and it remains to be seen how she contributes to the plot, although honestly she looks better with long hair, hence the lesbian friend who possibly is become bisexual or is it just an act because she has always been in love with the MC, but as always women complicate everything and for her it seemed like that was the best path to take, I don't understand if that is the case, but I would prefer something similar to that she is a lesbian and therefore in the future she wants the MC's LIs (I try to avoid that if possible); but honestly what I liked the most is Miriam, she is definitely one of my favorites of most of the VN that I play and she is not a redhead since I have a weakness for redheads, but as Miriam said I loved her at first sight, although I The only negative about it would be the name, I personally used a text replacement patch to change the name and make it more pleasant (this personally), I'll wait for the next update, greetings and good luck with this DEV.

    Psdt: Don't let RE: Rudy die, I'm also following him closely (I'm just waiting to see how the MC of that VN puts Filo in his place, I can already visualize it and waiting for it to happen)
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    There really needs to be a tag for "good idea, fumbled execution".

    Industry Baby is an odd game. The premise is interesting - two strangers are matched up as 'partners' for a company that provides pornographic actors for adult films. They have a week to get comfortable with each other before their first shoot. This is a great premise for a VN since you've got A) a natural reason to show plenty of sex scenes; B) two strangers who can have opposing personalities, back stories, and reasons for doing porn that they need to reconcile before their shoot; and C) a deadline which adds to drama.

    Unfortunately Industry Baby doesn't really do anything with this premise. What we get is a good-guy MC who can only be very understanding and helpful and kind and safe towards his nervous female partner. Over the course of a week of not-all-that-much-happening they fall for each other like teenagers in a YA novel. There is no real drama or conflict between our two main characters which makes the story just kinda boring.

    The only conflict in the story comes from a side character, our MC's female rival from college, who is just a bitch. It seems like the writer understood that you're supposed to have drama in a story but instead of injecting conflict into the main plotline, they just slapped it onto the side. You could remove the entire MC-rival thing from the game and it wouldn't change anything of consequence, which is a sign that your side-plot is pointless.

    To make matters worse our female co-star is a kicked puppy. We’re shown through flashbacks that despite being an attractive girl with giant eyes and a lovely personality, she gets inexplicably treated like shit from almost everyone she meets. I have no doubt the writer thought this would endear her to the audience but it comes off as incredibly forced and unbelievable. Characters who get bullied by everyone they meet for reasons that are flimsy or non-existent aren’t sympathetic. They’re just pathetic. Being a perennial victim doesn’t equate to being noble or deserving of sympathy. It’s more likely a sign that a person is perpetually behaving in ways that rub others the wrong way.

    What our co-star needed to be was a girl who felt she had been backed into a corner by her circumstances and had decided that doing porn was the only way out. Someone who also felt deeply conflicted by her decision because doing porn is ugly and disreputable and something she will regret for the rest of her life. We needed to see her struggle, not fall in love. This would have opened options for the player to express their own opinions on her situation and the choice she was making. Do you try to talk her out of it because you can see that she is making a terrible mistake? Do you try to keep her on track because you think she’s hot and can’t wait to fuck her? Does she make you realise anything about your own reasons for being in the adult industry? There are lots of questions you could explore with a story like this. But we don’t get anything of the sort.

    Having said all of that there is nothing offensively bad about the Industry Baby. For what it is the writing and characters are fine. Sex scenes are few and far between and not all that great when they do happen. The game simply misses its opportunity to explore an interesting premise.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game got nice renders and pretty girls. Plot is about MC entering in porn industry. This make many worry about NTR and other fetishes similar to this but dev himself confirmed there is no need to worry about it. But there are other males in the game some got nice personality and some not so. Ofc there are sex scenes between other males and girls. But MC's LI are safe. Main Li is cute.

    Keep up the good work dev looking forward to next updates
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Definitely a good stuff!
    Good looking lis.
    Amazing renders.
    Unique story.
    Decent MC.
    Okay quality of lewd scenes.
    Definitely deserve 3/5 stars.
    Looking forward to where it's all ends, mixture maledom + light femdom is a unique combination, honestly not into any of them but I like lil bit of light femdom and maledom as long as it's not become hardcore male & femdom.
    Compare to girls MC looks a little bit too average (just my thoughts).
    Overall game is okay one of good game I have played.
    Good luck with your game.❤❤❤
  6. 2.00 star(s)



    It's not terrible, not excellent, just below average. Edit: In Fairness, this game is a 2.5. For me, it's a two due to its cons, but it could easily be a 3.


    The writing is currently the game's greatest weakness. Its plot/story is disjointed and doesn't make much sense, and even at times, the dialogue is just very weak; here are a couple of points.
    • MC graduates top of his class but straight up can't find a job anywhere, so he resorts to doing porn.
    • MCs Uni "rival" because of him being "smarter" is also somehow doing porn now?
    • Mariam (LI) is a virgin whose family is poor, so she decides to do porn?
    • The rules the porn company has also just don't make sense for a company.
    • Also, in regards to the porn company, through the game, it's repeatedly brought up how they're different and really care about their employees, and the hiring process weeds out bad ones. Frequently, we are shown dog-shit employees that somehow made it in? At least be consistent.
    • This is just a [me] complaint, but so far, it's been a ratio of 3:1 in sex scenes, with three random porn shots (Voyeurism, not NTR) and only one with MC and a LI, and in the MC scenes.
    • The dialogue and writing dramatically tank every time the story focus shifts back to the porn plot.
    Basically, everything in this plot is made to shoehorn in the porn setting, even when it doesn't make any sense. This leads to dialogue and plot devices that either don't fit or are developed far too quickly.
    [how is the game going to logically develop a "vanilla harem" in the setting of filming porn?]


    While I've been a bit negative, the game isn't terrible; in general, it's got the porn aspects of a "porn game" down.
    • The renders are really nice. The girls look great, the backgrounds aren't empty, and, as a nice touch, the characters change clothes between days, and the scene animations are pretty good.
    • Also, while I've been criticizing the plot and writing, the LI(s) are pretty likable; the general dialogue between characters isn't terrible and is slightly endearing.
    All In All
    While I wouldn't recommend the game, I wouldn't discourage anyone from playing it. It's one of those games where you have to give it your own try. Remember this review was done on its first release so if the game improves in the future, I'll come back and update this review.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    review for v1.0.

    makes fuck all sense tbh.
    all the girls are super cute, some good variety in the, animations are decent, did like how all characters are always wearing different clothes, nice touch

    some of the writing is funny, but plot and setting make fuck all sense, did get better the more faded i got tho.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly it was pretty good for a first release. There are some issues to be addressed but not so distracting to get your mind of the game. I honestly thought that the pacing between MC and Mariam's might have been too quick but that's just me i guess. The h-scenes are quite well done. Though it could use less cheezy dialogue tbh. There's not enough content to properly judge but there's definitely potential. Overall it's a solid release and I would love to delve more into the plot when the next update drops. 100% fully reccomend to play. Don't sleep on this people.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly good first release. Surprisingly wholesome for a game about working in the porn industry and surprisingly few sex scenes (for now ) for a game about working in the porn industry too.

    I'll preface by saying, if you're going to download it for the seggs, wait for a couple updates.

    - Good dialogue
    - Good female cast (both models and personalities)
    - Good amount of content, albeit almost no sexual content yet, which is understandable
    - Good MC model, kind of different from how the typical MC looks in HS games, if that makes sense
    - In the same vein, I like MCs personality, not too goody-two-shoes, but not edgy either, his reactions and way to handle things are fairly normal (normal is good, I don't need an extremely badass MC who deals with things in a badass way like it was a childlike fantasy, that's simply not realistic)

    - As of 1.0, the relationship during the first days with Mariam kind of... progress too fast, if that makes sense. MC becomes a ride or die friend for Mariam in a matter of two days. I would have liked to see those 7 initial days being used a bit more evenly to progress their relationship in a more believable pace.
    - Even having praised MC's personality in the pros, I too believe he's a bit too... perfect? Although that is just a minor nitpick, I'd rather him being a tad too perfect, than being a complete idiot.

    Overall I leave it at 4 stars, but I can easily see myself giving it 5 in the future.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is impressive for a 1.0 release, offering a solid overall experience. The story stands out with its catchy and addicting narrative, keeping players engaged. The developers have done a great job creating a captivating plot from the start. It's a promising beginning that sets the stage for future updates, Good job Ekko.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This newly released adult visual novel is a must-play for fans of deep narratives and mature themes. With a compelling storyline, well-crafted characters, and beautiful art, it ensures an engaging experience. The mature themes add depth, and the excellent soundtrack enhances immersion. Overall, it excels in storytelling and character development, making it a rewarding experience for genre fans.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I think the story premise isn't very believable but i think it's supposed to be goofy so it's fine enough when the few characters introduced at least seem to have some personality so there is a chance it ends up decent. It's also somewhat unique while still being full of cliches.

    The renders are pretty good and the different characters look quite distinct.
    The few animations are also fine and well directed, nothing exceptional but it's a good start.

    Everything else seems acceptable too and there is a decent amount of content for a first version.

    Great potential, 5 for encouragement and can be deserved for the final product if the dev keeps it up