A Common Crab

Active Member
Dec 15, 2018
First day, Eve does her thing on the stairs.
Well, it would've been perfect if she hadn't stabbed me with her eyes in the end.

Since she's well aware of what I saw... There's just one thing that I can do!

> Proceeds to grab the cellphone
> dials 911
> "Things are weird"
> "weird?" - cop
> "you see, I'm afraid that the loli here will try to raep me"
> ". . ." - cop
> "ur job is to protect the citizens, that means I'm entitled to your protection if she tries to provide me with some surprise buttsex"
> ". . . . ." - cop

It didn't go as smoothly as I'd like.
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Apr 4, 2019
Hm, right now it feels like there's nothing to do except roam the mansion and read diaries and such. Sure, you can punish the maids and even have sex with them (Even with Eve, which seems a bit strange considering the story and her older's sister protectiveness). Am I doing something wrong? Did I download some outdated version that still says that it's 0.25?


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
Hm, right now it feels like there's nothing to do except roam the mansion and read diaries and such. Sure, you can punish the maids and even have sex with them (Even with Eve, which seems a bit strange considering the story and her older's sister protectiveness). Am I doing something wrong? Did I download some outdated version that still says that it's 0.25?
There's a link to the wiki on the opening page of the game. The game literally includes hundreds of events, well over a hundred of those are interactive to one degree or another. The wiki includes guides for quite a few scenes that give you some indication of what relationship levels you need to trigger scenes, what room(s) they appear in, what time of day/week/month/year it needs to be for a scene to play (It has to be work hours for work events to trigger, the girls are going to go to bed at night, it has to be winter for snow related events to trigger, etc.)
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
There isn't a thread for this game on here yet, and since I've never seemed to be able to post a game around here (The one time I tried, it never did work and someone else ended up setting things up anyway.) I wanted to share a fairly early build of a secondary project with all of you fine people.

The game's name is "Last Stand of Ra."


"In the wake of a great war that spanned the stars, a lone survivor flees the enemy that destroyed his home.

Unsure of what to do, his ship drifts through space for a thousand years before a world untouched by the war is found.

The survivor, likely the last of his kind studies the world, it's people, and decides that though his own world is lost, perhaps he can help save this world from what he knows will eventually come.

To save his adopted world, he will have to unite it's people and prepare them for an enemy that they can not even begin to comprehend. An enemy that is far closer than he realizes.

Among people who worship him as a god, and an enemy that he has no hope of defeating, stuck between impossible expectations and intrigue, this is where Ra makes his Last stand."


What's in the supporter build?
* Added a new location to the Temple area. The Temple of Amun.
* Added a new NPC to the game, Amun. Much of this update is focused on him and his temple. Includes his introduction scene.
* Added three new scenes to the Temple of Amun.
* Added prostitutes to the Temple of Amun, right now there are two scenes related to the prostitutes, one of which branches based on a choice made during the scene.
* Added Bastet image to the game.
* Updated Special Thanks page 4/18/19. If you think you belong on this list but your name isn't there, please let me know so I can get it fixed.
* Added around 5k words of content to the game bringing it's size up to about 31k words of content.

What's new in the free build?
* Added the first major quest to the game.
* Added the Bastet transformation scene to the game. No supporting content yet.
* Added one new sex scene for Ra and Hathor on the Atet. This is another repeatable scene.
* Added two small scenes to the Atet location related to cats.
* Added one small scene to the Nile location.
* Added four small scenes to the City location. Three of them can not trigger until the First Quest has been started, and depending on your choices in the first of those will determine which of the other two you see at a later time.
* Updated Special Thanks page 3/25/19. If you think you belong on this list but your name isn't there, please let me know so I can get it fixed.
* Added around 10k words of content to the game bringing it's size up to about 26k words of content.


Download links for A4 build (Supporter):


Download links for A3 build (Free):



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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
New build is live for all of you fine people who are interested.


What's new in the latest Supporter Build?

* Wrote and added one new bed time scene related to Anna. Anna Bed Scene 3. .4k words of content.
* Wrote and added a short story for Claire to Theater Mode. Claire Origins 1. While this scene is available for all supporters online, you will need the Cheat Build to access it in-game. 1.9k words of content.
* Wrote and added eight new scenes to the laboratory. These scenes are to allow players to start learning how to use the equipment in the lab in preparation for actually creating transformative items. 1.1k words of content.
* Wrote and added a series of seven ambient scenes with Misaki discussing her sex drive with other members of the household. Somewhat rare to trigger, but they appear in many of the rooms in the house which should help balance that. 1.5k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new function to the Bathing Room. You can now make use of that room. Currently includes three "Start" scenes, three "Core" scenes, and two "End" scenes. .9k words of content.
* Wrote and added a date scene for Anna. Triggered in the kitchen shortly before lunch or dinner. Down some paths, you can make a pretty big impact on her fear and trust stats so if you're grinding for those stats this is going to be a good place to do it. 8.4k words of content.
* Wrote and added a fairly large scene for Anna related to the new Bathing Room function. 8.8k words of content.
* Wrote and added a scene for Anna related to the new Bathing Room function. .7k words of content.
* Wrote the first of a mini-series for the television related to Wanton Cove. 1.9k words of content and there's an alternate version for if Maki is present. I wrote the primary portion of the scene and LFN Park wrote the content related to Maki and Bubbles reactions.
* Wrote and added the second of a four part Wanton Cove documentary. 3.8k words of content. This is a collaborative effort between myself and LFN Park. I wrote the primary portion of the scene and LFN Park wrote the content related to Maki and Bubbles' reactions.
* Wrote and added the third of a four part Wanton Cove documentary. 2k words of content. This is a collaborative effort between myself and LFN Park.
* Wrote and added a new bit of code for Anna's scenes that will allow us to work a wide range of content into existing scenes, this content currently includes periods, some little snips with Mully, some personalization for scenes based on who else might be present, and some weather related content. I refer to these scenes as "Insert Scenes" since they are micro-scenes that are inserted into larger scenes. I added these for Anna's work related scenes inside of the mansion for now, but once we've had a chance to properly test everything I'll start expanding into other places, characters, and times.
* Wrote and added two generic Insert Scenes to the game. .1k words of content.
* Wrote and added eight Insert Scenes for Anna related to her working. .2k words of content.
* Wrote and added two Insert Scenes for Anna and Eve related to work hours. .1k words of content.
* Wrote and added one Insert Event for Anna, Eve, and Mully related to work hours. .1k words of content.
* Wrote and added five Insert Events for Mully. .2k words of content.
* Wrote and added eight Insert Events related to weather, time of day, and seasons. .2k words of content.
* Wrote and added three small texting scenes for Claire. .5k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new bed time scene for Anna. Be nice during it and it's a cute little scene. Be cruel and you can utterly crush her opinion of you. 1.1k words of content. Generously Sponsored by Matty.
* Added a new scene for Claire in the evenings at the bar. 3k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added a new scene for Claire where she texts you. This currently appears with an VERY small chance in EVERY location in the mansion and on the grounds. In the future this will be expanded to other locations. .2k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added a new scene for Maki/Bubbles for if you decide to fix Bubbles' smile. This one is the scene that actually makes that happen, and in turn opens up alternate versions of several other scenes already in the game. 1.6k words of content submitted by LFN Park.
* Added a new scene for Bubbles, Maki, and Mitsuko that can play out different depending on if you've used the lab to fix Bubbles' nerve damage. The ability to use the lab is still not in the game, but the alternate version of the scene will become available once it is. 2.7k words of content submitted by LFN Park.
* Added three small ambient scenes related to Maki and Bubbles. These scenes can appear in both the back yard and the pond areas on the estate. .4k words of content submitted by LFN Park.
* Added two text messages from Maki when she's not present at the house. This has been added to every location in the mansion and on the grounds. Will expand this into the town eventually. .2k words of content submitted by LFN Park.
* Added a transformation themed theme to the laboratory. Involves futa/fox transformation. 2.1k words of content submitted by Leob70.
* Added three new images to the Drinking Donkey.
* Added three new images to the Boathouse.
* Added three new images to the East Yard.
* Added one piece of character art for Rey.
* Had a huge number of spelling errors reported by a fan of the game. All reported issues have been addressed.
*Set Claire's intro scene up so it should only appear once now.
* Updated the Special Thanks area 5/09/19. If you think you belong on this list but your name isn't there, please let me know so I can get it fixed.

What's new in the latest Free Build?

*Wrote and added a new Master Bedroom scene for Eve. Requires middling or higher stats with Eve, and somewhat high stats with Anna to trigger. Appears in the evening hours and is a one time scene. Eve Interactive Scene 20. 1.1k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new scene for Anna that can play out in any room with a window during work hours. Requires very low relationship stats. Anna Interactive Scene 19. .4k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new scene for Misaki in the library. Misaki Interactive Scene 5. 2.2k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new scene to the Living Room for both Anna and Eve. Requires VERY high relationship stats. Anna and Eve Interactive Scene 5. 2.1k words of content.
* Wrote and added one new scene for Mitsuko related to the shower function. Requires mid/high to high stats. 2.3k words of content.
* Wrote and added one new scene for Eve related to the shower function. Requires mid/high to high stats. 4.9k words of content
* Wrote and added a new scene for Gaia at the pond on the mansion grounds. Can play out during daylight hours during the warmer months of the year. 4k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new scene for Anna that can appear in most rooms with a window during the afternoon hours. Anna Interactive Scene 20. 1.8k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new scene for Anna and Rey in the laundry area. Anna and Rey Interactive Scene 1. 2.1k words of content.
* Wrote and added one new scene for Misaki in the library for the afternoon/evening time range. Misaki Interactive Scene 6. This scene unlocks additional content. .7k words of content.
* Wrote and added one new scene for Misaki and Gaia at the pool during the afternoon/evening time range. Gaia and Misaki 1. This scene is unlocked by Misaki Interactive Scene 6 and in turn unlocks additional content. 1k words of content.
* Wrote and added a series of nine small scenes for Misaki near the pool on the mansion grounds. Most of these scenes include Gaia and are unlocked by Gaia and Misaki 1. There is a counter involved in tracking these, as Gaia and Misaki's friendship grows, which scenes you see will change. 1.6k words of content.
* Wrote and added one new scene for Misaki that takes place at the pool. Misaki Interactive Scene 7. 1.3k words of content.
* Wrote and added a fishing function for the pond on the mansion grounds. Includes three starter scenes, three casting scenes, fourteen core scenes (Three of these are related to if you have met Gaia or not, and which one plays is determined by your relationship stats with her.), and three endings that can all mix and match similarly to other functions in the game. You can access this function by entering the boat house where the fishing supplies are. 3.8k words of content.
* Wrote and added the Doggystyle Anal sex for Anna. First round of content. Six starters and ten core scenes, relationship determines which ones appear. 2.1k words of content.
* Wrote and added one new episode to the second season of Futa Apocalypse. 1k words of content.
* Added a scene involving Bubbles and Mitsuko. Takes place in the kitchen and is the third in a series of scenes. 2.6k words of content written in a collaborative effort between LFN Park and Irish Major Tom.
* Added a scene involving Bubbles and Mitruko to the gym. Forth in a series of scenes. 1.7k words of content written in a collaborative effort between LFN Park and Irish Major Tom.
* Added a scene involving Maki to the lounge. Fifth in a series of scenes. 1k word of content written in a collaborative effort between LFN Park and Irish Major Tom.
* Added a scene involving Maki and Mitsuko to the Upper North Hall. Related to a series of scenes but not part of the set. .9k word of content written in a collaborative effort between LFN Park and Irish Major Tom.
* Added a scene involving Maki and Misaki to the bathing room. Related to a series of scenes but not part of the set. .1k word of content written in a collaborative effort between LFN Park and Irish Major Tom.
* Added a scene involving Maki, Bubbles, and Mitsuko to the Kitchens. Final scene in a series of scenes. 1.4k words of content written in a collaborative effort between LFN Park and Irish Major Tom.
* Rewrote about 1.7k words of placeholder content for Eve's dungeon content. All seven sets of scenes should now have content unique to Eve.
* Added three new images to the Driveway location on the Mansion Grounds.
* Added three new images to the Pond location on the Mansion Grounds.
* Added two new images to the Shed location on the Mansion Grounds.
* Added three new images to the West Yard location on the Mansion Grounds.
* Added an image of Misaki to her intro scene.
* Added two images for Mully the fox.
* Fixed the 1st floor blueprint so that the pantry doesn't open up into the hallway.
* Resized a LOT of images to better fit the viewing area.
* Fixed an error with one of Mitsuko's scenes where it was triggering at the wrong time of day in the dining room.
* Fixed an error with one of Mitsuko's scenes where I had a typo in the code and most of the scene was throwing errors in the kitchen.
* Fixed an error in one of Gaia's scenes that would have been throwing an error.
* Fixed an issue where the wrong images were appearing for the Kennels.
* Updated the Special Thanks area 4/10/19. If you think you belong on this list but your name isn't there, please let me know so I can get it fixed.


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We're now on SubscribeStar! Now you have two choices for how to support, and the Public build is available for free through both!

A28 CHEAT Build (CHEAT Build with early access):

A28 Supporter Build (Supporters Only Build. Early Access.):

A27 Public Build: (Free):

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Jan 7, 2018
So is this game actually playable yet, or still a godforsaken grind fest with zero direction unless you have a cheat sheet?


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
So is this game actually playable yet, or still a godforsaken grind fest with zero direction unless you have a cheat sheet?
Being the primary author of the game, I might be a little biased in replying to this, but I'll see if I can answer your question:

First, the need for a cheat sheet, there are two things to keep in mind on this front. The first is that we have a wiki, linked in the opening page of the game, which includes guides to many of the scenes in the game. (Probably about 25-30% of the game's interactive scenes appear over there.) The second is that there is a changelog in the game, also accessible from the opening page of the game, which points you in the right general direction for what you will need to trigger new scenes (Who, When, Where, What stat ranges, etc.)

As for the grind, that's subjective. I haven't felt like it's a big grind for a long time now, but I know that everyone's definition of "grind" tends to be different. As of right now, the game is rapidly approaching 1 million words of content spanning several thousand scenes ranging from massive interactive scenes to small ambient ones. Our ultimate goal is to instead of giving players a fast track to maxing out stats, to instead offer a wide range of scenes to allow you to grow relationships over time. That said, as of A28, we've got the first of the "Dating" content into the game which will serve to accelerate positive relationship stats significantly. (Most scenes currently raise or lower stats -3 - +3. Date scenes will be able to slide numbers upwards of 15 points.)

Our goals for this summer is to start adding more outdoor scenes, start building up the "Dating" system, and get pregnancy into the game.

All of that said, if you want to see the game grow quicker, we DO accept submission scenes for the game. ;)


Jan 7, 2018
None of the content is clear. It just seems you're only option is to either stumble around the game and hopefully run into a random interaction that will get them 1 point out of 1,000 closer to being able to stand your presence while a lot of the stuff like transformation... like you said, you're 1,000,000 words in and you haven't even touched it.

And I don't think I'll be submitting the scenes because that is the exact kind of problem these patrion games are problematic for. So much time spent on periphery content while core gameplay mechanics are ignored in favor of another cute scene with mah waifu that will take hours to reach of gameplay.

And the base sex scenes are placeholder at best, a deadly sin for a porn game.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
None of the content is clear. It just seems you're only option is to either stumble around the game and hopefully run into a random interaction that will get them 1 point out of 1,000 closer to being able to stand your presence while a lot of the stuff like transformation... like you said, you're 1,000,000 words in and you haven't even touched it.

And I don't think I'll be submitting the scenes because that is the exact kind of problem these patrion games are problematic for. So much time spent on periphery content while core gameplay mechanics are ignored in favor of another cute scene with mah waifu that will take hours to reach of gameplay.

And the base sex scenes are placeholder at best, a deadly sin for a porn game.
When you start the game, you're actually at the middle ground of that 0-1000 points you mention. And depending on your choices (And there is a pretty good guide over on the wiki.) the intro of the game can slide that number a couple of hundred points either direction to make that grind significantly less.

As for the transformation content you mention, as of this last release we have actually started adding transformation content to the game. Two significant scenes, as well as the framework for learning how to properly use the lab.

The sex scenes are done in two formats, there are dozens of sex scenes in the game that are very graphic scenes. In addition to that, there are interactive scenes done in a similar format to games like NewLife, Accidental Woman, or Lillith's Throne. I'm guessing that you're referring to that second grouping as the "Placeholder" content?

Sorry to hear that you're not enjoying the game. May you some day find that perfect game that meets all of your expectations.


Mar 25, 2019
While I can agree that the game does seem a bit pointless currently, I see a lot of potential here. Anna and Eve are both rather well written characters and I like the sandbox nature of this game. I don't feel pressured to do things and its a good game to relax with. I'm looking forward to how the transformatives pan out and seeing where things go from here.


Active Member
May 19, 2018
While I can agree that the game does seem a bit pointless currently, I see a lot of potential here. Anna and Eve are both rather well written characters and I like the sandbox nature of this game. I don't feel pressured to do things and its a good game to relax with. I'm looking forward to how the transformatives pan out and seeing where things go from here.
ain't that many scene images, but i have hope and a time


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
ain't that many scene images, but i have hope and a time
Images are added as I can afford art. I pay the bills first, then the bulk of what is left goes into commissioning art each month. Unfortunately art is expensive, so it's slow but steady.


Jan 7, 2018
When you start the game, you're actually at the middle ground of that 0-1000 points you mention. And depending on your choices (And there is a pretty good guide over on the wiki.) the intro of the game can slide that number a couple of hundred points either direction to make that grind significantly less.
Good to know.

As for the transformation content you mention, as of this last release we have actually started adding transformation content to the game. Two significant scenes, as well as the framework for learning how to properly use the lab.
Thank god. Now only if it was easier to find.

The sex scenes are done in two formats, there are dozens of sex scenes in the game that are very graphic scenes.
Problem is they're all difficult to find unless you have a guide. And look at the guide is never an excuse.

In addition to that, there are interactive scenes done in a similar format to games like NewLife, Accidental Woman, or Lillith's Throne. I'm guessing that you're referring to that second grouping as the "Placeholder" content?
Believe me, if it was as functional as any three of those games, then I would not be complaining.

Sorry to hear that you're not enjoying the game. May you some day find that perfect game that meets all of your expectations.
I'm not looking for a perfect game, I'm looking for a functional one.

Right now this is basically a hunt and peck where most of the rooms in the house are useless.

If you're going to have that many rooms, you really should make them actually functional if only to give the player other ways to pass time besides spamming the wait button.

If you can't think of 2-3 things to do in each, they should either have a plot reason to exist, or should just be consolidated.

For example, the pool. You could easily just toss in a "Go swimming" or "Sunbathe" activity there. As well as maybe integrate it into the slave training aspect.

Allow the girls to go swimming, or sunbathing, which would give you the chance to see them in their swimsuits or do naughty pool stuff with them.

The multitude of guest rooms? How about a way to assign one to one of your slaves as a reward for good behavior.

The Kitchens? Why not be able to grab yourself a snack? Or order one of the girls to make you one.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
Right now this is basically a hunt and peck where most of the rooms in the house are useless.

If you're going to have that many rooms, you really should make them actually functional if only to give the player other ways to pass time besides spamming the wait button.

If you can't think of 2-3 things to do in each, they should either have a plot reason to exist, or should just be consolidated.

For example, the pool. You could easily just toss in a "Go swimming" or "Sunbathe" activity there. As well as maybe integrate it into the slave training aspect.

Allow the girls to go swimming, or sunbathing, which would give you the chance to see them in their swimsuits or do naughty pool stuff with them.

The multitude of guest rooms? How about a way to assign one to one of your slaves as a reward for good behavior.

The Kitchens? Why not be able to grab yourself a snack? Or order one of the girls to make you one.
That's the thing, every single room in the game DOES have several reasons for existing. And since you were kind enough to bring up the Guest Bedrooms, I'll use that in a couple of my examples below.

First off, as far as functions planned for the guest bedrooms. 1. At present, we have two characters who come to visit, Maki and Bubbles. When they are present at the mansion (Second weekend of every month after you meet them if you permit it.) they stay in one of those rooms as their own bedroom during their stay. By extension, there are scenes related to them that take place in that location. 2. There have always been plans to allow the girls to have their own rooms in the mansion and give players the ability to assign them to sleep in the guest rooms, as well as make them sleep on the floor at the foot of your bed, sleep in the kennels with the dogs, or several other places. Hell, we even have plans to let players lock people in stocks in the basement over night if you're into that. At present there is only the guest rooms and master bedroom, but there ARE plans to expand significantly in that area. 3. There are plans to let the player turn the mansion into a brothel eventually. You will be able to convert those rooms for entertaining guests when that time comes.

You mentioned earlier a lack of content to explore, since you mentioned the guest rooms, I took a second to snip the events code from that location to show you how much content there currently is. The guest rooms are fairly average as far as the amount of content present. In the spolier, you'll see a bunch of code, the parts you will want to pay attention to are the "requires" and "chance."

The "link" line is the name of the scene being displayed.

"Chance" is the odds of a scene being able to appear. The game looks through all of the scenes for a location and creates a pool of events that can appear. Once it has a list of scenes, it selects one from that list at random. So long as you meet the conditions for it, a scene with a 100 chance will appear in that scene pool 100% of the time, a scene with a 1 chance will appear in that scene pool 1% of the time.

Now, the "requires" section is going to be just a little harder to explain.
* true = These scenes can ALWAYS appear in the scene pool.
* $clock.hour = This checks the time on the game's clock to see what time of day it is.
* gte = Greater Than or Equal
* lt = Less Than
* isWinter = These scenes only appear during winter months.
* isAutumn = These scenes only appear during fall months.
* $npcs["name"]["affection"] = This is looking for the Affection stat (Can be swapped out for Fear or Trust, some scenes use one or two of these stats, some use all three.) and compares that character's stat with the requirement for the scene.

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The more common I figure a room is visited, the more scenes I tend to write for them. Hallways and the Master Bedroom are very active, as well as Lounge, Living Room, and Study.

For the Kitchens, you can pack a picnic at the right time of day (As of A28 actually) and take Anna (Her content will be fleshed out and additional girls will be added as possible picnic dates) out for a date by the pond. Eventually you will have the option of grabbing snacks, slipping potions into the food, or even helping out around the kitchen if you want.

I was just telling supporters a couple of days ago that I have a hand full of goals for this summer. The first of those is to start creating some content for outside of the mansion, with some focus on the pool. This will include swimming, watching the girls swim, sun bathing, and all that those things entail.

When I started this project, I told myself that I would not create any room that I couldn't think of at least two functions for. And to be quite honest, most of them I have several more than that planned for. The only room that I only had one use for was the sauna. For example, the Lounge is going to be a place where you can host small parties, play pool, sing karaoke, and play darts. The living room can be used to watch the television, play board games, and visit with guests. The study has the computer that allows you to do a couple of things, but you'll also be able to earn money using the computer as well.

My original intent was to focus exclusively on the mansion interior before adding the grounds to the game, but my supporters wanted to see the larger world so I have been adding content there a little bit at a time as well as in the town. I have been trying to focus my attention on the "Big" things in the game, most recently that's dating with the girls (Which will make grinding for positive stats much easier.), but also includes pregnancy, sex scenes, and simply trying to get enough content into the game that it doesn't FEEL like such a grind to get stats that you want. Things like taking a leak in the bathroom or grabbing a snack from the fridge are fairly minor concerns compared to those other things.
Oct 25, 2017
First game i've actually commented on.
This game has some great writing. Juat read all the journals (i think) and wow the uncle was a monster. i felt so bad for bella. I just want to play hide and seek with eve and make everything all better :'(
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
First game i've actually commented on.
This game has some great writing. Juat read all the journals (i think) and wow the uncle was a monster. i felt so bad for bella. I just want to play hide and seek with eve and make everything all better :'(
Very happy to hear that you're enjoying the game so far!

For the diaries, you have the following if you aren't sure if you've seen them all:
Anna & Eve
and if you check in the attic you can find Katarina's Diary that she kept.

All of the diaries are still growing, every couple of builds I'll usually write one or two entries for something. ;)
3.30 star(s) 20 Votes