The TLDR; short of a big overall update, this game is in dire straits and I foresee future problems. Bad gameplay, Bad emergent story, and poor erotica.
There is hardly a game here besides “talking” to characters. But dialogue isn’t intriguing or interactive or fun, it’s a slog. Go up to a character. Spam the same dialogue option until desired result or they say that you’re saying the same thing and then switch to a different option to spam. In a game where you’ll be seducing/being seduced you would’ve thought this would be abstracted to a mini game or something to make it engaging and non-repetitive. There is very little in the way of non-sex things to do as well. I’m not totally bombing this project for the fact that there’s an impressive amount being done on the Renpy engine here, but at the same time, I can feel the jank of the engine show through. Things like buttons not responding until I click them multiple times or lack of QoL conveniences like being able to press tab to select different options. QoL here is generally not great. Lack of rollback on a Renpy game is odd, I get they’re trying to go for a Sims-esque approach but the difference there is that sims you can set a conversation going and then leave to forget it and pay attention to a different character and it’s fairly easy to get back in a characters good graces. If you put on auto mode conversation there can be problems like the dialogue going by too fast, inability to see what the question was, or just generally clunky/uninteresting dialogue (a natural problem that the Sims avoided with Simlish). That is to say, if my Sim says something stupid in dialogue then I can remedy it or play along and it feels good. If my Influencer says something stupid in dialogue, I’m forced to do more of the thing I don’t like… engage in dialogue. Very ambitious sandboxes NEED content and large amounts of it. I understand this is a small-time developer, but that’s the problem. If this game is to shine, it may need a team helping pump out content faster and implement more QoL stuff if possible. And also fixing dialogue to either make it a “set it and forget it” kinda thing or an engaging mechanic.
Being this is a Sims-esque game, the story here is meant to be largely emergent. I should be able to tell fellow sex fiends about the wacky adventures I got into this game. In this genre of games what makes emergent story-telling is the usage of “Yes And”. As said before there’s a lack of gameplay here and for what there is there is a lack of consequence to gameplay. I joined the discord to see if I was missing stuff and it seems key consequences are missing. No pregnancy. No fighting. No rivalries. Which means there’s no “Yes And” moments. There’s never a point where you do something and it causes a major shifting alteration later. Playing for about 6 hours, I felt nothing really happened. I just sucked a lot of wieners in the gym bathroom and that’s it. No drama whatsoever. I think the developer again needs to improve here by making more emergent systems that have big life-changing consequences so that the player feels they truly have a story of their own. There’s already hints of this with other characters getting jealous, but they don’t do anything about their jealousy. They don’t try to sabotage your relationship or fight you or try to reconcile with you or blackmail you or anything that would create intrigue and tension.
It is truly impressive how the developer was able to use their talents to make it so that you have a wide range of bodies to have and have sex with. That is the games saving grace. Otherwise, sex in this game is boring. You have sex in one place, you’ve had sex in them all. The sex mechanics are clunky and not engaging. Also I can’t see what a character likes in H-scenes with them so I have no idea how to improve sex until it’s over. The developer needs to make environments interactive and restrict the amount of sex positions in an environment. Example of what I mean: in the gym bathroom stall, there could be only 3 available sex positions, the toilet could be integrated like a character using it as a chair or something to get their leg up (even something more taboo involving water sports or grossness). Additional mechanics like sound or cellphone calls from romantic partners could be integrated. There is an overall lack of taboo content. I understand Patreon restrictions and all that, but this may just require moving off Patreon because it’s such a severe damage to the game. You have to go to the discord to get a mod that enables incest, but it may as well not be incest, no character comments on it whatsoever. In my incest-run, my Influencer’s mom walked in on her dad creampieing her and the dialogue was just the same as though this was normal cheating which she was okay with (which before I spammed at the Influencer’s mom to be okay with being cheated on). I understand I can’t fault the developer for the content in a mod, but this should be content shipped with the game instead or in one of those “unofficial patches”. Any game that wants to be a sandbox sex simulator needs taboo content so that there can be a level of progression into degeneracy noticed and for there to be player freedom. So the developer needs to make certain sex positions/scenes exclusive to the environment, change and add sex mechanics, and needs to add taboo content that the game world recognizes as taboo.