RPGM - Completed - Infiltrating a Cult [Final+DLC] [Sweet Eden]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Bad bad bad, if you want to look a scene you have to lose combat and the art is nice, that's true but the scenario is pretty bad so the only thing memorable is the art, just use a full save and that's all
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    A good premise, decent art, but otherwise pretty bare bones and standard RPG Maker game. To correct something the other review said, there is a save folder that has a save file that gives you a replay room.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    One of the most barebones RPGM games I've played. I'm not expecting the most riveting of gameplay but certainly not this braindead. It's not saying much when all you need to beat all the fights is just spam 1 skill, unless you're caught and use healing items when necessary. That's it.
    Oh, you get 1 new skill...at level 20 which is just a one hit kill attack so it's pointless unless one grinded or you're at the last fight.
    To my knowledge, there is no CG room either so you have to lose to the enemy in order to see them...which just gives you a game over anyway so have fun with that.