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VN - Ren'Py - Innocent Witches [v0.11.2 Beta Fix3] [Sad Crab]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the amount of text in the game. It allows to tell the plot to the player in details and during this process players get attached to the main characters of the game. After some point you can even get to see some erotic content. Although developers have many ideas they haven't abandoned the project and provide somewhat regular updates. So all we have to do is wait and let them work. I mean, just look at this gorgeous art. It takes a lot of time to be drawn by an artist who is working on the project as his hobby.

    Art - 10/10;
    Story 7/10;
    Lewdness 5/10* (The score may change after they release more content);
    Technical stuff - 8/10;
    Final score - 7/10.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Pam Jam

    This game is pretty good. Yeah i know that it has been in development for a long time and that there is very less H content. There is more of a effort on story than H content. The art style is nice and then interactivity with the UI, for e.g the clock in the Headmaster's office i din't know it is clickable. There is no hand holding. But I found myself reading the dialogs between the characters. And maybe it was because I knew most of the characters already, so I could relate to them

    Ok my issues with the game are arrangement of the story script. The story flow is off. Not sure how to solve this problem. I think the issue was in the writing of the script from the start.

    There are spelling errors and grammatical errors. All this can be cleared up.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Better than I expected from comments, reviews and the version number. The art looks nicer than most 2D games I have played, and the story/backstory was fun to read about. I got plenty of hours of play although I admit the game crashed twice. I'd give it 4/5 but it has such a low rating that I cannot help it. EDIT as of June 24 2019: It has improved quite a bit since then (although I'm more picky as well). The UI needs polishing tho.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    So I have followed the game till v0.1a(?). I loved the art style and the UI although slightly buggy. It's way different from the wide and useless, same and boring UI from most VN 3dcg games. Although it's 2D the artwork is impressive and it is to be noted that it is well detailed and not a rushed job. This may explain why the devs take a long time to release a patch, but yes content wise based on the time required is quite low. So far there is one sex act and others are still in development. Each characters have unique designs and not a copy paste ritual. Should the devs release more worthwhile content the game would be one of the best VNs out there. There is a slight similarity to Akabur's Gameplay style. However the story and the UI makes it all worthwhile to follow.

    I would love to see the game in full swing and I wish the devs all the best as they really need that to finish on time :/ else my grandkids may see the completion of the game.
  5. 3.00 star(s)



    Pro's - Visuals are excellent, Interface and sound are good.

    Con's - Dialogue is terrible, at least translated to English, can't comment on Russian. Also far too lengthy. Both these combined contribute to it not being very intuitive in knowing what to do to progress and also makes it far too tedious. If they could sort the cons and be a little more honest with their schedule, they would have a top class game on their hands and some very happy players/patreons.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    It looks really promising, but does not deliver at all. Hardly any H-content at all, and waaayyy to much time spent on a not very interesting story. It takes a couple hours to play through everything thats in the game currently and in all of there only one character is ever naked. For a game that's been in development for over two years, they really have very little to show for it. I wouldn't support them honestly, as they clearly do not intend on keeping any promises. At this right, I'd expect a full game in about a decade.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    The crux of the game is a bit of a peep, with no real content to peep at. It's well written, besides average word flaws. There is potential, but due to the long overdue in game updates, I don't see anything special about this game. It's just a mediocre game, nothing special at all.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Excelent art, excelent story, but I wouldn't suggest for people who don't like to read. The game has a deep kind of depressing atmosphere which adds a lot in my opinion.

    As for the porn content, at the moment it has a very well made and beautiful minigame with Minerva, which is more or less a proof o concept, but it shows the potential of how awsome it will be when it get to the heroines.

    At last, you can't rush art.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Huge wall of text with barely any H content after 2 years on Patreon (and the only "real" H content is with the least desirable char).
    That's really rude...
    The great art quality is the only thing that save the game atm.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Almost no content, promising game but wasted opportunity. 3 hours of text or more maybe, no sex, no nudes, no erotism, no nothing. Is like an alpha version in a really first stage, for a game with more than a year of work, with so many people supporting and with the all money they invest, is a shame.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Amazing artwork, but little to no direction as to what to do next: It's a point and click adventure style game, but it's very difficult to figure out where to go next, as the story often doesn't properly reflect what makes sense for you to go.

    You'll eventually figure it out where to go though, but even when you do, the current version of the game [0.0.4s] stops just short of where things should get sexy. It's got a ton of potential, but like all games of this type, it's probably got "another" year or two to go, if it's still being worked on then.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    So, after playing the last versions after the overhaul to completion, I waited a little to reflect on my experience and came to the conclusion that anything above a 1 star rating would be denial and/or straight out lying.

    It seems really, really hard to mess up a game that has great art and clearly a talented coder so completely as this dev has managed.

    For a visual novel, what this game is at its core, writing is obviously important. And this is where everything falls utterly apart. The writing is extremely drawn out and most of all, just very poorly done. Both the language used and the actual content is trash-tier. The game design is just as bad.

    To top it off the game has a very appealing "cover" art (the picture used in the banner, and on the main menu), but does not deliver on what that picture implies - at all. At this point no one can definitely say if there will ever be actual porn in this game.

    While this is not part of the actual game, and not part of this review, the development speed is extremely slow. That only adds to the frustration.

    The poor concept and writing makes this terrible as a harry potter fanfiction, and an insult to everyone baited into actually playing it as an erotic game. Or just as a game, period.

    EDIT: After a check-in on the current version, all of the above still applies. Well, we know now that there will probably be actual porn at some point, but what is currently included is more trolling the people who expected porn to come than actually delivering on that expectation. 1/10
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    ll has been said before.
    The art is great. The concept to expand upon Akaburs Witch Trainer, by adding 3 more complete girls and way more interaction options with Snape McGonaghal and others is great, sadly what they make of it sucks.

    They've been working on this for eons and it's hours long, but not hours of Akaburs funny texts and tons of sexy pics, no, just senseless walls of text with hundreds of jokes that simply are not firing.

    The whole game is nothing but a promise of things that didn't come. A dud.

    The two stars are one for the concept and one for the great art. None for story or plot or implementation.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Just an Intro to the actual game which may be released in 10000000000 words and 20 years if updates go on like this.
    Intro and Character are pretty well introduced. When Witch trainer feeled a bit rushed, Innocent witches is a lot more "complex". Anothergood point is the Artstyle which is fantastix.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    My god, this program is awful. I can't even call it a game, there is literally no choice in it whatsoever, all you do is mindlessly click forward over and over again.

    As of 0.0.4a there is essentially no nudity in the game and certainly no sex.

    The entire game is someone's terrible, terrible fanfiction of Harry Potter. Screens upon endless screens about how their fantasy character is super special and yet still such a downtrodden soul.

    And perhaps the worst insult of all is that all of this was written in another language and then translated by someone who knows how to speak English but has no idea how to translate a joke or alter a colloquialism to make sense.

    There is no erotic here, there is nothing engaging here, there is nothing funny here. Though , to be fair, the art is acceptable, even decent. We'll say the art is what earned it the single star I'm rating it. If it wasn't for that I'd desperately be screaming that we need a 0 star rating.