Ren'Py - Insatiable [v0.8.0] [cumAgain? Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great premise, great start and definitely one to watch. Originally I was looking for a more "corruption" themed angle but the tone and style are great for the seduction angle instead. Excited to see where this goes.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This is really grindy.

    And due to the building arousal, you have to grind to keep it down so you can interact with the girls.
    Once you start having sex, the grind drops. There are a LOT of sex scenes. However, this variety has led to the sex scenes being extremely brief.
    Not as rewarding as it might've been.

    For some reason the MC became a superhuman - had one major ejaculation. Then his memory went on a fritz.
    The memory is coming back at a snail's pace. But still too slow relative to this new "perfection" for the mc.
    the old mc has been forgotten or disregarded so hard it's pitiable.

    The prospects were hot, but now I'm out as I expected a reward with a longer duration than the brief sex scenes available.
    That and I hate grinding
  3. 2.00 star(s)



    some of the art is close to the best i have seen with what looks like honey select art.

    and that's pretty much all the plus i can think of as the game design is yet another poorly thought out and implemented sandbox game that will also have you watching the MC masturbating an awful supressed homosexuality a lot. humour (benefit of the doubt as didn't actually even smile) is used to detract from the terrible dialogue and rinse and repeat masturbating scene.

    the plot will not wow, amaze or even be remembered as the structure of 'thrown together' seems apparent. no real thought on show.

    i got bored very quickly and decided to play an 'adult' game instead
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I did not expect to like this game. I came in with very low expectations, particularly from the ridiculous model for the main character. The start was pretty rough as well, but here, at the end of v 0.2.5, the game turns out to be stupidly fun.

    Slight emphasis on the stupid part, but it works. It's a male power fantasy with no subtlety and only a little nuance, but manages to be fun because it takes itself not at all seriously. A fun fap source with just enough depth to keep interest in the characters. As others have said, the dev has managed to make the grind fun, and while the plot is linear there is enough"game" in this game to keep you engaged.

    Art is pretty good, with variety among the women. The MC is a caricature of buff masculinity, pushed so far that it somehow works. You can see the progress of the dev in the animations as it goes on, moving from a series of stills to full animations later in the game.

    If you're looking for a hot masculine harem free-use fantasy with no conceit or delusions of realism, you won't be disappointed here.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Anon Nimus

    Really enjoying it, wish the updates would happen sooner though. Its such a polished game so far though. All female characters are amazing and really well done, the story line is passable and most importantly, tons of replayability.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    I liked some of the renders and it's got some fun themes in it but it was slowed down by some burdensome game play, it's got definite issues with grind and some issues where it's sandbox is just wasted time. Overall it's an ok game, if you like the renders definitely give it a try, even got a laugh or two at spots, but felt like it was really grind heavy in some of it's mechanics just to see the story it's telling and the renders. 3 of 5, average to slightly above average.
    Likes: M.Ed
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably my favorite game right now. MC sex drive is a great touch, the girls are emotionally attached from the go, and the grind is sex based. Would love to see more games use this style of art as well.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    This has the potential to develop into a 5 stars.

    The game graphics are really nice, I really like most girls, the MC has a giant dick ala Cockam so if you're not liking that then too bad, I like it. Might be a bit too big but hey who I am to judge ;)

    As for the story, I like the slow corruption I wouldnt have mind a few more scene each step instead of looping the same but I'm being picky really.

    I think with a bit more variety, some more hot girls, this game have very high potential.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is exactly what i have been looking for. it has perfect cock worship without it being annoying.
    i played this a long time ago and liked it, but with all the new game mechanics its actually fun, and frankly, arousing.
    the 'pumped' idea is amazing and doing it in conjunction with the webcam-type money making daily... quest. anyhow good job.
    i'd like to see the pump get really big, like silly big, and the reactions are amazing. this is a perfect game if you like hot models and hulking huge cock.
  10. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3134271

    This game is hilarious if it's a satire and sad if it's earnest. Either way, it's basically a meme-sexual game. The entire conceit of the game is "what if The Virgin from the Meme became the Chad from the meme, but also the GigaChad version?" What if life worked on that silly alpha/beta matrix so many people are hooked on?

    If this is a comedy game, it's quite funny, because at the end of the day, your character is basically still a pathetic loser, he just is so while being a gross caricature of human anatomy that some dumb bimbos are hypnotized into thinking is sexy. You still are a housebound NEET that literally jerks off all day between lifting weights and streaming, and you still look ridiculous and disgusting, your physique and dick being so exaggerated that you'd receive public assistance for being disabled.

    The kicker is that as far as Ren'Py 3DCG games go, this one is actually really well designed, hence my 4/5 rating. There's an actual game in here. Your character has a supernaturally overactive libido, represented by a meter that increases with every non-sexual activity you perform. If it maxes out you are physically unable to do anything until you find a way to ejaculate. In short, if you're not cumming, you're losing. The more advanced the sexual activity, the more relief you feel. Jerking off alone only relieves it a little, fucking someone relieves it way more. Along with this, you have "alpha points" which you earn by doing almost anything (which is another bit of humor tying into the meme-sexual premise. You even get alpha points for pissing, reading, and playing videogames- you do things a "beta" would also do, but because you're buff and hung it's actually alpha now!).

    So, managing your sexual needs is tied to the game progression. It's grindy at first, but your options (and responsibilities) continuously expand in a logical and thoughtful way. This actually makes things feel like they're changing as the game goes on (i.e. starting at LVL1 and progressing). You have to stream yourself jerking off to earn cash, which you donate to the continuously diminishing household funds. You can open up new, more lucrative options for this. This informs the entire game, everything has a purpose, and it feels like you actually are working towards something, even if it is "fuck all the women".

    So despite the stupid premise, it's actually a game designed with a progression and interacting mechanics. The downsides is its aesthetics are rough around the edges.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    The female characters look great and the writing is decent, has the fetishes I really enjoy, but at some point the game introduces a system that spells out that the sexual pacing is going to be predictable and at a snails pace.

    Sexual acts playing out in a formulaic manner isn't great, having it spelled out is even worse, it means what happens feels inorganic.

    The MC's dick being too big if fine as a plot point, terrible as a game mechanic. They should get around that within the story, sit on the head, use lube, trip and get impaled on it, not because they went up in level.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.2.3:

    Story: I didn't quite know in which direction the story was headed after the first chapter, but giving it a chance payed off. Bigly.
    The delivery is good - not too short and not too long. I wasn't tempted to start skipping once (I usually am pretty quickly). The basic tropes are nothing special, but the different appraoch to them, that the creator dares, is.

    Artwork: good and full of original characters. Animations are basic, but do the job. Most importantly: very fapable.

    Gameplay: doesn't get too grindy as long as you use the game mechanics and give them at least a little thought. The sometimes pretty unique mechanics, like the reveresed arousal bar, are in itself noteworthy.

    Very enjoyable porn game!
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5692790

    I wasn't coming online today, this was set to be one of my increasingly numerous offline days, however, I had to review my experience with 'Insatiable'.
    It's totally mental...for the first hour I hated it, I hated the protagonist and I was ready to pack it in...when an elf from the forest transformed the protagonist and the game. I haven't laughed so much, it's been a crazy, rollercoaster of a ride...there is a bit of grind, but nothing substantial.

    I haven't finished this version of the game yet, but I am really enjoying it as a collective experience. Suspend all reality...and delve into the fantasy realms and embrace it!
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    models are ok. games too grindy especially since i couldn't give a shit about anyone. The focus is entirely on sex which makes it not worth the grind. it also misrepresented itself in the tags. there is no futa anymore. the swinging i wasn't prepared for and and the insistance on being involved in porn is ridiculous. you have no choice in this game. go here do that then grind for money since you have to keep up with house payments, do something for alpha points, and constantly stop to jerk off (in game). I really wanted to like this with the premise but it just became so annoying to keep going for mediocre sex scenes that take forevor to get to actual sex with the characters. This would be much better as a "game" where you simply select a character and then the scene since the story and characters don't matter.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of v0.2.2

    Probably the biggest factor in giving Insatiable a 5-star rating is the fact that it really nails a few kinks that I feel are underserved (or served with other content that diminishes my enjoyment). Therefore, a lot of my approval is very subjective. However, I feel I can provide plenty of insight into whether this game is for you.

    It's all right there in the name. Insatiable is about managing an absolutely insatiable libido. And I can say that I've not found any game that even begins to approach this game's success in that kink. The progression is exceptional. Early on the "grind" is a little annoying and unsatisfying, and it's perfect like that. Your options just keep opening up more and more and so very satisfyingly so. Periodically, a story element will up the challenge, and each time it does so in such a way that you don't feel penalized, but rather as an indication of your improvement and importance to those around you. Marvelous! And with all this I'd not have believed that the balancing could be so spot on, but it is.

    If I were to complain a little bit I'd say that the renders themselves, particularly those early on in the game, tend towards graininess. And some of the models aren't quite as appealing as I'd like, but these are trivialities when placed in the context of such a good game. I very much approve of the general use of 2-3 still shots for most animations as they require less resources from the dev and work just as well. But certain important scenes are fully animated and don't particularly suffer from uncanny valley in the motion that I loathe in many games. Better not to animate than animate poorly!

    The writing is solid, with almost no errors in English and with dialogue that sounds natural. The MC occasionally shows a good sense of humor and empathy that is essential to juxtapose with the loss of control aspects of his new situation. I would suggest that the author add more such instances of dialogue humor and displays of empathy both to further emphasize the sides of his character and because it makes his, err, male exceptionalism not just about his body and, well, superpower, but also his mind and "heart".

    The main story itself is interesting and the side plots are as well.

    And, damn, the game just turns out to be as sexually charged as the main character. I couldn't stop playing from the start to the end of the v0.2.2 content. Superb game, I can't wait to continue my journey in it!
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5577730

    Review for 0.2.3

    This is a hidden gem. The plot is kinda goofy, but it's an interesting premise that's fun! Chapter 1 is really well-done, where you start off as a really pathetic MC, and the game tells how much of wimp the MC is through gameplay.

    Once the game gets going, there's lots of scenes. The best part about this game is that there are fun mechanics like having to fight your own libido and needing to get it below certain thresholds for events to trigger. The dialogue is good, short and moves the plot along. Having a dice roll mechanic for event triggers is a great idea and alternative to regular switch-toggle choices in other Ren'Py games.

    There's a decent amount of content as well. Good job, dev.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    pls delete this .pls delete this .pls delete this .pls delete this .pls delete this .pls delete this .pls delete this .pls delete this .pls delete this .pls delete this .pls delete this .pls delete this .pls delete this .pls delete this .
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Game seems simple, but why complicate things? You become a gigachad and bang your stepsister and stepmom and other sluts.

    The game does not dump loads of text on you, it does not waste your time. The renders are extremely hot, especially if you like stuff like cock worship, some size difference (gigantic cock) etc.

    There are some mechanics where you have to manage your lust etc, but it is not too bothersome and serves as a little bit of padding. Most of the activities to manage lust and money are actually just repeating sex scenes, which have a few rotating things happen, so it does not feel too bothersome (like in other games having to go to work, which is just boring work etc, here you just bang).

    Overall just a fun time and I hope the dev continues working on it. No bullshit, no trying to be the Shakespeare of porn. Just damn good time.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I probably play way too many of these games, but that means I can confidently say that this one is top quality.

    Characters exist, story exists, and humor exists.

    Lets just say that when you're paying attention to the story in a porn game you know it's a good one.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    A good porn game, probably tries a bit to hard to be funny and irreverent and is probably trying to poke some fun at some of the porn game conventions but that stuff doesn't really land imo.
    What you have here is your standard porn game set-up: massived dicked MC fucks every girl in sight because they can't resist his massive cock. And it's all dialed up to 11, shit probably 12 here.
    If you're the type who can't turn off their analytical side or if you are looking for a engaging narrative then you'll probably dislike this game.
    What is here is some decent porn that is accessed by some stat management mechanics. The mechanics are pretty annoying early on but progressively get easier and easier to manage
    The visuals are Virt-a-mate and are on the better side for that software but not the best i've seen. There are animations in the most recent scenes, but the rest of the scenes are images in a flip-book type set up. There are also a handful of place holders for images/scenes to be added later i think
    Overall a decent porn game
    recommended for people who don't have absurd porn narrative fatigue and who don't mind sandboxes and management mechanics