Wow, just wow. I can't believe it took me this long to find out about this masterpiece. I think it is because it was buried under the rabble of shitty RPG Maker games with poor excuses for gameplay, stolen and reused assets and bad translations, and cash grab Ren'Py games at 0.0X stages of development with very little to almost no content.
In fact this very own game's version is listed as being even earlier in development than that, which weirds me out, since the game looks and feels almost feature complete, with the exception of a few sex scenes for the aunt and the businesswoman and a lot for the grandma. Maybe that's the reason why I never got to playing this, seeing its development version on the title and thinking it wasn't worth it. Do not make the same mistake I did, this game is worth every second.
As for the game itself, its art is not bad by any means, on the contrary, it is pretty good. But not among the absolute best this site has seen. If I had to I would place it above Summertime Saga but below Four Elements Trainer, Princess Trainer and Something Unlimited.
The character designs are very varied in this game, two lolis, one being normal looking girl and the other having a kind of emo or goth style. A little chubby MILF with giant tits, another MILF with a more slim but still filled body with meat and even some slightly toned abs. There are female body types to cater to almost all tastes in this game.
The fetishes of this game are very vanilla, so fortunately (or not) you won't find any gut-wrenching horror other than maybe incest if you're really opposed to it, since like the original title of this game, this is heavy as fuck loaded with incest. I think that the most kinky stuff in this game were two impregnation scenes where you could see the girls's eggs being fertilized.
The game actually feels like one, instead of just a mindless clicker or not even that for games where you just set the auto option. The game is filled with tons of mini-games, which are required to progress through it, earning relationship points with the girls to unlock more scenes as well as gaining boldness points if you play them at higher difficulty. Points which are need to actually access the new scenes.
Most of the mini-games are pretty easy and short even on the highest difficulty, for me though I could never win the tennis game on hard and even medium gave some losses from time to time. Not really a favorite of mine.
Now for the story, there really isn't a main one. You're just a little boy on his summer vacation that goes around hanging out with his relatives more and more until erotic stuff beings to happen and escalate. There's no overarching plot that moves anything. Even flash dating sims on the Web have more of a story than this game. Not that this a bad point, since there is beauty in simplicity, and the lack of strict plot-line makes it easier to just keep adding more stuff endlessly without having to worry about the future.
In total there 8 girls and you can fuck with 7 of them, most of which you can do anal, oral and vaginal. And for the girls with huge boobs, titfucks. Every single girl except for the grandma has at least 3 or even more sex scenes. A single scene may have up to 3 different CGs. Several of the scenes are even very well animated. Seriously, any game with just half the content this one has would already be a good game, one with as much Incestral Awakening is nothing short of incredible.
The user interface of the game is also pretty friendly and helpful, with a feature that allows you to watch again any and all sex scenes. There's also a gallery menu, if you just want to see the images with no text.
I'm really looking forward to future updates of this work, because if the version listed is to be trusted, the development stage of this game is at least less than half complete.