HTML - Inheritance [vA101] [Aftermath Team]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Really interesting concept, and I appreciate how much content there apparently is, but the player encounters so very little of it even when they play the game the "ideal" way. It's just so grindy, getting any of the girls' levels in any of the three variables is extremely easy but time consuming and repetetive. It gets very thin very quickly is what I'm saying.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This game could be so good... if it wasn't so confusing. It feels like you need a walkthrough to see major scenes, and every other scene I have seen wasn't that satisfying for the hours spent on grinding.

    The game's potential is endless, it has a cool story setting, almost like many generic anime tropes except you are the MC and can choose to go down different paths.

    The dev needs to sort out the story better, make some things a bit more simple. Maybe provide a walkthrough in game, the wiki isn't that great considering there's too much content, and it's hard to figure out what point you are at. You could easily miss out on content if you don't follow the wiki, which isn't ideal.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The game's got a promising start, with a solid premise and some really likable characters. And let's not forget those scenes—nicely written, adds a lot to the whole experience.

    But here's the thing: after that great beginning, it sort of takes a nosedive. It feels like you're constantly grinding, trying to level up your stats, and the changes in interactions are so minimal it's frustrating.

    And even though there are plenty of scenes, they're scattered all over the place in the game. You're wandering around this mansion, but most rooms only have one or two scenes, and then it's just rinse and repeat.

    It's a real shame because this game has so much potential. The intro hooks you in, introduces you to the characters, sets the tone, but then it's like you're stuck in this loop of repetitive actions.

    Still, with a bit of work, it could really be something special. Just needs to iron out those kinks and give players a more engaging and varied experience.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a really frustrating piece of game design.

    The first thing you notice with this game is the scope of its ambition. You start by inheriting a huge mansion with a couple of girls. You then realise that the huge mansion has an extensive set of grounds and that your estate is near to a really large town. It's also clear that while you can 'develop' your relationship with the girls, you can also unlock other girls and upgrade different parts of your estate.

    So much to explore! So much to do!

    This game has three major problems: The first is that accomplishing anything requires an insane amount of grinding. There are stats that max out in the hundreds and each day allows you to maybe increase your score by a couple of points. Sure, you can cheat but the 'events' are triggered by you reaching specific levels and if you skip straight to level 200 the game will refuse to show you all of the events that happen between levels 1 and 200.

    The second problem is that, in addition to extensive grinding, the events are all triggered at random as well as being both time, location, and level dependent. What this means is that even if you have the correct level for a particular event to trigger, you still have to try every location and time in the game multiple times because even if you have the right level and are in the right time and place, the event might only trigger in 30% of cases.

    Thirdly, while the game seems huge and has a lot of locations and room for expansion, there isn't actually that much content. Combine that with the grind and the fact that even if you have the requisite levels you still have to wander around hoping that something will trigger, and you basically have a game where you spend hours wandering around an empty world hoping against hope to maybe see some tiddy.

    I think the fundamental problem here is that the devs came out of the gate way too ambitious. They built this huge world and fixed the grind at a level that has you endlessly wandering around but they didn't come up with enough stuff to fill it and what stuff they did come up with is hidden behind endless grind and random triggers.

    Read the wiki and you'll see this game contains good ideas, it's just that you can't get at them unless you're willing to play the game for hundreds of hours.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    I'll start this by stating that the reason I'm putting this as high as I am is due to the potential it has. As a concept it's a interesting albeit cliched one where a relative becomes the owner of a manor and a pair of sisters who work in the manor as well. Not that i'm looking for exactly an A+ writing prompt from a sex game of course. If it didn't have the potential to be good i would put it as low as humanly possible.

    However after five minutes you begin to see and understand where the issues begin to arise with the game and it's day to day mechanics. Firstly, the grind is abnormally horrendous in terms of befriending and romancing the various women should that be your goal. To put it into perspective you'll need to do from my memory hundreds of interactions hitting many of the same events OVER and Over which results in a desire to break out the cheat menu, which itself is insidiously locked behind a patreon paywall.

    Which wraps into the next issue, you're going to completely skip scenes by cranking the values up to their maximum. Which becomes a catch twenty-two, it's far easier and less brain numbing to cheat however doing so completely blocks a majority of the content.

    Next up the lack of specific content after years of development. Now i played the game from TFgames site which given it was posted on a site dedicated to games with transformations in mind, that this game would have some decent amount of transformations available. However it became apparent that the transformation side of the game was completely lacking, having just one transformation event linked with it when i last played and felt more like it was added just to bait a group of people into joining and potentially spending money on the patreon.

    TLDR: A game that has potential but due to a massive numbers of issues that plague it, cause me to not recommend it till it's been massively overhauled.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    You can have a heart-warming romance with the older sister and the maid you can get from some guy's store, plus the ninja girl is adorable. Teaching a girl that has been abused to love and trust is sweet to say the least. 10/10 would recommend.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Potential but there's just so much nothing with little hints on where to go or what to do or anything.
    90% of scenes will never be seen by the average player.
    There is a huge illusion of choice in interaction with the girls, realistically the only content that exists is for treating them well, which fair enough if that's want the game is supposed to be but don't pretend like the other paths actually exist beyond being mentioned as things you can do.
    5 years of saying "Oh it's fine that each event increases stats by 1 or 2 out of 1000 because there'll be more content to do it faster!". Well there isn't, it still takes forever to increase stats meaningfully without cheats which again locks you out of the majority of content which is only accessibly at high affection/trust levels.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Shame that the navigation is basically unplayable. You can read any of the other reviews that go into it. What I've seen from the intro is engaging though. But you're spending far too little time reading what is decent writing and far too much time clicking on random buttons regretting ever picking this waste of time up.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    I love the game, but I think there are two problems in my opinion: First it has to do with the aforementioned about the time to click again and again, and that the points rise too slowly, for example I personally would change that the points obtained are x1.5 or x2 this would greatly reduce the amount of clicks and not it would affect the gameplay a lot. Second: a system of clues for when you are stuck in certain annual events, for example about Christmas and Valentine's gifts, due to bugs problems I could not see them even following the indications that they gave me in this forum, which I would not have even known about that exist if I hadn't read very old changelogs, which I personally wouldn't have done if the game hadn't caught me the way I am now. Third: This is already an extra but a way to see what interactions you have pending or events that you did not see after spending a year in the mansion, I mean the wiki guides a bit but it is not even close to being an organic way to be playing With a guide next to it, but with them telling you that when you reached a certain level of affection / truth, I indicated somewhere that you have an event, it would help you focus on that character before you miss the opportunity to see that event.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    So I want to be as honest in this review as possible:

    This game is great. The realism and dedication to keeping it as streamlined as possible shows in the work.

    I’ll be honest, I was tempted to rate 4 stars because I do find myself getting frustrated with the triggers, bugs, and not being able to get certain characters in a timely manner, which still happens to me.

    However, I give it it’s full 5 stars because of the responsiveness of the team and their willingness to quickly fix bugs, identify issues, and work with their fan base to make the game as smoothly as possible. Bugs happen; what I find is it’s normally a new bug that may pop up in new content, as they are great at fixing issues from previous updates.

    I rate this game not as its current product, but what I foresee it becoming as it continues to grow and get better and better.

    Thank you.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    The premise is good, the characters and interaction are nice, the scenes are well written. But the beginning is the best thing the game has and then it goes downhill:

    First, is incredibly grindy. Stats are on a 1 to 1000 scale, with changes in interactions around each 200 points


    Second, while there are a lot of scenes, they're so disperse in gameplay that the game feels absolutely empty:
    There are a lot of places in the mantion, and most of them are there for maybe 1 or two exclusive scenes, everything else is a repeat of a standard scene.

    It has so much potential, but is absolutely wasted :( The intro is good, you meet the girls, you more or less show how you behave, have several scenes that set the tone you want.....and then and endless stream of "you are doing a good job/bad job/ignore", until you repeat that 100 times so you can maybe one new scene
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Knight 001

    I really liked this game, the premise, the inheritance and the various backgrounds are interesting.
    Watching Anna gradually open up and Eve with her antics really warms up your heart.
    Keep up the good work!
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    The game events are nice, but the game playability is extremely poor. Movement requires several clicks to access the desired area, the event location is obscure and game progression is slow, the UI doesn't help. Adding those three things together makes a cocktail of unplayability that makes playing the game a chore, and not in a "I don't like grinding, this feels like a chore" way, but in a way that is closer to "to move to next area press the f key 50 times, thank you". It might be acceptable in a newly released game that's still rough around the edges, but it's not the case, there's been dozens of updates released while ignoring the glaring issues in the game.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is a tragedy. I genuinely believe the dev has the ability to deliver a great game, but has created far, far too much work for themselves with the initial scope. The resulting experience is an absolute chore made all the more maddening by the brief moments where everything comes together and it's good.

    Other reviewers has mentioned that the game feels incredibly sparse and that you're going to spend most of your time going through repetitive events waiting for something to change and hoping that you'll get events that have unreasonably obscure trigger chances, and I agree. It really feels like 90% of the content is TBD, but you still have to spend the time wading through the void where it's supposed to be. But instead of harping on the flaws, I want to talk about what could be done to fix them.

    Sadly, the only way I can think of fixing Inheritance's core problems is a drastic slashing of scope- at least initially. Reduce the size of the mansion. Cut the maids that aren't Anna and Eve. Abstract out visiting the town to only the relevant locations when they're needed. Cut the planned body transformation. Cut the evil route. Cut the weird tangents that have tons of content with very little impact like the TV shows. Then focus everything on making the story of the protagonist growing closer to Anna and Eve. Give it a proper structure and ending. Make sure players can access most of the content when playing blind. Make sure that players are getting new events at a satisfying pace. I have confidence that the dev can make that version of Inheritance. Then- once that game is complete- think about a version 2.0 that expands it with some of the features here.

    I know this is drastic. I know this will probably never happen. But without this level of action, I don't think Inheritance will ever be a good game.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This review was done on the A46 version of the game:

    So who likes being the owner of a huge mansion with 2 cute maids serving your EVERY need? If you do, then you'll love this game.

    -Maids. You have maids. You can even get more.
    -Anna while she is lovey dovey is heartwarming
    -Eve is the most adorable girl in existence. The MOST.
    -Play hide and seek with Eve for all eternity. It's glorious and makes Anna question your sanity, which is another plus.
    -Go out and find more maids for your collection. Feed the HAREM
    -Tons of interactions based on your relationship and trust. They'll be an excellent maid with high trust, with low trust just walking around them will cause them to freeze in existential dread. How can you be a tyrant around such adorable maids?! You monster!
    -Plenty of events! The characters all actually interact with each other as well, unlike most other games where they only have penis vision (Only for the main character or NTR Man. Like seriously what happened to just plain having friends you don't have sex with?!) for some reason.

    -People will find this a plus, but holy smokes you can do some messed up stuff to your maids. If you enjoy being a total monster, this is a plus.
    -Bugs. This is actually expected though since it's nowhere near finished.
    -Some events take literally forever. I'm talking about valentines and christmas. The realism in this game is something else. (This would be neutral for me, but I'm still salty it took me forever to get them Eve scenes during the holidays)
    -Not nearly enough hijinks with Eve. Eve needs all the events.

    I'm just gonna say it. This game needs more Eve. And yes, I'll totally admit I'm biased lol. Game gets 4 stars for Eve alone. The other star is for Anna for putting up with my hijinks without complaint.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    To keep it short, this game has no gameplay or narrative. It's just clicking a bunch of different areas of the mansion hoping something interesting happens, which is usually a small event featuring one of the two main girls. The game's 'How to play' literally states that you should just randomly call the girls into different areas of the mansion and visit them at different times of the day.

    The small events with the girls are sparse and repetitive. Many are contributed by the community; so, many times you're not even seeing the author's interpretations of the characters, you're seeing a few different renditions of the girls. It has the dialogue feeling a bit inconsistent.

    It's infuriating how awful Inheritance is compared to The Allure of Wanton Cove, which is made by the same developer. Allure had a focused narrative, with 'tighter' gameplay. Meaning there was less gameplay but more story to partake in. In Inheritance, there's tons of locations with nonexistent content and no real overarching story; it's just a bunch of boring events with specific triggers. There's no depth to the events either; girls reactions in events don't seem to change based on other events or their stats.

    Good luck making it to any of the events that the Wiki describes. There's not much to really enjoy here that you'll likely be bored before getting that far.

    A huge complaint I have is that, other than the premise, there's nothing to really grab your attention to make you want to continue playing and searching for events. After the prologue, the game sets you off to begin exploring a huge, empty map in search of rare events.

    Lastly, I've played this game several times and am finally leaving a review. I played the game at version 12, 18, and 30. That's one years worth of development and I saw the flaws I saw in version 12 that I see today. I don't expect the game to fundamentally change at any point in future development. I hate leaving bad reviews when the developer is active in the thread, but I feel like it's well deserved in this case as the gameplay hasn't improved since I first played it.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Its not a game for everyone, thats for sure. If you dont like mostly text-based games you probably wont find much pleasure here. Even when the creator is already adding supplementary art for a while.

    But for everyone else, have a look. For me its a great theme, having the rulership over 2 female maids, paired with interesting characters. The current and future planned options to handle the situation are very extensive. You are, and will be more so in the future, able to go from heartwarmingly nice and caring to quite the opposite. And probably have the option to change nearly everything about the two characters. And im not talking about the clothes only, no.

    So you can either help them grow and overcome what happened, or even play them out against each other just for your amusement.

    Reserving the 5 Star rating only because its not finished, but as soon as it gets filled with even more events/possibilities it probably deserves it.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Game with great potential, I'd love to see where the story will develop into and the various different events available with the current framework of the mansion. The writing is well done and the current H events make sense to me with the progression of the relationship of the two girls currently in the game. The main drawback as others have said is the lack of content currently in the game. It does genuinely feel like a grind at times and the variation of dialogue in casual conversations is lacking but I don't feel like this will be an issue in the future.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    It's still pretty much a non-game. You basically hunt around looking for scenes that are almost impossible to find, with time moving at a crawl, and generally having nothing to do but stalk your maid or summon her for some of the dullest sex scenes I've ever seen.

    This game has been around for a long while, and the creator is getting FAR too much on Patrion. You think they could actually give it some actual GAMEPLAY.


    Two years later and little to nothing has changed. There is far more content, but still no actual game to go with it.

    It's still the same aimless wandering simulator, moving from empty, pointless location to empty pointless location without any real rhyme or reason except hopefully stumble across a new scene you might have previously missed.

    IMHO games like this are examples of everything wrong with Patrion adult games. There is no deadline, instead the author is encouraged to make low effort update after low effort update, adding superficial content to placate their fans while leaving the game shallow and empty...

    Major shame too because Wanton Cove was actually a good game with a tight narrative, good game-play, and while it was also something of an wandering simulator, every location had a reason for being there and your exploration felt like it had a point rather than being aimless.

    Double disappointing me because the premise hits me right in the Fetish...

    Classic Patreon porn game scheme.


    Another year and still jack and shit.

    From what I can gather the development process on this game works as follows.

    Dev is either volunteer outsources or is paid to add quirky little fluff scenes, 99% of which are gated beyind a massive grind barrier in the form of being in the right place, at the right time, with the right love/fear/trust stat comination that 99% of players will never see because the only way to get the "Cheat" version that is locked behind the patrion wall, where you have to shovel money into the devs wallet so they can go nowhere, like shoveling coal into the firebox of a steam locomotive that is on a continuous loop track.

    They need to stop adding fucking characters and finish the ones they have . Make generic sex scenes for all of them (yes, Virgina, you can do a little of your own writing), maybe by building them all on a single foundation template, add some goddamned keyboard shortcuts to cut on on the grind fest, actually work on the transformation content, and generally figure out a way to streamline the damned gameplay.

    For example, rather than completely random events have them go off more often and have actual impact but be, I don't know, dependent on the character actually being in the fucking room and don't go off 35 times in a row. Perfect example is Mitsuko's photo. It's apparently the most important thing in the world to her but I've seen the "she dropped it" scene at least five times in a single day and returning it to her seems to have almost zero impact.

    Basically, this is a shit game by a developer who really could do better, because they HAVE done better in the past. When given an actual focus and premise that requires tight construction they can do well... but as it is now this game is the poster child of terrible patron porn game, if you can actually call it a game, which is honestly debatable in its current state.

    A54 as of latest review.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is A5...

    Not much content once the grind game begins, but it's an interesting introduction...

    What little visuals there are, not all of them properly size correctly to the screen (I used Chrome)... The visuals that do exist are primarily black and white 2D hand drawn pictures, but even then they look very well made... Can't wait to see how that aspect evolves...

    The script does have the occasional spelling/grammar error, but nothing too bad... The plot revolves around a male protagonist who just inherited his great uncles home, money, and 2 slave women (they are labeled as slave girls in the text, but technically they are women)... Both of the women are sisters, with the oldest being very protective of her younger sister... Both had been poorly treated and subject to chemical enhancements, with the oldest being extremely mistreated by the uncle... The uncle apparently liked to play mind games, sexual assault, and torture his slaves... And before the protagonist arrives apparently there were originally many more slaves, who were taken away by some mysterious slave trader...

    In any case, the protagonist has several ways in-which he can treat the two women, to include being just as sadistic and controlling as his uncle was, or by treating them with kindness/respect, and possibly other things as time goes on... As once the introduction story is done, a grind game begins... All you can really do for the moment in the grind, is move around inside the house, with a few interactions available with the oldest woman (Anna)... You can also engage in sex with Anna, and change a few settings for Anna and her sister Eve, such as their sleeping and eating arrangements... There really is not much to really do beyond that, for the moment... So the playable grind content is extremely limited...

    Overall, I'm not a fan of the mistreatment portion of the game play, so I opted to go with trying to reverse the damage and maybe go down a more love/romance path... But for the moment the content is so limited, there are actually more harmful interactions available then good interactions... There are random moments where you can interact with Anna while she is attending the home's cleaning, but they are repetitive and don't really seem to do anything at all... As when you have a casual conversation with Anna, her reply is always the same, no matter how many dozens of times I helped her during random encounters...

    How far the author's plan to go with the depraved portion of the game, I don't know and probably don't want to know... But I am looking forward to the love/romance and fixing them, aspect... The game does show some potential, but only time will tell... This game is very early in it's production, so it will be a while before we start seeing a bunch of content for the grind game... I'll most likely revisit it, once it gets a bunch more content patches under it's belt...