VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Inside Jennifer [v2.0 Steam] [Inceton Games NTR]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    A mixed bag. The graphics are above average. The story is underwhelming. The bonus content when clicking on the red buttons are lame and even annoying after a while, no clue why this is even in there.
    The sexual encounters and potential LI's are all the same. There is little to no variation in them and that is what is the most disappointing about this one. It had a lot of potential but it never reached it. Shame, could have been a gem within the female protagonist corruption genre.
    I love the whole 'creep corrupts girl and forces her to do naughty stuff', but it's all the same angle: principal, neighbor, cab driver, ...
    Mix it up a little...
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    started out good just really good became one of my favorites seeing jennifer again the new game is about half the length of the original seems like its just a money grab now. they left so much on the table with this game
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Great animation and pretty decent storyline. Don’t let the NTR haters reviews skew you away from this game if you’re an NTR fan. If you’re not, move along and quit bitching this game wasn’t made for you anyway.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    This Inceton Games production is a complete FLOP!!!
    it is a remake without passion o f Jennifer Corruption

    I really sugget to play the original that is thousands times better even was abandoned at version 08 full.
    INCENTON version comes with total nonsense.... ok renders are better BUT THERE IS NO STORY IN THIS VERSION.

    Jennifer corruption is a piece of art compared to this remake

    She hopes to teach in a highschool as that is her dream job.


    what a waste of time
    I love NTR games but this game is not NTR s just cheating without story. This is the worse ntr game i never played...
    she break with Mark.. if she has no more boyfriend or husband why create a different NTR division patreon page of INCETON GAMES production?

    personally I do not care about renders or animation
    there are games with or without NTR that are far better also without animations and high quality renders bc the story is the only thing important im a game.

    In this version of the game the story is written with superficiality and conformity as if the writing does not want the success of our cute protagonist ... he totally don't care about the real spirit of the MC... it is written with technique but without love and without any artistic sense
    Jennifer is gorgeous and what the original author wrote in the original versione has been completely changed ...

    Jennifer's freshness and lightheartedness in the story written by Pink Tie Games has been completely changed.

    this remake has no sense for me.

    I would like to give less than 1 star so please consider my 1 star same as 0
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    I played Ep . 4 not long ago and was excited to see what comes next in Ep. 5... However my hopes for this game were slashed when I read this is the complete game (with some finishing touches to come).

    The story offers several "routes", which personally I feel makes the overall experience disjointed and wonky. I feel like you could have a way more cohesive story and game if more of the "routes" interconnected instead of having to start over. I keep putting quotations around routes because the storylines end abruptly and sloppily. It's like someone saying they'll read you a bedtime story but they get bored after a few pages and says "the end". My first route was one of the likely most common because of the way the game guides you to it. While I loved how the first few interactions with the guy were and was impressed with the implementation of blackmail and a real consequence to not following through... playing Ep. 5 to see where the story goes next makes me feel like I was pushed to the end and disconnected me from what was happening rather than engaging me. Sadly a lot of the character arcs are really pushed in a way that just doesn't feel natural for the character since there is so little build up.

    The art and animation of some of the scenes were top notch. Really had me hyped to see more of an certain pairing. Almost all the scenes were better than average but there were a few scenes that felt out of place, weak, and honestly lessor quality art/animation wise. Two in particular I can think of you could just leave out of the game and it would be better for it.

    Basically this game feels like a demo in it's finished state, which is a real shame since I saw potential in some of the scenes and animation and was looking forward to playing through juggling Jennifer's school life and social. If I could give half stars I would rate this a 2 1/2 but since the time sink is short and the porn element is decent enough, can't say it's not a 3/5 and at least worth playing through. Just don't come into this expecting a long game and you'll be good.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    good game in terms of renders and animations
    but I am disappointed, where is the Laurie/lesbian ending.
    chapter 5 just completely cut her out of the game after all that relationship build up, what a waste of time playing this game if you don't even plan to finish the game.
    this game is not completed it is abandoned.
    1 star for what seems like not giving a damn about your fan base.
    that being said this game would have easily been a 4 star if you actually took the time to properly proof check your chapter 5 before saying completed. it jumps around all over the place and mixes a bunch of different roots all together, making the endings make no sense for the most part.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I do not understand all the negative reviews for this game. IMO it is one of the best FP game here.
    • very good renders, expressions and *outstanding* anims, one of the very best I have seen.
    • there is a real story where choices matter: there are ~10 very different endings and you need several playthorughs (or the console) to explore all the game.
    • the dialogues are very good, either during regular char interaction or during the sex scenes. The characters have a real psychological depth and their evolution is well narrated.
    • Female chars are very cute
    What I really like is that the corruption is not as usual a result of blackmails, rapes, etc, but driven by the MC desire. There are of course two males that are real assholes, (but honestly, if you dont want to see them, there are paths that avoid them most of the time). But besides that, contrary to most "corruption" games, all the other male characters are rather caring and respectful towards the MC in their own way (Paul, Tim, Ian, Dimitri, even the BF).
    The last chapter is a bit rushed, but not so much. We would like more of such a very good game, but the story is somehow coherent wrt (most) endings.
    To summarize, an excellent game highly recommanded.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    If you don't like ugly bastard raping the girl then avoid this one.
    There's no way around it. You either go along with the ugly bastard getting his way or you get a game over.
    Now, my rating is because of that. If you're into ugly bastard you'll probably have a blast.

    Unfortunate for me tbh, as the game has quite some nice features and renders.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome remake of a previous game by the same creator.
    The renders and animations are pretty solid, the story has many twists and turns to keep you engaged, and there's a fair amount of character development, which is not very common in these types of corruption games.
    Agency and choice is at the forefront of (almost) every encounter, and the way the main character changes and grows feels organic to the established world.
    Sometimes things veer into the absurd (as is often the case with the genre), but that's also part of its charm - overall, it's a good mix of entertainment and titillation.
    There's also a plethora of sexual content, and a lot of different paths to explore, which incentivizes multiple playthroughs. Give it a try, you won't regret it.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    (Ver.: EP5)
    +Good renders
    +Good sex scenes

    -Dull plot
    -Fast paced after EP1

    This games starts good, but since ep2 it went downhill at a fast speed. Some characters are good some are stupid. The game has many underdeveloped paths that adds nothing to the game, only turns it confusing. Most of the time you don't know in which path you are or what you need to do to see a certain scene. The only path that is clear and received some thought is Jimmy's path (full corruption). But even if you don't intend to follow this path it's probable that you will end in it, cause as I said, the paths are not clear.

    TL;DR: Good Start, Bad Development, Shit ending.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Don't get me wrong. I like this game very much, as I liked original RPGM too.

    Graphic is excellent, fem charachters are so attractive, made with messure to look like Playboy playmates or Victoria's Secrets models - attractive bodies with pretty big boobs and asses to kill, yet designers didn't fall to recent fashion that fem charachters have grotesquely large boobs and asses which defies all we learned in school about gravity.

    Story is very good, so are multiple choices and endings make this game playable many times.

    And that ends good in game - overall 4/5.

    Now bad things: game is completed but still full of bugs and other issues. Mostly they are continuity issues. Choosing one path and dialogues from others are poping up. Some choices are giving some results...
    Most horrible attack on decent work of game creators (mainly graphic designers) are endings. Specific - lesbian path ending that turned to be totally forgotten. Instead you are suddenly thrown into ending where you cheat bf with doorman. WTF!!!??? Where is the ending where she teamed up with receptionist and become principal. Or option when you kick neighbour in the beginning, take his phone and delete his photos and immediately report him and have no (this) blackmail route at all. Romance with Paul route is badly written - to get there she is decent, sensitive girl caring for less fortunates and in lousy endings, evicted and dumped she acts like gold digger that ignores her earlier feelings to Paul, in just few moments. Even if so, then this ending should be like she becomes stripper, prostitute and falls to bottom.
    And these are not only problems...
    Rating for above mentioning issues is 0/5

    Now overall game is rated 2/5.
    Product looks like work in progress, maybe half done. It deserved more development or at least mayor polish in current situation when Inceton decided to abruptly end game without developing more story, or as I was hoping, explore more unfinished paths from abandoned RPGM version. Even without that, with current content this game could gave you few hours of playing and exploring endings if there were no above mentioned problems.
    Impression is that Inceton intended to make good project but somewhere in process they realised they are stretched with too many other projects (or didn't get as much patrons as expected) and cut the game to unexpected ending.

    So too little from someone that is making HQ games. Inside Jennifer deserved much more, at least bug-free ending... Shame on you Inceton.

    [Still, I'm hoping Inceton will change mind and at least fixed existing problems. If any change, I'll gladly revise my critics and rating]
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Starts out good, but goes downhill with each episode. The final (??) episode is VERY rushed and terrible. Too much unavoidable male domination, blackmail and humiliation. Try to avoid the sleaziest character in the game she winds up with him. Seems like the dev got tired of the game and decided to just throw together something to end it.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    If the dev hadn't rushed episode 5 to end this "game", I would have put a 3 stars because the 4 first episodes had a good vibe and let us hope as players. There were good renders, good tension building, lesbian path, all was good.

    Then came the "episode 5" which is a rushed ending because the game is not making enough money for dev. I can understand why you end a game sooner than foreseen, but there is a right manner to do it, still respecting your players.

    But episode 5 adds some things I cannot accept:
    - rushed endings
    - worst, BUGGED endings, where you will have scenes repeat themselves because the game do not check correctly what you did or didn't do in your game.
    - not taking into account what I did, and still ending the game.

    Stay away from this.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Not a lot of choices to actually improve the MC's life. First half of the game consists of "Wow this city is vile." This is followed by I'm a woman and couldn't be scripted to have a backbone or not end up with some selfish jerk. The hidden scenes have no relevance to the story and only serve as bloat to the download size of the game. Even tried to complete the game with a female partner just as an option to get away from the two main idiots on offer but that didn't work either. I believe most of the game is on some route where you suppress a mental break down and become a depraved whore. Overall it was not my cup of tea and I play plenty of corruption games.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm really torn on this game, I contemplated giving it a 2 star rating but its high points carry it to a 3 star.

    Let's get this out of the way, the renders and animations are really good. Visually this game is very sexy. It has a fun concept and the branching paths are very intriguing.

    But as the game goes on things begin to fall apart.

    This is, without a doubt, one of the sloppiest game's I've ever stuck with. Choices and routes are jumbled and garbled, and the writing is confusing to the point that it detracts from the game's eroticism. Some of the errors were fixed in patches, so if you're playing this game in its completed form you won't notice as many of the problems, but a game shouldn't be consistently released in such an unpolished state.

    At the time of this writing, the final episode (Episode 5) is such a complete train wreck that it undoes much of the love for this game. It feels like the developers never really cared about this game, and got lazy. Episode 5 is abrupt, sloppy, and unnecessarily dark. And that's really the killer, this game started off fun with some dark elements and then really doubled down and went too dark.

    There's a great game here, but it wasn't realized with Incenton. A dev with an actual passion for this project could make this into a truly great game.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Ver:Episode 5
    The renders and the animations are good
    but no build up, no corruption, or evolution of paths or characters, just some random scenes, then a sudden end. Writing is god awful. DON"T BOTHER with it unless you wanna see some renders of confusing scenarios.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Reviewing episode 5 of the game, which supposedly is the complete version.
    I'm a big fan of female protagonist games, so of course I had to try this. I really liked the start of the game and I think the renders are good, but everything was just suddenly dropped to wrap up the game. There's no logical progress in any paths, just an abrupt end scene that makes no sense. It feels like the game was just abandoned, but the put in some "the end" image to justify claiming it was complete.

    I liked most of the character design and the renders, but there was no build up, corruption, or evolution of paths or characters, just some random scenes, then a sudden end. If this had been the midway episode rather than the last, the rating would probably have been 3 or 4 stars rather than 2.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    the renders is good and the animations is good, and its sad to see a game with such potential be run into the gutter with blackmailing crap and zero choise to permanently get rid of inferior scum like that Jimmy character.
    dont know why most female protag games has to be ruined by disgusting scum like that.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Firstly I wanna say, I'm not really a big fan of female protagonist games, but this one, has changed my mind about It and that should say a lot about how good this games Is. I'm also not a big fan of big asses or tits, but all the akward, funny and sexy scenes In this game makes up for all that.
    It Is true tho, what some of the low star ratings say, the story Is not really realistic, but It's a game :) and I love all the crazy situations the Mc gets her self into and also the animations are great! and there Is many different paths you can take, so one playthrough Is not enough :)
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Review on Ep. 4

    + Smooth animation, near best in class
    + Jennifer is hot
    + Hot sex scenes
    + Good renders

    - Story lacks any logic and realism
    - Unlikable male characters
    - Jennifer's model is too generic, although hot
    - Jennifer is mentally challenged

    If I want a cheap porn story to nut one out quickly, I would have went on pornhub.
    Nothing in the story make any real sense....fucking a random cab driver because you saw your husband with a girl in public?
    The dialogue is laughable...why is everyone in the game so horny? Is it normal for someone to think "wait till I put my huge dick inside you" the first time you met someone? I can get people are stunned by Jennifer's beauty... but there is a difference between admiring and raping them in their every single one (wtf?)

    I will stick around, but damn, slow down...Jennifer doesn't need to fuck everything that moves