HTML - Inseminator [v0.4.1] [InsemGame]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Pretty boring:

    Do a few things then hibernate for a month.
    Do a few more things, like work, talk to a girl, then hibernate for a month. Repeat...Repeat...
    Seems like quite the grind...

    Hope others like it.
    Needs more things to do and it's silly to have to hibernate for a month rather than just sleep overnight.
    The girl that I met in the alley was listed as ugly. Didn't seem that was to me. But that's just taste...
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    very nice game feel and erotic vibe! Unfortunantely the sex scenes are selected from a pool of similar(?) girls which is unfortunate und diminishes the feeling of winning a woman. So ideally, the author should find appropriate scenes that fit all actions for that particular woman.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    [Review of 0.3.1]
    A good start to a sandbox game. There are definitely some QoL improvements that need to be added. The main one being the forced timing making certain repetitive actions (meditation/rituals) feel terrible. While I like the concept of timing aspects of the game, they don't really belong in repeated actions. If your game has a decent amount of grinding in it (such as this one), being cognizant of where your players' cursor will be and what they will want to click will drastically improve player experience.

    I saw a different review float the idea of a time acceleration spell. That is a great idea. Being able to accelerate pregnancies/aging would be a great addition. Adding/removing traits would also be a nice addition, though not necessarily something I would deem requiring immediate attention. When designing traits for a sandbox game, I don't think having purely negative traits (precious) is beneficial: they don't really add any fun to the game. If you want to have traits that are negative, consider giving them some counterbalance. Example: precious makes it harder to gain affection, but you could add a benefit to getting the girl above a threshold.

    One thing that feels pretty important to me is to add more money-making options. Engaging with drug dealing (street drugs) is a huge turn-off for me in nearly any game. Being able to get money out of the girls would be an on-brand option for a game like this.

    Overall, though, I'm really looking forward to seeing this game get fleshed out. The criticism here is because I think this game has potential, not because I dislike the game.
    Likes: kpepsi
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    God of Debauchery

    This review is for V0.3.1

    TLDR: Grindy AF, but fappable, but do not go into this looking for any significant plot points or meaningful interactions. It is a random porn clip generator buried underneath hours of grinding, nothing more.

    Currently, the name of the game should be grinding simulator because that is 99% of the gameplay currently.
    You grind for everything, literally everything, and it is not a quick grind and that is not helped by the fact that multiple buttons and interactions seem specifically geared to be inconvenient.
    For example, I have accidentally wasted resources by hibernating for a month when I actually meant to go outside because even though you go outside far more often than you hibernate, for some reason hibernating is in the spot that your courser rests on after you interact with pretty much anything, making it the most likely button to be clicked purely because of repetition.
    Sounds like a small issue, but when you are grinding away at the shop making many trips to and from the shop to slowly accumulate wealth by drinking coffee and then working at the shop (because you can't make decent money until you start working for the local gang) you get into the habit of leaving your courser in one spot because you can only interact with any item once per click, rather than the more logical choice of being able to just select how many times you want to drink coffee to regain energy.
    That's just a little issue that goes a long way though.

    The biggest issue of the game aside from the grinding is the fact that nothing in the game matters because you are immortal in the worst possible way.
    At the beginning, you can't even cum more than once every two months...which is absolutely insane considering you are literally supposed to be a progenitor of chaos or some ridiculous plot stuff that takes way too long to get though thanks to timed screen interactions and you are literally sleeping for a month at a time in between possible interactions.
    Logic of that nonsense aside, there's also the fact that you are "immortal" in both the worst and best of ways for the purpose of the game.
    Clearly the desire of the game is to breed a bunch of women, and then after enough time has passed, you will then be able to breed your own daughters because they become interactable NPCs once they turn 18.
    The problem is that the game does not have enough significant plot to make the gameplay interesting enough to last that insane amount of time and there is no way to use your demon magic to just rapidly age your daughters, which is a major failing for what the game is clearly going for because there are also no interactions with your children before they turn 18 in any way shape or form so it might as well not even exist as an aspect of the game currently.

    Combine those issues with the fact that none of the NPCs actually matter in any way shape or form aside from being video galleries based on if they are a certain hair color, and you just get the most bland, repetitious experience that you can indeed fap to.
    The fact that you can fap to this is honestly the only reason why it gets a 3 star rating instead of a 2.

    My advice to the developer:
    • Fix the UI layout so that it's more natural to click through the many repeated scenes without accidentally screwing yourself over by going to the next month while you are already full on resources.

    • Make some actually significant NPCs that have dedicated and unique models to them rather than everyone sharing the same tags for a bunch of different video clips that have wildly different actresses

    • Reduce the amount of grind since it currently takes hours of gameplay before you can finally get to a point of income that is balanced. I suggest adding some sort of business that the PC owns (specifically owns because it doesn't make sense any other way for someone to only work one day a month and still make a living)

    • Get rid of the timer on each and every plot related event that prevents the player from scrolling through to the end and moving on, because that just severely bloats the runtime without providing anything meaningful.

    • If it isn't already planned, add some sort of rapid aging spell or something that makes THAT aspect of the game more viable.

    • I would also add an explanation as to why nobody ever notices or comments on the fact that they only ever see the PC once a month and why the police don't rush the PC to the ER when they notice that he literally enters a coma for a month at a time while in jail. It's kind of unrealistic for everyone to be acting so normally about a guy they apparently worship that they only see once a month and never say anything about it (or anything meaningful at all really).
    Overall, it has potential to be a good game, but it needs some serious leg work to fix and improve upon itself.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like the concept and execution of this game. It is very new but if the content keeps up to this standard i can see this being a real gem of a game.

    There are definitely a few things here and there that could be improved but i am confident that they will be over time to make a better game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is new but has SO MUCH potential with its story and plots with well-matched videos/images (these are high quality with super attractive actresses). I have to say I fall in love very quickly because of the theme and display are easy and attractive to look (unlike most of other games). There WERE (not anymore now) small things that needed to be improved but the developers made great updates (quick) to improves them already (You can change the default font to read easier).
    This game is easily one of the BEST games out there that I ever played, and I played a decent amount of games already.
    I had to log in to give this a review because of how much I love it.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Feeling 3.5 on this, wanted to round up due to the ambition, but also want to round down due to some poor choices in the grind/navigation experience.

    This is basically an open world HTML game, a true open world, you do what you want when you want - you're not on rails. There is a story you track down but it's just flavor, the game is what you make of it.

    The core mechanic the game is relying on is "randomly" generated girls. Basically, you meet girls by going to a location (alley, park, downtown, etc) and choosing to look for them. You get an RNG check to see if you find any and if you do, the game generates a girl who is defined by a list of variables, most important of which are her age, her beauty score (0-100), and her primary physical attributes (ex: blonde, brunette, etc). Each location has different odds of generating different types of girls (ex: more likely to find ugly girls in the alley). Once the girl is generated, it then pulls images from a bulk library that match her definition. Ex: if you get a young, pretty brunette, you will see images of random young pretty brunettes when you do anything with her. This also means you will see the same images when you do the same things with another girl that roughly matches her definition, which is why I put the word "random" in quotes. There are a number of other variables which impact other things (ex: her submissiveness will determine her predisposition to do what you want instead of standing up for herself).

    This mechanic has strengths and weakness, I'm sure you can think of many of each. I personally feel the "random" mechanic here is just on the edge between good and bad. There's enough variety, but there could also definitely stand to be more. Maybe this is unique dialog, maybe the girl's profession is added to the mix, maybe a personality type (preppy, emo, etc). Not sure, but it JUST about works here.

    My primary qualms with the game are the grindiness. Thankfully this is built in the same HTML framework as every other sex game, and so you can cheat variables pretty easily by going into your web browsers console and exploring options available under the " SugarCube.State.variables" list. In Chrome, once you type a period, it will show you all the available options. Ex, contains all mc's variables, SugarCube.State.variables.girls[0] contains all the variables for the first girl in your phone. Poke around in it, I'm sure you'll figure it out. This and the "help" menu are both big saving graces for this game - if they didn't exist, I'd review it much more poorly.

    What should dev think about to improve? I'm sure they already have a list, but here are some thoughts from me:
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  8. 4.00 star(s)


    A lot of potential in this one.

    By mixing different pron scenes with the same type of girl (young, mature, redhead, blonde, brunette) in one sex scene it follows the steps of Incubus city, which I liked a lot.

    By now there are a lot of childhood diseases, (lack of different things to do, no proper tutorial, you have to learn the mechanics the hard way) ButI am certain, these will get fixed.
    Contentwise this game is already very fappable.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great start, I actually liked the balance (I played 2.0.1), it's a bit grindy but not too much, and there is already a very solid base, both in faping content and in actual mechanics (the aging system for instance). Good luck to the dev!
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Playing 0.2.1

    The spiritual successor to Incubus City, that hasn't hit its stride yet.

    The Good:
    • Quality videos for every interaction with the girls. No low quality or grainy footage.
    • Coherent and engaging writing. There's a proper plot in this one.
    The Bad:
    • Too much clicking.
    • A little too much freedom after the prologue, not enough guidance to get you started.
    -Remove the car animation, turn it into a sound effect. Have the map pop up right away. Also, put the 'travel somewhere' option on the sidebar.
    -Put clue or suggestions in the 'Help' menu. Something like "pay the gangs a few times and they'll have a business deal for you". OR "Attend the theatre three times and something might happen".

    I'll be coming back to this game, without a doubt. There's solid content and promise, but it needs a little more polish.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    This feels like a worse version of a really old game called breeder's heaven. From the lack of directions post prologue to how sex scenes are just based on random clips of girls with similar hair color just feels weird. Probably would be better if there are more clear guide on how to gain stats or how to raise points with girls then it might be. Overall, I just don't like how random everything is post prologue especially if you are trying to make a story of some sort.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Giving this a solid "3" for now. It has the makings of something that could be great but the game is a bit of an empty shell as of the time of writing and there is a LOT of grind.

    I like the idea of the randomly generated girls so we'll see if they get worked on and made to be more interesting or unique.