Sorry to tell you this, but I think Marc either misremembered Inertia's model asset or misled you, it is not SASE Channing. There are glaring differences that are easily noticed when you compare the VN renders with the Channing model. Two you can spot right away are eyebrows that do not match and her skin texture is different. Channing has multiple blemishes on her torso and Inertia has none. Those were the most obvious to me when I compare both Inertia and SASE Channing. I still think it is an SASE model, but I am too busy at the moment to look for which one it could be.
For some reason I remember this VN with the John Cena look-alike dad.
It would be nice if you can ever find him again and just ask him for the .duf models he used. Obviously there are glute, breast and muscularity morphs applied to his characters.