HTML - Innercall [v0.2.0 Public] [Cerbee]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I am really enjoying the game so far plz keep it up. I appreciate the good quality (seemingly low compression)images and videos/gifs, it is a nice change from the devs who like to compress the crap out of the media
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    [Version 0.10]

    Its been a while since i really enjoyed and played through the story of an HTML game, and this one makes it very easy with its UI. Right now, it gets a little bit repetitive to progress through the demo (repeat the very same actions everyday to raise love and corruption stats), but is only a 0.1 version.

    The gifs and pictures are great, and the plot shows some promise (sort of like The Company, but as for right now, you aren't even part of it).

    Definitely looking for the next update
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Review is for v0.1.0
    So far the game isn't bad, but there really isn't much to it either. There's an opening scene, and then a week (in game) of doing the exact same thing pretty much, and then there is a note saying you completed everything.
    The story that we can see isn't bad, but it's not really original either. Same with the characters.
    The game is built really well, but I can't really rate the gameplay yet because it hasn't really developed enough to know where the creator is going with it. Right now it's very repetitive and lacks any meaningful pay off.
    When it comes to fappability, there isn't anything here yet. A couple pictures and gifs of underwear and breasts, but that's it right now. O yea, and a whole bunch of sissy hypno gifs at the beginning.
    Overall, it's really hard to determine if this is going to be a good game or not. Once more area's and events are added, the repetition may be reduced down to a more reasonable level, but I know I'm going to wait until there has been a significant amount of updates before I try to play it again.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I used to eat up HTML shovelware back in the day, so I can judge an HTML's quality pretty well off just a look. Innercall is well-built, its writing is clear and concise as to who's speaking and when. It has a great UI which, in my experience, was very responsive. Would definitely recommend it, though of course as an HTML games it does require a lot of reading. If you don't want to just click through it for the pictures, that is.