You have two infinite loops in your script that raise this exception.
label wait:
jump wait
label shout:
jump shout
Not sure what you are trying to do. If you want a choice to be visible based on a condition it should look like this:
$ allow_shout = False # declare variable
jump wait
"shout" if allow_shout == True:
jump shout
label wait:
"waiting ..."
"Code is more readable if long dialogues are not placed inside indented menu-choices."
jump continue_story
label shout:
jump continue_story
label continue_story:
$ del allow_shout # delete variable
"... and at the end everybody died in pain. *roll credits*"
This is a little more involved.
Menu options for "Wait" and "Shout" are only shown if the menuopt1 and menuopt2 variables are set to True.
Initially that's true for both.